Linux-Advocacy Digest #44, Volume #26             Sun, 9 Apr 00 11:13:04 EDT

  Re: Definition of "Programming" (was: Why Linux on the desktop?) (Andy Newman)
  Re: Be vs. Linux ("ax")
  Re: Bobo has "issues" (When in LA)
  Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows (2:1)
  Re: Bobo has "issues" (When in LA)
  Re: Bobo has "issues" (When in LA)
  Re: Looking forward to Apple's MacOX X (2:1)
  Re: Windows 2000 has 63,000 bugs - Win2k.html [0/1] - Win2k.html [0/1] (Scott E. 
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
  Re: Be vs. Linux ("ax")
  Re: These OS debates are simply Hillarious! (Darren Winsper)
  InstallShield coming to Linux (Gary Hallock)
  Re: You anti-Microsoft types just don't get it, do you? (Majordomo)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS    (Majordomo)
  Re: A true story about benchmarks (Terry Porter)
  Re: A true story about benchmarks (Terry Porter)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS     (Majordomo)
  Re: Binary Thinking (Terry Porter)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Newman)
Subject: Re: Definition of "Programming" (was: Why Linux on the desktop?)
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 21:42:10 +1000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William Adderholdt wrote:
>1)  It must be readable by a machine.
>2)  It must detail a series of operations to be executed in a regular
>    definite order.

So any program with a race condition isn't a program?  Nope.
Non-determinism can be fun!

Chuck Berry lied about the promised land


From: "ax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Be vs. Linux
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 12:30:36 GMT

"Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "ax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Opinionated" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > ax wrote:

> > Commercial OS cannot soly rely on volunteers who cannot
> > commit their time to the development of a project.  Time
> > to market and timely delivery are always important for
> > the success of any commercial products. Full time employees
> > of any Linux company are better suited with respect to the
> > time commitment and obligations.
> I think that Linux is proving you wrong here.

I may be wrong from one point of view. I may be right
from another. It's just the matter of the viewpoints.

> > Red Hat was the first mover as a Linux company.  it naturally
> > attracts most of the attention and receives higher expectations
> > from the public. But Red Hat may or may not be the eventual leader
> > since other new Linux players such as IBM, HP, etc have enough
> > resource to wipe out Red Hat if they want.
> >
> > The Linux kernel community had made significant contribution
> > to the Linux success. I believe It will continue its role while at the
> > time it needs the support from industry leaders after Linux
> > had gone commercial.
> Where is the problem with this?

No problem. Just explain to the previous reply.

> --
> The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
> Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: When in LA
Reply-To: When in LA
Subject: Re: Bobo has "issues"
Date: 9 Apr 2000 12:31:55 GMT

On Sun, 9 Apr 3900 09:13:53, Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

|> |> |Yet another unsubstantiated and erroneous claim, in the typical "monkey-see,
|> |> |monkey-do" fashion for which Bobo has become known.
|> |>
|> |> Right Monkey.
|> |
|> |There he goes again.  Baseless and parrot-like as usual.
|> |
|> |> As if you actually posted the original.
|> |
|> |What you fail to realize is that there was reasoning and explanation behind my
|> |statement - something which most of yours lack.
|> I know Marty.  I can see you now hyuking and scratching your head.
|No.  I've already figured out the infantile game you're playing.


For a guy that says this:
MA>One does not infer to decide guilt.  
About this:
Infer:      1.To conclude from evidence or premises. 
You still have some to learn.

Marty Amodeo says:  "If Glatt, Sutherland, yourself, or myself tried 
to get someone fired for using a particular word it is a despicable 
David Sutherland made the following quotes in posts residing on 
If I posted anything remotely like Tholen's "queer" [Editor:  Note 
particular word in quotes] comments with my employers name
anywhere within that message, I would be escorted to the door, 
and rightly so.[Editor: Note euphemism for firing] 
If Tholen doesn't apologise in full, publicly and at great length, I 
*will* advise his university, as this kind of bullshit *should* and 
*will* be challenged.[Editor: Note threat]
I've asked Kenneth P. Mortimer, President, University of
Hawaii ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for his opinion on how
certain members of the faculty are spending their time.[Editor:  Note 
admission to personal notification of employer]
Tholen used "queer" [Editor:  Note particular word in quotes] as an
insult and a means to attack someone. This is discriminatory.  He did 
so from  his employers account.  His employer has a policy against 
discrimination.  Tholen acted against the policies of his employer. 
Tholens employer is  now aware of this.  [Editor:  Note reason for 
contacting employer]
Pretty despicable, I have to agree Marty.


Subject: Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 13:50:08 +0100

Jim Ross wrote:The behavior is very close, but not identical.

> Does this prove anything really?
> Jim

No, which is wyh I enclosed it ion pedant point tags.
cd \
cd ..
will leave you in c:\ (or which ever drive you were on), albeit with an error


Did you know that the oldest known rock is the famous Hackenthorpe rock, which

is over three trillion years old?
                -The Hackenthorpe Book of Lies


From: When in LA
Reply-To: When in LA
Subject: Re: Bobo has "issues"
Date: 9 Apr 2000 12:37:48 GMT

On Sun, 9 Apr 3900 09:13:53, Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

|> |Last time I looked my foot was a-ok.  Better check your fly though.  I think
|> |you left it opened from the last time you admitted to molesting a small child.
|> Don't you have anything better to do.
|One might ask the same of you.
|> My your imagination certainly spends a lot of time circulating around
|> young children doncha think?

|I'm not the one who admitted to being a child molester.

Neither am I.  I gave you a blanket admission to the things you had 
claimed I had done that I had done.  I have no idea where this child 
molester thing came from.  Either you are claiming I am a child 
molester, have claimed I am a child molester, or you are into some 
sort of self-guilt transference.  Which is it Marty?

Marty Amodeo says:  "If Glatt, Sutherland, yourself, or myself tried 
to get someone fired for using a particular word it is a despicable 
David Sutherland made the following quotes in posts residing on 
If I posted anything remotely like Tholen's "queer" [Editor:  Note 
particular word in quotes] comments with my employers name
anywhere within that message, I would be escorted to the door, 
and rightly so.[Editor: Note euphemism for firing] 
If Tholen doesn't apologise in full, publicly and at great length, I 
*will* advise his university, as this kind of bullshit *should* and 
*will* be challenged.[Editor: Note threat]
I've asked Kenneth P. Mortimer, President, University of
Hawaii ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for his opinion on how
certain members of the faculty are spending their time.[Editor:  Note 
admission to personal notification of employer]
Tholen used "queer" [Editor:  Note particular word in quotes] as an
insult and a means to attack someone. This is discriminatory.  He did 
so from  his employers account.  His employer has a policy against 
discrimination.  Tholen acted against the policies of his employer. 
Tholens employer is  now aware of this.  [Editor:  Note reason for 
contacting employer]
Pretty despicable, I have to agree Marty.


From: When in LA
Reply-To: When in LA
Subject: Re: Bobo has "issues"
Date: 9 Apr 2000 12:41:40 GMT

On Sun, 9 Apr 3900 09:13:53, Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

|> |> reading comprehension, they offer classes on the subject
|> |> in New York Marty,
|> |
|> |Non sequitur.
|> |
|> |> don't miss out.
|> |
|> |I didn't, your pontifcation notwithstanding.
|> Good glad to hear you signed up.
|I didn't miss out on reading comprehension courses when they were part of my
|grammar school curriculum.  You are still in the midst of yours apparently, as
|you didn't realize this fact when reading my response.

Gee Marty, I suggested that you not miss out on taking advantage of 
reading comprehension classes in your area.  You said, "I didn't". 

Obviously, even if you had taken them in elementary school, you must 
not have been taking advantage of them.  You still have an opportunity
to do so Marty.

Marty Amodeo says:  "If Glatt, Sutherland, yourself, or myself tried 
to get someone fired for using a particular word it is a despicable 
David Sutherland made the following quotes in posts residing on 
If I posted anything remotely like Tholen's "queer" [Editor:  Note 
particular word in quotes] comments with my employers name
anywhere within that message, I would be escorted to the door, 
and rightly so.[Editor: Note euphemism for firing] 
If Tholen doesn't apologise in full, publicly and at great length, I 
*will* advise his university, as this kind of bullshit *should* and 
*will* be challenged.[Editor: Note threat]
I've asked Kenneth P. Mortimer, President, University of
Hawaii ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for his opinion on how
certain members of the faculty are spending their time.[Editor:  Note 
admission to personal notification of employer]
Tholen used "queer" [Editor:  Note particular word in quotes] as an
insult and a means to attack someone. This is discriminatory.  He did 
so from  his employers account.  His employer has a policy against 
discrimination.  Tholen acted against the policies of his employer. 
Tholens employer is  now aware of this.  [Editor:  Note reason for 
contacting employer]
Pretty despicable, I have to agree Marty.


Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Looking forward to Apple's MacOX X
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 14:03:58 +0100

Ziya Oz wrote:

> John Jensen wrote:
> > A "fallacy" is different from something unproven.
> I don't know what this means.

A fallacy is a false statement that has been proven.
Unproven is a statement which hasn't been proven.

> A "rich, integrated, and consistent UI" cannot be produced by a disparate
> and far flung committee of non-aesthetically oriented hackers.

Hackers are no less aesthetically orientated than anyone else, if they want to


Did you know that the oldest known rock is the famous Hackenthorpe rock, which
is over three trillion years old?
                -The Hackenthorpe Book of Lies


From: Scott E. Regener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 has 63,000 bugs - Win2k.html [0/1] - Win2k.html [0/1]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.redhat
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 04:23:40 -0400

On Fri, 07 Apr 2000, Pjtg0707 wrote:
>I never understood what people do or run on those machines that require 
>frequent reboots.
>My LAN is a mixed set of Win95, WIn98 and Linux machines, and none of them 
>required reboots for the past 87 days or so, and all of the machines will be 
>working on something, be it fitting data, calculating something or running
>some processes to grab something off of the Internet etc...
>Are you sure you guys having so much problems with your machines, whateve
>r the OS, have them configure right?

Reason #1 to reboot Windows: Installing new software.  It is extremely rare
that a new program won't insist on being rebooted in order to work.

Reason #2: A change in configuration, such as changing the TCP/IP address of a
network interface, etc.

Reason #3: A program has crashed and will not operate properly until its
residual parts are flushed from memory.  Many "application faults" follow this
path, including many that appear to work properly for some length of time
before exhibiting poor behavior.  Thus, while a particular application *may*
work properly after being restarted without a reboot, Windows users have been
trained to *always* reboot, just in case.

Reason #4: Decreased performance.  Over time, with heavy use, Windows systems
tend to slow down dramatically.

Reason #5: Hung programs, especially ones considered critical to the GUI. 
These may even prevent the machine from shutting down properly, and may not
respond to "End Task" dialogs, if such things even appear.

I'll admit that some of the above *may* also require reboots in Linux, though
the instances are much more rare.  However, it is perfectly reasonable for an
active Windows user with one or two incompatible programs (i.e. DLL hell) to
see frequent application crashes that require or recommend a reboot before

Scott E. Regener


Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: 9 Apr 2000 12:55:29 GMT

In fmc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: computer or three?  That's why Windows is optimized for the inexperienced
: user.

How can an operating system be 'optimized' for an 'inexperienced user'?
By definition an 'inexperienced user's knowledge is unpredictable, so how
can you optimize for unpredictability?


From: "ax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Be vs. Linux
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 13:14:51 GMT

"Opinionated" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> ax wrote:
> <Troll material>
> I wished I had checked deja news before feeding the trolls.
> It explains why ax's vision is limited to commercial=retail OSes (Ax is
> probably hitting the glass ceiling).
> Ax,
> No matter how hard you try:

Try what? you seems not understanding what I try.
Did I tell you that forget Linux and go back to Windows?
You like Linux, and me too.  But it does not make me blind
about Linux. Linux current success does not stop me
from thinking of what may happen to Linux ten years later.

This year 2000 is going to be very interesting to watch.
There are too much going on and too much for us to absorb.
Just wait and see.

> -Linux has been doing very well in for the past 10 years, and will
continue to
> do so (despite Ax's business model that he tries to make interchangeable
> the laws of physics).
> -Linux has defied your laws of 'success of software' business sense.
> you should read a beginning Linux book before you post anything else
> authoritative about Linux.
> -I find it hard to believe that many Universities mirror several Linux
> distibutions on their ftp sites, if Linux was indeed obsolete.  I'd love
> hear what the current research tools in the Universities are, but I have a
> feeling Linux is very much with those tools.  Any University
> around?
> -BTW:  Slackware's first release was in April, 1992.  Redhat was founded
> 1994.....Therefore, your claim that Redhat was the first Linux company to
be a
> 'mover' is wrong since Slackware was there 2 years before.  I have a
> there was another company/group before Slackware.  Again, you didn't do
> research.

Red Hat was the first IPOed Linux company.
That's how Red Hat got its "first mover status".
The "first mover" is the term frequently used in
Linux market; its not my invention.

> And now I will quit wasting my time with you.
> To everyone else,
> I have been using Linux for the past 2 years.......I intend to stay with
it as
> I use it at home and work in primetime.  I do my best to support and
> Linux.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Darren Winsper)
Subject: Re: These OS debates are simply Hillarious!
Date: 9 Apr 2000 13:28:20 GMT

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 20:32:29 -0700, tony roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> why not,  being a linux advocate does not mean you have to be inaccurate and
> make incorrect generalizations.

The same is true for every OS advocate.

> What it should mean is that you have enough
> confidence in linux that you'll (as an advocate) profess its excellence
> based on its own merit not the failings of another os.

But surely they're the same thing.  You're not going to go on about
something Linux can do if the other OS can do it just as well.

Darren Winsper (El Capitano) - ICQ #8899775
Stellar Legacy project member -
DVD boycotts.  Are you doing your bit?
This message was typed before a live studio audience.


Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 10:04:10 -0400
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: InstallShield coming to Linux

"InstallShield(TM) Software Corporation and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today
announced an agreement to work together to simplify the installation of
applications and software on IBM platforms, creating a consistent,
easy-to-use install experience for customers".

"Through this joint effort between InstallShield and IBM, end users of
IBM software and ISV applications running on AIX, AS/400, Linux, OS/2,
Project Monterey and Solaris platforms will receive the same consistent,
easy-to-use installation experience InstallShield currently provides for

Windows users".



From: Majordomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: You anti-Microsoft types just don't get it, do you?
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 07:31:24 -0600

Fred wrote:

> The goal should be to make the computer easy to use. People just want to
> turn it on, and use it to get their work done.  Most people don't care how
> it works.  They just want to check email, and cruise the web.  They don't
> want to dwell on how large to make the /var partition.

But I ask the heretical question, How easy is too easy? History has shown,
the easier computers are made to use, the less system resources are left for
the actual applications. Hence any OS providing greater power to run
applications is conversly going to not provide the same level of hand-holding
as an easier OS, that saps so many resources, that everything runs dog slow.
I can see it now......

      Win2010 is the worlds easiest to use OS, sure, your apps on a 25GHz
Pentium10 run at          speeds similar to a 25MHz 486DX, but it's easy to

"The point is not if M$ sucks or not, but that they broke the law, and last
time I checked, equality under the law is part of the US legal system"


From: Majordomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS   
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 07:54:02 -0600


> Use it all the time to scan in articles from print, business cards,
> sheet music and so forth.
> Canon 630P and it works great. I especially like Adobe Photoshop
> (included BTW), but alas niether the software nor the scanner work
> under Linux.
> Typical.
> I wonder how many Linvocates overpaid by purchasing over priced SCSI
> scanners and for that matter over priced PS printers just for the joy
> of running Linsux,,oooppss meant Linux.
> Steve

let's see, $100 for a postscript laser printer (used, but far better than most of the 
currently available). And $110 for a 600dpi optical resolution scsi scanner (it's big, 
flat-bed, and its blindingly fast). So who overpaid? it certainly wasn't me. But then 
do you like broken pseudo-modems that eat cpu cycles doing what the modem hardware 
do its self? Guess that's just part of running Winblows err... Windows.

"I propose we refer to these inane "winvocates" in a more descriptive manner, by 
to them as Elmer FUD"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: A true story about benchmarks
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 9 Apr 2000 22:56:44 +0800

On Sun, 09 Apr 2000 00:38:52 GMT,
>One out of 6 isn't bad.
Actually Steve the Wintroll we all love ya man!

>I'm not very fond of NT but I have a Win2k CD sitting here about to be
Good, lets hear how it went ?

>On Sat, 08 Apr 2000 15:37:57 -0400, Gary Hallock
>>2:1 wrote:
>>> > Moral of the story is, the only true benchmark is running the
>>> > applications YOU intend to run on a given system.
>>> So, why were you slammin Linux for that find `benchmark'?
>>> -Ed
>>The fact that Steve/heather/teknite/etc. has multiple user names seems to
>>be more than just a desire to remain anonymous.  He has cleanly shown
>>multiple personalities.   He will bash Linux and then turn around and
>>praise it.   One of his problems (among many) is that he absolutely hates
>>NT and,  deep down, he knows what a piece of crap Windows 9x is.   That is
>>why he keeps going back to Linux.  Then he gets frustrated when it doesn't
>>act just like Windows and he comes out with some "Linux sucks" post.   I
>>pity him.

Kind Regards
**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 week 3 hours 38 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: A true story about benchmarks
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 9 Apr 2000 22:59:54 +0800

On Sun, 09 Apr 2000 06:33:46 GMT, Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 09 Apr 2000 00:36:36 GMT, 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> brought forth the following words...:
>>Because it is an application I use often.
Hmmm, because of your Windows mindset ?

Until I found Linux, I *always* was frustrated by searching for files.
Now files have become just a "locate" away!

>In which case, why not use locate? the 2-3min a day it takes to sync the
>index is trivial compared to the speed improvement. Especially since you can
>schedule that sync to occur at off-peak times, where it has little or no effect
Exactly. Here on gronk it occurs at 3am each day.


Kind Regards
**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 week 4 hours 38 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: Majordomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS    
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 08:02:48 -0600


> They are still free to make whatever choice they wish.
> If Linux is not strong enough stand on it's own accord then that is
> Linux's problem, not mine.
> You must believe it is not strong enough, because you seem to have a
> need to jump to it's defense all the time.
> There are probably more Windows/Microsot "sucks" type groups and web
> sites than there are for Linux and it hasn't seemed to hurt Windows
> sales at all.
> Steve

People only attack that which they fear, hence by your attacks on Linux, its
users, and its advocates, you obviously are fearful about linux for some reason.

"Fear the Penguins"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Binary Thinking
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 9 Apr 2000 23:08:37 +0800

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 18:23:59 -0700,
 Trevor Fuson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Actually I like this group the way it is.  Not only is it highly
>entertaining to argue about this to the extreme, it is also a great learning
I just come here to hunt Wintrolls myself ;-)

> In order for me to properly bash Linux, I have to learn more about
Pond Scum ;-)

>  It is also nice that the Linvocates point out problems in NT, such as
>security, performance or management.
Course they do, many know NT intimately.

>  I then read the replies from other
>people about possible solutions, or research the problem myself.
>And also I would like to add that Linux sucks,
Hahahahah, yeah sure, we will have you running Linux soon Trev, wait and see.

I've been working on "Heather/Steve/Keys88" for two years now, and hes breaking
down nicely!

>and that the reason Microsoft
>leaked the Halloween memos was because they know Linux will never be a
>serious competitor,
A read of the GPL could have told them that!
Linux is not a commercial orginisation, hence it cannot compete.

> they were just looking to hurt Solaris sales. Trollin'
>Trollin' Trollin' hee hee :)
 ...... Rawhide ?

>Evan DiBiase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Yes Evan I remember you, your posts have always been a good read :)

Kind Regards
**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 week 4 hours 38 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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