Linux-Advocacy Digest #144, Volume #26           Sat, 15 Apr 00 18:13:08 EDT

  Re: Introduction to Linux article for commentary ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! (Karel Jansens)
  Re: dvwssr.dll (mlw)
  Re: MS caught breaking web sites (Alexander Viro)
  Re: VA Linux: Worlds most overpriced PC (abraxas)
  Re: dvwssr.dll ("Francis Van Aeken")
  Re: MICROSOFT IS FINISHED!!! (abraxas)
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! (Karel Jansens)
  Isn't it obvious? (mlw)
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! (Gerben Bergman)
  Re: Linux / BSD advocacy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000? ("Drestin Black")
  Re: MS caught breaking web sites ("Drestin Black")


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Introduction to Linux article for commentary
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 20:59:35 GMT

<< previous in thread  ·  next in thread >>
On Sat, 15 Apr 2000 13:41:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> In the absence of incentive to produce, it doesn't really help if
>> you distribute efficiently, because you won't have anything to distribute.
>So getting money is only reason you work? I believe that working isa n
>natural part of life along with sleeping, eating, etc.

 >>>Yeah, but how hard are you going to work if you're paid the same amount
regardless ? On a large scale, it's well known that economic incentive does
>>>mobilise people. If you make an economic policy that gives financial
incentive to do (X), people do (X).

I think the capitalist way of rewarding for ones labour is totally unfair and
perverted. I can understand when a person who comes to work and does his work
well gets more than a person who is lazy and performs his duties poorly. What
I cant understand is when two people both doing their work to the best of
their abilities, but one making $4/h and the other one $150/h. Or one person
working his ass of for $4/h and the other one living like a king off bank
interest, not doing anything. You dont have to hold an adanced degree to see 
that this is fundamentally unfair. This is the basis for  class war. Of
course the media tries to passify workers by saying that while they do live
worse than their masters,  they are still much better off than their comrades
from the  3rd world countries. They are scared shitless of workers solidarity
so they do everything in their power to undermine it. Underneath all the
social-democratic crap every capitalistic society still trickles down to the
same slave-master paradigm. Those who control the means of production through
private property and those who have to sell their labour to the first group.
And it doesnt matter if you are a worker,  teacher ot programmer,  you can
still be humiliated by your masters. Here a recent example. A programmer
working for a certain "fruity" company also works on  a email utility for a
an alternative os  in his free time after work  So when the company learns
about it they order him to  quit it  (since they consider it to be a pruduct
competing with the "fruity" compnaies own software) or be fired. It just
proves that you sell not just your labour but your dignity and humanity as

> If you statement was
>true then ther wouldnt be things like Linux,

 >>There are a few hard working developers and a lot of freeloaders who use
it and don't contribute. This is not really a problem for Linux, but it would
be >> a disaster for an economy.

It would be silly to require everyone who uses Linux to allso contribute to
the software development effort. Just like under commnunism you wont be
required to contribute to producing a car in order to use one. Your comment
is completely off-point here.

> Thousands of people
>working for free on great software products,

 >>>I don't "work" on Linux, I do it for fun. However, if you rely on people
"working for fun" to drive the economy, you will not get very far.

Why ? 10% of Linux users working "for fun" have made it one of the greatest
OSs of all time. Why cant it work in other areas as well? Is there something
inherently diffrent about  the software industry compared to the others?
There''re communities where when you need a new house you dont go to the bank
and ask for a loan that you and ten generations after you will be paying on,
but instead ask your neighbours to come and help you build one.  And there
many examples like this. Communism already exists even if on a small scale.

> millions of volunteers aroud the
>world donating thgeit time for free proves that communism is possible.
>What you're ignoring is that not everyone donates their time. Maybe 10% of the users 
>are serious developers. That works just fine for Linux, but for an >>>economy ??? 
>Imagine if only 10% of the population went to work !

Not everyone can be a software developer, but as I said before working is an
enjoyble and natural part of life when it comes naturally so everyone will be
able to find something enjoyble to do. Quite unlike capitalism when people
who do *want* to work cant find any.

>Workin is natural and enjoyble.Of course under capityalsim many are forced
>into doing demening jobs that noone can pisbly enjoy like being servents for
>the rich.
>The "demening" jobs in the US pay better than the "good" jobs almost anywhere else in 
>the world.

It doesnt make them any less demeaning. Will you agree to eat shit 8 hours a
day for $40/hour?

>The only reason that USA and western countries are so rich is that the other
>90% of the world is exploited and drained of its resources.
>>What, the US come in and send soldiers to loot these countries ? That's news to me. 
>Did it ever occur to you that these countries simply aren't terribly >>productive, 
>largely due to political problems ( especially the ones that "experiment" with 
>"communism". )

They do when they think they can gert away with it. Vietnam, Cuba, Panama,
Grenanda, Serbia, Iraq  just to name a few.  If not they just send bankers
and lawyers to take control of their economy.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Joe Kiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:10:59 -0400

Charlie Ebert wrote:
> Your trying to WHITE WASH the story.
> They put in a secret BACK DOOR for the sole PURPOSE of FUDDING NETSCAPE!

Yeah, I'll bet that Microsoft would put the security of corporate
America in jeoparady by creating a secret backdoor in their software
just because they were pissed off at Netscape.  Utter bullshit.

Is it safe to say, then, that every time a backdoor is found in a piece
of UNIX software, that the coders put it there on purpose because they
hate Microsoft?
-Joe Kiser

"I walk the Earth another day
 The wicked one that comes this way
 Savior to my own, devil to some. 
 Mankind falls, something wicked comes."

       -Iced Earth, The Coming Curse


From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: 15 Apr 2000 22:15:06 GMT

Bob Lyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 
> Why would all these mutual funds continue to hold onto M$ stock?  It is actually 
>down over the > 6-mo. and the 1-yr.  Apple and Cisco are up, what, 150-250% in that 
>same period?  These guys  > want fast returns in this market; if a stock cannot 
>perform in 6 months, they often dump it.  > So why not dump M$ stock?  


I don't know?

Karel Jansens
"Hi! I'm a signature virus.
Pls put me in yr sigline and help me spread."


Subject: Re: dvwssr.dll
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:18:22 -0400

Francis Van Aeken wrote:
> mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I used to be a real NT zealot, kernel developer, beta tester, the whole
> > deal. The more I work with Linux and FreeBSD, the more I hope I never
> > have to work on god-damned windows ever again.
> Why would you? You are a free man, aren't you? Why not throw the
> "Windows 9x, Windows NT" out of your signature and out of your
> business? Why do you keep on sucking Microsoft's dick if you hate
> them so much? Because it pays?
> Francis.
No matter what the industry is, one must walk a line of disgust, be it
"pre announcing" or dressing up the truth to an important customer,
spinning events in a probable manner to not look as bad as one could, or
a lawyer defending a person who, in the lawyer's personal opinion, is
guilty. Where you draw the line is who you are. It is impossible to walk
this earth without some amount of disgust at the nessesities of
survival. What your limits are, are up to you. Coding for NT or Windows,
while a very tedious process, does not usually entail anything any more
morally corrupt than getting gas at an Exxon Station  or voting for
George W. Bush.

If a customer of mine insists on using NT, and they are willing to pay
me for work because I am very good at what I do, why should I not work
for that customer? I will certainly to my best for my customer. That is
how one keeps customers. Will I ever suggest NT as a reasonable
platform? If it is appropriate, yes. My opinion, however, of what is
appropriate for NT is dramatically small as of late.

Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Subject: Re: MS caught breaking web sites
Date: 15 Apr 2000 17:38:25 -0400

[c.o.l.d.s removed from crossposting]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Charlie Ebert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Okay, let's discuss this.
>Robert Moir wrote:
>> "wisdom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
[snip advocacy pissing match around the Windows problems]
>> Hey Fudster, seen this?
>> taken from NT bugtraq
>HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!  He's not a FUDSTER for reporting the truth.

Uh-oh... Hold it somewhere else - WTF does it have to Linux system
development? Do world a favour, take your wanking session somewhere
else, will you? Preferably to Hell, but even simple crawling back to
the *.advocacy gutter is also acceptable.

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Subject: Re: VA Linux: Worlds most overpriced PC
Date: 15 Apr 2000 21:41:46 GMT

> This company is dead meat not only because it is the biggest loser ($320
> down to $28) on the stock market but it is trying to sell a plain old 733Mhz
> PC for $2699 !You can go to Dell,Gateway,IBM,Compaq,HP 

And get exactly what you pay for;

With VA-linux I get space for 2gigs or ram on that machine, heavier duty power
supply and cooling fans, a rackmount kit, hotswap bays, etc.

The comparable compaq carries a similar price.



From: "Francis Van Aeken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dvwssr.dll
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 18:54:12 -0300

Mig Mig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8dai5a$iot$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

> Kinda hard to suck on that one since its "soft" and "micro" at the same
> time.


I must admit that "Hey look, I have a microsoft dick!" doesn't sound
very good.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (abraxas)
Date: 15 Apr 2000 21:46:00 GMT

Joe Kiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Charlie Ebert wrote:
>> Your trying to WHITE WASH the story.
>> They put in a secret BACK DOOR for the sole PURPOSE of FUDDING NETSCAPE!

> Yeah, I'll bet that Microsoft would put the security of corporate
> America in jeoparady by creating a secret backdoor in their software
> just because they were pissed off at Netscape.  Utter bullshit.

But not entirely unheard of in the industry.  If you have access to any
portion of source code for any widely used software, have some fun by 
looking for interesting commentary.

Anyone can grab a couple hunks off and have some fun with 



From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: 15 Apr 2000 22:51:11 GMT

Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In article <gM0K4.41096$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Tim Mayer" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Windows supports both.  It's amazing how you'll justify and sell a
> > limitation as a feature. Which way does OS X handle it?
> I can't imagine having a unix-based system that can only run one copy of 
> "ls"...
There _is_ only one ls. All the apparent copies are merely Platonic 
shadows of the one ideal super-ls, reflecting less-than-perfect images
of itself into our world, which is nothing but a bland decoction of 
UNIX eternal.

Karel Jansens
"Hi! I'm a signature virus.
Pls put me in yr sigline and help me spread."


Subject: Isn't it obvious?
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:48:39 -0400

The news the last couple weeks has been interesting.

A .DLL file with a secret back door?
Microsoft is contributing a lot to congressional campaigns.
IBM says Win2K is an "early adopter" product.
Judge finds MS guilty on all charges.
NSA key and backdoor issues keep coming up upon continued inspection, it
looks like MS actually DID help the NSA and any story relayed in defense
was, most likely, a lie.

Well, well, well. Interesting times indeed.

Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the


From: Gerben Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 23:51:08 +0200

Cheer up, jansens_at_ibm_dot_net, the worst is yet to come.

| > I've had one INI-file corruption so serious that I was forced to do a total
| > reinstall -- OS/2 would hang while loading the Workplace Shell, giving me an
| > error dialog without any text on it. Also, a friend of mine found that he
| > had to run UniMaint weekly to keep his system from getting unstable. As for
| > registry problems on NT: I've had it blow up on me once, comparable to OS/2,
| > while my friend is still to have his first problem.
| So, let's sum things up: you've had a problem with OS/2's *.INI's and one
| with Windows' registry. I've had no problems with OS/2 and three friends who
| have had (regular) problems with Windows registries.

If you're going to sum things up, you might as well do it correctly: I've
had one problem with OS/2's INI files and one with NT's registry, and I have
a friend who's had many problems with OS/2's INI files and none with NT's
registry. But neither your nor my anecdotal evidence does anything to prove
your claim.

| > Ah, Karel's traditional smart-ass cheap shot at Windows. Does it make you
| > feel better about yourself and your use of OS/2?
| Well, I'll have to give Windows this: In OS/2, one has to corrupt one's
| *.INI's oneself; Windows can do it all by itself.

Another clueless, self-indulgent, smart-ass remark from Karel. No surprise

Gerben Bergman


From: Glenn Valenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 21:57:12 GMT

Charlie Ebert wrote:

> Microsoft has been forced to admit they created secret back doors to every
> computer
> system they sold out the DOOR!
> This MEANS to the STUPID and IGNORANT that the U.S. Government has ACCESS
> to every MS equipped machine in the world and therefore they

How about the NSA backdoor in NT?

Nobody seems to talk about that anymore.

Funny how the MS owned news services (MSNBC,CNBC,NBC,ZD) keep quit (or at least
suppressed to a low rumble) on the federal case and these MS backdoors and
vulnerabilities that people keep discovering.

Also of concern to me is if there is any conspiracy to have micro$oft swing the
media outlets it controls to favor of the Bush campaign in return for the
possibly having the federal case dropped against them.


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 21:57:44 GMT

You know the funny thing about this post is that there is no back door,
and it's been proven by several parties and reported from several reliable
news sources. I expect you'll see a retraction by WSJ monday if it hasn't


I have a feeling this is going to be one of those topics that the ignorant
zealotous anti-MS morons (such as Charlie here) will continue to bring up over
and over and over again, even though it's been proven false.

Kinda like the Kerberos thing, or the _NSAKEY thing, or any number of other
BS topics.

Oh well..


"Charlie Ebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Microsoft has been forced to admit they created secret back doors to every
> computer
> system they sold out the DOOR!
> This MEANS to the STUPID and IGNORANT that the U.S. Government has ACCESS
> to every MS equipped machine in the world and therefore they
> Charlie


Subject: Re: Linux / BSD advocacy
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 22:00:52 GMT

I recentry found some nice ones here:

Regards, opnemonx

In comp.unix.bsd.misc Joshua Pruitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > I am looking for some large, hi-quality, hi-color, *hi-resolution*
  > (300 dpi+), images of both Chuck the Daemon and Tux the Paenguin for
  > some serious print work.

  > All the images I have been able to find so far are simply low-res GIFs
  > and JPEGs for the web. I need something a little more clean and
  > print-friendly.

  > I particularly like the version of Chuck as displayed on the 'FreeBSD
  > Mall' website logo. Tux has, of course, a pretty standard look just
  > about everywhere (the 'stuffed on herring' expression, I suppose...).

  > Does anyone know where I can find these? You'd be doing a great
  > service to the Open Source / Free Software movement! :)

  > Thanks,
  > -Josh



From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000?
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 13:48:45 -0400

"newsgroups jp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:iDYJ4.5528$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Im tester and developer and windows 2000 have a backdoor. A lot of
> talk about that. im test presently the program and the backdoor have a
> security. is secure to use windows 2000.
> Anyway a backdoor or private investigation is not rare.


From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MS caught breaking web sites
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 13:49:34 -0400

old news - and incorrect bullshit as well.

"wisdom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> For all of you butt-bumping suckbuddies of Mr. Bill who have
> been assuring us that there are no network "backdoors" in
> Windows you, along with your evil master, are fucked now.
> Microsoft just acknowledged (see attached CBS article) that they
> installed secret code in Windows to sabotage webservers
> by allowing "backdoor" unsecured logins for hackers. The
> code was apparently intended to be used against Netscape
> based on embedded comments in the file.
> Microsoft is blaming this on "rogue" programmers, whom
> they are promising to fire.(Now tell me the one about the easter bunny)
> The timing of this admission couldn't be better... Just when Judge
> Jackson
> is considering whether Microsoft deserves to be broken up, it turns out
> that
> their market dominance was aided by deliberate sabotage...Hmmmm
> Let's all hear a rousing chorus of "Breaking up is hard to do".
>                     Microsoft Acknowledges Hidden File
>                      Secret Message Was Aimed At Rival
>                      Manager Will Fire Those Responsible
>                      No Reports Of Hackers So Far
>                     NEW YORK
>                                            (CBS) Microsoft Corp.
> engineers
>                                            included a secret password in
>                                            Internet software that could
> be
>                                            used to gain illegal access
> to
>                                            hundreds of thousands of Web
>                                            sites, The Wall Street
> Journal
>                                            reported Friday.
>                                            The rogue computer code was
>                                            discovered in a
> three-year-old
>                     piece of software by two security experts. Contained
> within the code
>                     is a derisive comment aimed at a Microsoft rival:
> "Netscape
>                     engineers are weenies!"
>                     Steve Lipner, who manages Microsoft's
> security-response center,
>                     described such a backdoor password as "absolutely
> against our
>                     policy" and a firing offense for the as-yet
> unidentified employees.
>                     There have been no reports of site access through
> the code, but the
>                     affected software is believed to be used by many Web
> sites.
>                     The file, called "dvwssr.dll" is installed on
> Microsoft's Internet-server
>                     software with Frontpage 98 extensions. By using the
> so-called
>                     backdoor, a hacker may be able to gain access to key
> Web site
>                     management files, which could in turn provide a road
> map to such
>                     things as customer credit card numbers, the Journal
> reported.
>                     One of the security experts, Russ Cooper, says the
> risk is bigger
>                     with commercial Internet hosting providers, which
> maintain
>                     thousands of Web sites for a slew of organizations.
>                     It was apparently programmed by a Microsoft employee
> when
>                     Netscape and Microsoft were at war over their
> version of an internet
>                     browser, according to the Journal. Eventually
> American Online Inc.
>                     acquired Netscape.
>                     The Journal reported that an engineer from Netscape
> called the
>                     hidden file a "classic engineer rivalry."
>                     Microsoft urged customers to delete the file and
> planned to warn
>                     customers with an e-mail bulletin and an advisory
> published on its
>                     corporate Web site.
>                     Copyright 2000 CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights
> Reserved. This
>                     material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,
> or
>                     redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to
> this report.



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