Linux-Advocacy Digest #70, Volume #26            Mon, 10 Apr 00 22:13:08 EDT

  Re: 10 things with Linux I wish I knew before i jumped (Terry Porter)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters. 
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS   (Jim Dabell)
  Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS    (Jim Dabell)
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible (Gary Hallock)
  Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country (Gary Hallock)
  Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time....... (Jim Dabell)
  Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time....... (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows (abraxas)
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000? (abraxas)
  Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows (abraxas)
  Re: 2000: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine! (Rolf Rander Naess)
  Re: Question on CM Process for Linux (Robin M. Stephens)
  Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country (abraxas)
  Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time....... (abraxas)
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible (Terry Porter)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 10 things with Linux I wish I knew before i jumped
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 11 Apr 2000 09:11:32 +0800

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 14:02:44 +0100,
 Lange, T. (Thomas) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My OS/2 system certainly became a bit unstable any time I dual booted to
>> win95.  That ended when I wiped win95 off it and reinstall os/2.
>Conclusion: if you have Linux installed _anywhere_ (even on a separate
>HD which is NOT the one with the MBR!) and for some reason you have to
>re-install W98, physically disconnect the "foreign" HD first.
>What an unbelievable display of arrogance by M$!
Yeah, MS OS's have always been preditory.

On the other side of the coin, here is what you do when given a hard disk with
Windows on it (apart from deleting Windows ;-)

Original config: one hard disk A and Linux on hda1 (ide1 master),
pc boots of the hard drive via lilo.

Final config: Hard disk A on hdc (ide2 master), and Windows on ide1 master
pc boots Linux if a floppy is in the drive, or windows if its not.

What did I have to do, how long did it take, what horrors did Linux place
in my path ?

a/first I made a boot floopy on the Linux box,
dd if=/boot/zimage_2.0.36 of=/dev/fd0
(5 minutes)

b/then I "rdev"d the floppy to point to the new hard disk location.
rdev /fd0 hdc
(1 minute)

c/ alter /etc/fstab and change all instances (2 in this case) of "HDA" to 
"HDC". Add a new line to fstab, so Linux can read the FAT windows drive ;-)
(5 minutes)

d/ pull pc to bits, fit second drive etc
(1/2 hr)

Total time approx 41 minutes :)
Any problems since ?
Nope, its been operational for about 3 months now.

>Best Regards
>:{) Thomas Lange
>Tel: +44 (0)24-7620-4169
>Fax: +44 (0)24-7620-4953
>I *have* to dream big. I only
>have time to get half of it done.

Kind Regards
**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 week 1 day 13 hours 38 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Damien)
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS supporters.
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:12:48 GMT

On 10 Apr 2000 12:31:27 -0400, in,
Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On 10 Apr 2000 15:53:49 GMT, Damien wrote:
| >On 10 Apr 2000 10:29:54 -0400, in,
| >Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >Knowledge exisits in the mind and in belongings.  If you claim to have
| >the right to control knowledge that is in the possession of others,
| >you claim the right to control their mind and personal belongings.
| What do you mean by "in possesion of others" ? This very phrase 
| implies some recognition of property.

I meant existing in their mind.  Do you think your property could be
in someone else's mind?

| What do you mean by "personal
| belongings" ?

Physical things which you can own and can be taken away from you.
| On one hand, you make a god of one kind of property while ignoring 
| another kind.

The kind of property that I can give away to everyone in the world and
still have the same amount as when I began.  Fascinating property.

| >Actually the restriction of the GPL amounts to "You can't take away
| >anyone's right to use this software in any way."
| How is releasing binary only derivatives "taking away anyone's right" ?
| Surely, the fact that I make a binary-only derivative doesn't stop you
| from releasing the original.

True, but it stops me from editing what you've released.  It limits
how I can use your derivative.

| >The lack of copyright laws didn't stop Mozart, Bach, DeVinci,
| >Beethoven, Shakespeare and so on.  
| A tired argument indeed.


| (1)   They depended on funding from the aristocracy. As such, the 
|       demands and needs of the common person are ignored. Simply
|       put, I don't want to wait until some multi-millionaire decides
|       he wants a piece of software before I can use it.

Well then I would suggest you get together with people who share your
need for a certain piece of software and help fund it's development.

|       BTW, the music of those days is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, compared
|       to the pluralism we have today ( in terms of both software and
|       music ). Today's music is considerably diverse
|       and meets the demands of a broader class of listeners.

Maybe you are right, maybe the copyright system works well for the
music industry and maybe in that case the pros outweigh the cons.

| >We already covered the fact that the information could exist without
| >copyright law.  
| I'm not disputing that *some* information could exist, however, I'm saying
| that copyright law makes *more* information available by fostering 
| creativity -- something that a lot of the freeloaders have no respect
| for ( probably because they don't have any )

More software is not better.

| >| IMO, your claim that copyright is an infringement on your personal freedom
| >| is totally bogus. You are confusing "free speech" with a deliberate attack
| >| on the authors compensation. Not all speech is "free". "Speech" that harms
| >| another ( such as defamatory speech ) is considered actionable. I fail to 
| >| see any tangible benefit of "free speech" in the sense of illegitimate copying
| >| of software. IMO, the harm outweighs the benefits.
| >
| >Okay, so free speech which destroys something that is of great
| >economic benefit to some people is not allowed?  
| This type of "free speech" has questionable merit ( in fact calling it 
| free speech is somewhat questionable ). 
| Say what you like, but use your own words. Plagiarising someone else 
| in a manner not covered by fair use has very questionable value as 
| "free speech". The purpose of protecting free speech is to protect 
| those who have something to say ( ie something of their own ), not to 
| protect freeloaders, leeches and plagiarists.
| Fair use covers instances where you wish to comment on someone else's 
| speech -- you are still saying something.
| Free speech was never intended to protect leeches with nothing to say.

Free speech was never intended to be restricted based on your opinion.


From: Jim Dabell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS  
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:57:23 +0100

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 23:46:17 +0100, Jim Dabell wrote:
> >There is no such thing as a "binary-only derivative with no
> >restriction".  By *definition* it has the restriction of being
> >binary-only.  It's a bloody big restriction, too.
> It's a "limitation", not a restriction. A "restriction" is a limitation on
> what you may do with the software, ie something that requires a copyright
> to enforce.

It restricts my ability to change the software effectively, therefore it
is a restriction.  This restriction would not have been there in the
case of somebody merely redistributing the program.  This person would
have had to change the package to remove the source, so they are adding
the restriction.

> The GPL appeals to the copyright principal -- that the author *should*
> retain control over the work -- to justify itself. Without recourse to
> this principal, the GPL does not have a moral leg to stand on.

Of course the GPL relies on copyright.  That is how it is implemented. 
But the concept doesn't rely on copyright - just stopping people from
adding restrictions (or limitations).



From: Jim Dabell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Failure of Microsoft Propaganda -was- So where are the MS   
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:12:55 +0100

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 23:46:09 +0100, Jim Dabell wrote:
> >Users are free to do whatever they want with it, except to stop it being
> >free.  Is that so wrong?
> What do you mean by "stop it being free" ? If I release a
> binary-only version, how does that stop you from releasing the
> source code ? It does no such thing as "stop it being free".

Somebody can take the source for a project, make some changes to make it
incompatible, and take the market share of the original software.  The
people who want to change the software cannot, as the original software
is now of no use without reverse-engineering.  So the situation is 99%
of the code for the new software has had restrictions placed on it.

> And is that so wrong ? No, it isn't. If the author wishes the users to
> do x,y, and z to use their software, the users have a moral obligation to
> honor the authors wishes. To refuse to do so is dishonest and disrespectful
> IMO. I am not saying that the GPL is morally baseless, I am saying that
> without recourse to a pro copyright argument, it is baseless.

You only have to resort to a pro copyright argument if you base the GPL
around the authors wishes.  If you base it around not adding
restrictions, then there is no need to resort to pro copyright.  Simply
put, it's released free, it remains free.

I'm not necessarily saying copyright is all bad.  My argument is that
copyright is not necessarily the ideal solution, and has serious
problems.  Also, the concept of keeping the source open is independent
of the GPL, and copyright in general.  I admit, I can't think of a
better solution to copyright, but that doesn't mean copyright is
anywhere near ideal.



Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:19:12 -0400
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible


> Linux sofware as a whole is a joke...It is a collection of hacked
> together crap that never makes version 1.0, and rightfully so because
> most of it sucks....
> Steve

This is absolute total crap and you know it.   What's the matter?   Still can't
get W2K up?



Subject: Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:23:48 GMT


> Who the hell cares about Iceland?
> Figures they run Linux..>Really it does....
> Most folks probably couldn't even find it on a map....

Da Katt
[Still waiting for something interesting to put in a sig file]


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:24:06 -0400
From: Gary Hallock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country


> Who the hell cares about Iceland?
> Figures they run Linux..>Really it does....
> Most folks probably couldn't even find it on a map....
> Steve

And you are obviously one of those idiots that flunked geography.



Subject: Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:25:13 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi) writes:

> On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 00:04:33 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Who the hell cares about Iceland?
> >
> >Figures they run Linux..>Really it does....
> >
> >Most folks probably couldn't even find it on a map....
> Yeah, most American kids can't even find their own country let alone iceland.

        It would be nice if they could find their own state on an umarked
map of the US. I mean, when Miami high school students can't find Florida on
an unmarked map of the US...hey, Steve, were you a U.S. high school student?

Da Katt
[Still waiting for something interesting to put in a sig file]


From: Jim Dabell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time.......
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:27:35 +0100

> When the folks with all the money, because it really IS about money,
> start pulling the strings, GPL will go down the drain.
> Just a matter of time..
> And this is a GOOD thing because all of the half assed, half done
> programs that masquerade as Linux alternatives to Windows will die a
> quick and just death.
> Money rules the world and Linux will find out sooner or later.

The Apache license is an open source license - why haven't MS "pulled
the strings" to stop it getting 60% of the market?  Is there a specific
problem with the GPL we should know about?

You sound a lot like somebody I know when you say that "Money rules the
world" - are you sure that it isn't just that money rules *your* world?

You definitely sound like a troll now.  How about posting something that
doesn't just rely on a lot of vague hand-waving, generalisations, and
double standards.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time.......
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:30:15 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>When the folks with all the money, because it really IS about money,
>start pulling the strings, GPL will go down the drain.
>Just a matter of time..
>And this is a GOOD thing because all of the half assed, half done
>programs that masquerade as Linux alternatives to Windows will die a
>quick and just death.
>Money rules the world and Linux will find out sooner or later.

The Microsoft Method -- lies, threats, and fear.


Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:26:51 GMT


> You made no point...Just like "jumble" jedi...
> Talks a lot,,,,,,,but says nothing........

        Yup, you are a stupid troll. You really think any one believes
the words you write? Do you really think that when you claim a post is
meaningless that any one believes you? Not a chance.

Da Katt
[Still waiting for something interesting to put in a sig file]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:35:44 GMT

Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "abraxas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8cj1vb$14an$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Then why not do this 'benchmark' on a Windows 2000 machine with the
> indexing
>> > service running. Find ANY file (or files or folders) in under a second
> every
>> > time, including text within most file types and based on dates, size,
>> > attributes, keywords, summary, copyrights, versions, whatever. A fully
>> > indexed file system... hows locate compare now?
>> cd /
>> find * | cat >> biglist
>> alias locate=grepinbig
>> (grepinbig)
>> grep -i $input /biglist | less
>> That was really...ummm...
>> Hard.

> I'm sorry but I look at all that crap you just wrote and think - someone
> actually thinks that's easy? That someone would actually WANT to type all
> that crap in? That someone would wanna do that when they could just click in
> a little search box and hit "search" and get the results instantly. And be
> able to see them all on the screen at once and actually be able to do things
> with the result set on the screen... that's easy? better?

You can make it as short and easy as you like.  The setup only has to be 
done one time.  If you dont want to use the command line (as illustrated 
above: grep -i filename /biglist | less), you can very easily add this 
function to the windowmanager of your choice.  In windowmaker, its a matter
of bringing up wmakerconf (ive got an icon for it) and pointing and clicking
your way to dropping it into a menu.



Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:27:37 GMT


> Linux sofware as a whole is a joke...It is a collection of hacked
> together crap that never makes version 1.0, and rightfully so because
> most of it sucks....

        Prove it, troll. All you do is come on a linux newsgroup and
put it down, but without an ounce of evidence to support your bullshit. 

Da Katt
[Still waiting for something interesting to put in a sig file]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000?
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:30:26 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "abraxas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8ct3s9$icu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> > In article <38f1d5b8$8$obot$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> > Bob Germer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>On 04/10/2000 at 12:08 AM,
>> >>   Steve White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> >>
>> >>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, anon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> > Can anyone confirm this?
>> >>
>> >>> How 'bout you identify yourself and your sources first?
>> >>
>> >>How about articles in the Wall Street Journal, PC Magazine, and the
>> >>Washington Post.
>> >>
>> >>Moreover, MS admitted publically that those hooks were in the Windows
> 2000
>> >>beta.
>> > Another Germer lie.  MS admitted nothing about backdoors in their
>> > products.  Can you find where they admitted to leaving backdoors for the
>> > government?  I didn't think you could.  I believe that the government
>> > could put them under enough pressure to do it, all in the interest of
>> > "national security", but they have not publically admitted any such
> thing.
>> Idiot.

> fortunately pook - this was LONG LONG ago fixed...

I know.  But these are advocacy groups arent they?  No one is going to be
convinced of anything here.  Its the fight thats the point.  :)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: benchmark for speed in linux / windows
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:33:25 GMT

Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh my god - and you think that your version is easier or better?

> People - don't you even realize what you are typing? How in the WORLD do you
> consider that drivel easier or better? It takes longer to type in and can be
> typed wrong and ... oh never mind, you'll never learn.

The point is, you only have to type it once.



Subject: Re: 2000: Hammer blows to the Micro$oft machine!
From: Rolf Rander Naess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:37:11 GMT

[ Bloody Viking, 10 Apr 2000 12:23 ]
> And don't forget .PDF while you're at it. What was wrong with Postscript?
> This with the closed file formats is so lame. 

Well, since you ask: lack of hypertext capabilities and problems with
searching are two things which are wrong with Postscript.  

Whats wrong with PDF?

Rolf Rander

                                            (c) 2000 Rolf Rander Nęss

My mailer limits .sigs to 4 lines. But ingeniously I bypassed this by


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robin M. Stephens)
Subject: Re: Question on CM Process for Linux
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:37:43 GMT

In article <8cqjr7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Desi wrote:
>Okay I am doing a research paper on Configuration Management for Open
>Source Code.  I have searched the web and have found mostly legal type
>jargon for licenses but nothing on how code is actually updated and
>managed.  Some sites give very basic information on how to submit code but
>I have not been able to find a "Informal (not legal) description of how
>code is packaged into new versions or how it is maintained. Does anyone
>know of a site or article which could possibly give me this information.

>Question 2:  I need to also find information on statistics of Open Source
>code.  For example on average a "bug" in linux is fixed 10 times faster
>than a "bug" in Windows98.  I need hard core data (numbers) to back up
>claims I want to make for Open Source Applications.  If anyone knows of a
>reliable source for this type of statistical information I would
>most appreciative.

>Thanks in Advance.

Your welcome.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: Linux Counter - Iceland is most Linux-dense country
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:39:09 GMT

> Who the hell cares about Iceland?

> Figures they run Linux..>Really it does....

> Most folks probably couldn't even find it on a map....

Aaahhh windows...A truly american invention, the last bastion 
of willful ignorance and mediocrity.....

I (a linux user) have no trouble at all finding iceland on a



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: GPL WILL die...Just a matter of time.......
Date: 11 Apr 2000 01:41:17 GMT

> When the folks with all the money, because it really IS about money,
> start pulling the strings, GPL will go down the drain.

> Just a matter of time..

> And this is a GOOD thing because all of the half assed, half done
> programs that masquerade as Linux alternatives to Windows will die a
> quick and just death.

> Money rules the world and Linux will find out sooner or later.

So says the man who cannot find Iceland on a map.



Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:41:48 GMT


You invented the word jedi......


On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 00:52:26 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JEDIDIAH)

>On 10 Apr 2000 20:23:07 -0400, Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 00:08:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>Linux sofware as a whole is a joke...It is a collection of hacked
>>>together crap that never makes version 1.0, and rightfully so because
>>>most of it sucks....
>>Yet another lie. 
>       It's not even a lie in as much as it is a vague generalization.
>>Why do you keep repeating the same lies ?
>>You're full of shit, Steve. FOAD.


Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:43:35 GMT

Installed in 30 minutes fine....Just testing it out before I let all
you losers know how far superior to Linux it is. Of course that does
not take much seeing as my Commodore-128 and Amiga 500 is way ahead of


On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:19:12 -0400, Gary Hallock

>> Linux sofware as a whole is a joke...It is a collection of hacked
>> together crap that never makes version 1.0, and rightfully so because
>> most of it sucks....
>> Steve
>This is absolute total crap and you know it.   What's the matter?   Still can't
>get W2K up?


Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:45:24 GMT

Try running News offline...Try using a SoundBlaster Live... Try using
off the shelf hardware...Try using a non-win/non postscript
printer...Try....Try....try and try again...... and if you have half a
braincell, whoich I doubt you do,,,you will see how much Linux


On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:27:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Linux sofware as a whole is a joke...It is a collection of hacked
>> together crap that never makes version 1.0, and rightfully so because
>> most of it sucks....
>        Prove it, troll. All you do is come on a linux newsgroup and
>put it down, but without an ounce of evidence to support your bullshit. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: For the WinTrolls - incredible
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 11 Apr 2000 09:45:28 +0800

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 20:48:17 GMT,
 George Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Crappy interfaces, arcane
>>>help doc (try clicking help on kde stuff and see how many "will be
>>>written soon" messages you get) and so forth.
>>Kde is the new kid on the block, and alpha, thats why so much stuff
>>isnt done.
>Yeah right, read the version number.
>When did 1.1.2 == ALPHA?
>Thats the current release version btw. A 2nd patch to the 1st patch of
>the 1st release...
>Get another excuse...
I dont have one <whaahhhhh>
Actually Kde is so new, I *assumed* it was still alpha, silly me, still we
all make mistakes, sorry.

But I've never used it, the Qt lib fiasco put me off, for one, and its too big
and bloated for another.

>>Get Windowmaker, or is it too diferent, and your unable to transcend
>>the "start" button ?
>Version Number? 0.61? Is it out of beta yet?
Good point, but its been around a while, my kids use it, and it hasnt
had any problems here. Its fast and very smooth.

>NeXT was cool - but it was the DE, not the WM that made it so..
I havent seen NeXT, I hear it was cool. So was OS2, so was the Zilog Rio
cli in its day.

>>>This is a system trying to replace Windows on the desktop?
>>Nope, it HAS replaced Windows on MY desktop since Aug1997, thats over 2 years
>It has augmented mine, replace? Never.
Fair enuff, but I'm completely happy, with the *freedom* I now have.

>Come back when you have anything standard other than a means of pushing
>(slowly) pixels to screen.
Nope, I'll stay here in COLA if thats ok with you George.

Honestly I could not give a *shit* about pixel speed, I'll have remote GUI
and remote admin anyday tho.

>>** Registration Number: 103931, **
>Registered Linux User 61117 
>Disillusionment can come to all.
Yeah thats life ?

>George Russell
>(Soon to go to FreeBSD 4.0
As a desktop ?

> - Linux just isn't organised enough.)
It's the concept, George, the *concept* thats important.

How can you say its "not organised enough", there is NO organisation at all!

Kind Regards
**** To reach me, use [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 week 1 day 14 hours 38 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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