Linux-Advocacy Digest #329, Volume #26            Mon, 1 May 00 20:13:07 EDT

  Re: KDE is better than Gnome (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: KDE is better than Gnome (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: Factory pre-installed Linux. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Are we equal? (David Lindauer)
  Re: Are we equal? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Factory pre-installed Linux. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Are we equal? (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: which OS is best? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Are we equal? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Opensource rumors (Microsoft Windows) (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: which OS is best? (JEDIDIAH)
  Re: Are we equal? (junekis)
  Re: which OS is best? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Are we equal? (@ .)


Subject: Re: KDE is better than Gnome
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:10:37 GMT

On 1 May 2000 22:37:03 GMT, Colin Howarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JEDIDIAH) writes:
>> On 1 May 2000 21:09:08 GMT, Colin Howarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>[Posted and mailed]
>>>Umm, why do you think that a standard api would have to look like Windows?
>>      The 'must clone MacOS' syndrome.
>>      This would give the appearance to the novice of looking like Windows.
>Why, whenever there's some cloning going on (Windows cloning the Mac, KDE cloning 
>do people keep copying the stupid features, and leave out the good ones?

        They gotta 'differentiate' themselves... '-)



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Subject: Re: KDE is better than Gnome
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:11:28 GMT

On 1 May 2000 22:32:47 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JEDIDIAH) writes:
>>      Tough fucking shit.
>>      I'm not some German who thinks its OK for the state to treat
>>      it's citizens like children (even if they are).
>I didn't think this flamewar could deteriorate any further. It seems it can.
>Which enlightened corner of the world are you from then?

        I'm a federalist if that gives you any clue...


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From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Factory pre-installed Linux.
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:14:37 GMT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 5/1/00, 4:27:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Full Name) wrote regarding=20
Re: Factory pre-installed Linux.:

> On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 08:25:19 -0400, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> >Here is a list of "pre-configured" apps that must be setup and ready =

> >function:
> >
> >Applix or StarOffice (Depending on the kind of deal you can get)
> >Netscape, of course. With Shockwave and RealAudio
> >KDE and/or Gnome (I prefer KDE)
> >AcrobatReader
> >Java
> >Modem setup and configured.
> >PPP dialup ready to go with modem and dhcp.
> >Sound card setup and configured.
> >Video setup and configured.
> >Optional network, setup and configured.
> >

> If Win98 came with none of the above installed many users would be
> able to install and configure the system for themselves.  If they
> couldn't it's very likely they'd know a friend or relative who could.

> If Linux arrived with none of the above all but the experts would be
> able set up and configure the system.

> It may surprise you guys but millions of people every day get great
> pleasure from the products made by Microsoft.  My brother-in-law and
> his three children spend hours of trouble free operation playing games=

> and browsing the net on their Win98 PC.  My nephew performed the
> upgrade from 95 to 98 without even telling me.  One of his friends
> installed and configured Voodoo || card without my assistance.  Sure
> they have the odd problem.  But they very rarely contact me to assist
> with these even though all of them are (or were) complete novices.
> All problems they do ask me about are invariable to do with some third=

> party game that won't install properly.

> Same deal with my sister and her 13 yr old daughter.  I upgraded her
> machine last week and I specifically asked her if she ever experienced=

> any problems with Win95.  The only ones she mentioned were *all* net
> related (unexpected modem disconnects and sites unavailable).  She
> even installed a new printer and mouse (with it's own driver).  This
> from a person who touched a PC for the first time less than six months=

> ago.

> An ex-girlfriend bought a Win95 box, printer and modem.  She
> configured the printer and got herself on the net with only one phone
> call to me.  The only problems she has reported were a dodgy power
> supply (which was replaced through the warranty).   She managed to
> compose her masters' thesis in psychology and now has a job with the
> government.  All this without Linux.

> Just the thought of pushing any of these people toward Linux is
> laughable.

> Microsoft has made these things possible.  Bill Gates knows this and,
> deep down, you sad bunch of embittered individuals know this as well.
> Gates brought computing to the masses.  The reason why I describe you
> as embittered is because this group is more about bashing Microsoft
> than it is about advocating Linux.

> I've installed Linux.  I have it installed on my PC right now.  I
> installed it for the first time more than four years ago.  Its GUI is
> a cobbled together piece of trash that only the nerdiest of computer
> nerds would put up with.

> I'm afraid you people live in a rather small world of your own.

Do you ever notice how people who post these ROSY reports about=20
usually do so with E-mail names like "[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Full=20

Then they don't even both to sign it in their real first name....



From: David Lindauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:12:15 -0400

unicat wrote:

> Some people have noted a gross disparity in the treatment of
> individuals by the Justice Department.
> As an example, Mr. Bill Gates, who has already been found guilty
> of crimes which have caused billions of dollars in damage to his
> competitors, and is now merely awaiting sentencing, is allowed to
> come and go at his leisure in chauffered limousines.
> Then there is Elian Gonzales, an innocent little boy, whose only crime
> is being born hispanic, and he is considered so dangerous that he must
> be
> arrested by heavily armed members of Reno's Sturmgewehr.
> Is this justice? Is there any hope of equak treatment under the law.
> If there were, then this is what we would see next -
> Remember, a vote for Clinton/Gore is a vote for a
> totalitarian police state!

  unfortujnately the laws are meant to let those in power do what they
want and be protected from the results more than anything...



Subject: Re: Are we equal?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 01 May 2000 17:13:17 -0600

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (JoeX1029) writes:

> Elian is from a country that we have barred any type of trade with.
> Nothing from Cuba is allowed in the U.S.  My best friends dad and 2
> sisters had to spend so amny months (6 i think) in the US to get
> citizenship.  His sister finished school early and went back home
> and got stripped of her citizenship.  Is that equal?  Why should
> Elian be allowed to stay in the States?  He should have been back
> the same day he arrived here.

His mother died brining him here.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Factory pre-installed Linux.
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:19:51 GMT

People are writing to the newsgroup that KDE is slower than
Windows 98. =20

You couldn't prove it by me. =20

KDE can actually RUN 150 programs simultaneously.
Windows 98 can't.  It dies out at 80-90 range.

KDE is capable of remote desktoping.

KDE has up to 8 seperate desktops.

GNOME has these features also. =20

In the KDE I can take an open file browser and turn it into
a web browser or download from ftp sites with it.

Is it true that Windows 98 uses less resources than KDE or GNOME?
NO, of course not.  There about tied.

But the KDE or GNOME is capable of doing MORE than Windows 98 or
for that matter, Windows 2000 ever thought of doing.

And that's a fact.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/26/00, 4:44:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nick Ray) wrote regarding=20
Re: Factory pre-installed Linux.:

> On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 08:25:19 -0400, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> >OK, lets say we can get some OEM's to do a good job at factory
> >pre-installation. The box arrives at the door, excited, happy user
> >connects the color coded wires, and violla! It boots. What should=20
> >user see?
> >
> >What kind of startup screen? Presumably an initial startup program=20
> >creates a new user name and password? Music?
> >
> >Here is a list of "pre-configured" apps that must be setup and ready =

> >function:
> >
> >Applix or StarOffice (Depending on the kind of deal you can get)
> >Netscape, of course. With Shockwave and RealAudio
> >KDE and/or Gnome (I prefer KDE)

> kdm gives you the choice of desktop.
> Nice fun feature.

> >AcrobatReader
> >Java
> >Modem setup and configured.
> >PPP dialup ready to go with modem and dhcp.
> >Sound card setup and configured.
> >Video setup and configured.
> >Optional network, setup and configured.
> >
> >All the mime-types have to be configured.
> >All the file types have to have icons.
> >The user must be able to "click" on a file and start the correct
> >application.
> >It all should have the commercial quality fit and finish of a fully
> >configured system.
> >
> >Are the KDE or GNOME program menus sufficient, or should the OEM
> >rearrange them to a more logical order? The default menus I see are
> >biased toward the Window manager, not necessarily ordered as an end=20
> >would like.

> I've found both GNOME and KDE seem to have well-thought-out menu
> structures.

> >
> >What are the best multimedia programs?
> >
> >Would anyone care if we mixed and matched Gnome and KDE applications?=

> >
> Go ahead!

> >Any suggestions?
> >
> SUSE comes with Apache and Htdig preset to search any and all=20
> that you might choose to copy onto your hard disk, including LDP=20
> how-tos, man and info, SUSE support database articles and Linux=20
Gazette stuff.

> This is just about the best help system I've ever used. You type in a
> typical search-engine-style query and you not only get ranked hits,=20
> some of them are formal and some are chatty - take your pick. So let's=

> add that feature to your wish-list.

> [Compare with the useless "Paper Clip". Try getting Outlook's version =

> tell you how to view message headers some time.]

> Nick


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:22:03 GMT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 5/1/00, 6:44:36 AM, unicat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding Are we=20

> Some people have noted a gross disparity in the treatment of
> individuals by the Justice Department.

> As an example, Mr. Bill Gates, who has already been found guilty
> of crimes which have caused billions of dollars in damage to his
> competitors, and is now merely awaiting sentencing, is allowed to
> come and go at his leisure in chauffered limousines.

> Then there is Elian Gonzales, an innocent little boy, whose only crime=

> is being born hispanic, and he is considered so dangerous that he must=

> be
> arrested by heavily armed members of Reno's Sturmgewehr.

> Is this justice? Is there any hope of equak treatment under the law.
> If there were, then this is what we would see next -


> Remember, a vote for Clinton/Gore is a vote for a
> totalitarian police state!

If there were a cold war still on, Elian would be a U.S. Citizen by=20

However, I agree about Bill Gates.  I think they should eliminate
his tax deductions!




Subject: Re: which OS is best?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 18:25:45 -0500

On 1 May 2000 10:23:04 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 18:17:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
>>>>>Why? it prints okay as is, it just has to open it first. With a working
>>>>>windows 9X setup, you don't tinker uneccesarily. THe registry is fragile 
>>>>>enough as it is.
>>>>But it * doesn't * print okay -- it asks for an association that it
>>>It means that I have to open the file in AAcrobat, and print from there,
>>>annoying, and time consuming, especially if there are more than a couple
>>>of files, but not worth risking screwing up the registry. 
>>Get real.  Stop the registry whining and just remove the old version
>>of Acrobat and install the new one.  Geez.. you'd think it was as
>>difficult as installing a kernel in Linux the way you whine about it.
>Difficult?  Are you typing the source in yourself?
>Rpm -Uhv kernel*rpm works for me.  Or grab the source and 'make install'.
>Your distribution may vary, but it is nowhere near the conceptual
>problem of being forced to associate a data type with only one
>application and worse, to do it according to the file name.

You're kidding, right?  Installing a new Linux kernel is a nightmare -
my 486/75 laptop is now next to useless until I figure out what went

First, do a make mrproper to clean up any old stuff (and reclaim
needed hard drive space).
Then, do a make menuconfig and step through the options you want.

Then, on the same line, seperated by ";"
Then, do a make dep and ensure the dependencies are all there.
Then, do a make bzImage to make a compressed boot image.
Then, do a make modules to get the right modules.
Then, do a make modules_install to install said modules.
...and come back 8 hours or so later, when it all finishes.  

Something's obviously wrong with that, though, because I now can't get
any of my modules to work.  Since my PCMCIA controller is controlled
with a module, that laptop's dead in the water unless someone
(please!) can tell me what's wrong.  It's done this time and time and
time again, and it's become very frustrating.  I've renamed the
/var/modules dir to /var/mod2 and made a new, empty /var/modules
directory, to no avail (but after that, it only gets 3 or 4 dirs in
there when I do a make modules_install, although granted I've left out
most options that I don't need - sound, MMX, extra IDE support, SCSI,
etc., and my modules.dep is only 2k or so in size...)  The modules
page in the kernel's menuconfig has 3 entries in it, and all are
selected; it _should_ load the modules just fine, no?   I get all
kinds of errors when the modules try to load up from depmod, devfs
isn't found, and no entries for a PCMCIA controller are found in
/proc/pcmcia, so eth0 doesn't come up.  

Lilo is being updated correctly; I am booting from new kernels (and
the old kernel does the same thing now, immediately after I did a make
modules_install, too).  Sigh.

All this just to make the kernel a bit smaller - their compressed
kernel is 680k or so, mine hit 380k or so; with a 10M laptop that
might make a difference, although just getting Linux on this thing was
a bear.  I also removed a bunch of tty terminals from runlevel 3, so
dropping each of those should free up some RAM too...and dropped the
atd and crond stuff.  Any other suggestions to lighten the RAM load
are welcome.  


Subject: Re: Are we equal?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 01 May 2000 17:22:30 -0600

mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Be serious.
> Elian was being held, by distant relatives, against the wishes of his
> father. It was about time the U.S. government corrected this injustice
> against the clear right of a parent to raise their child.

Being a biological father does not give you those rights, that's why
we have familiy courts and such.  If Elian's father loved him so much, 
then why did he abandon him to his mother who felt that life was so
bleak she risked it to go to the US?

There are more issues than the kidnapping angle, despite what Janet
Reno claims.

> As for the police, that is a different subject all together.

And I agree 100% with your other post about them.  Why are you
waffling on this issue?

> The whole argument about "too much force" is kind of funny. The U.S.
> negotiated a good long time with the family to turn over the boy to his
> father. When it was clear that they were not going to do it, they had to
> act. They had ample chance to avoid this whole thing by just giving the
> boy back to his father.
> Once the decision to "act" occurs, however, what do you do?
> (1) Do you send in unarmed police that may be injured by armed
> civilians?
> (2) Do you send in only one or two armed police, that may cause a
> firefight?
> (3) Do you go in with a very intimidating force, designed to scare the
> hell out of anyone that would think of causing trouble, get in, get out
> and move on?
> Obviously you go for option (3) anyone that says otherwise is either
> lying or lacks a fundamental grasp of the realities of life.

(4) Let the judical system handle it as if Elian were a citizen, and
    don't send the INS in with fully automatic weapons.

Unless they had knowledge that Elian was being abused or was in
danger, they should have kept the peace.  The raid is a huge
emarassment to the US.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Opensource rumors (Microsoft Windows)
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:26:47 GMT

I just wanted to say that it's a total rumor there is
any SOURCE at all!




Subject: Re: which OS is best?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:37:01 GMT

On Mon, 01 May 2000 18:25:45 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 1 May 2000 10:23:04 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 18:17:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
>>>>>>Why? it prints okay as is, it just has to open it first. With a working
>>>>>>windows 9X setup, you don't tinker uneccesarily. THe registry is fragile 
>>>>>>enough as it is.
>>>>>But it * doesn't * print okay -- it asks for an association that it
>>>>It means that I have to open the file in AAcrobat, and print from there,
>>>>annoying, and time consuming, especially if there are more than a couple
>>>>of files, but not worth risking screwing up the registry. 
>>>Get real.  Stop the registry whining and just remove the old version
>>>of Acrobat and install the new one.  Geez.. you'd think it was as
>>>difficult as installing a kernel in Linux the way you whine about it.
>>Difficult?  Are you typing the source in yourself?
>>Rpm -Uhv kernel*rpm works for me.  Or grab the source and 'make install'.
>>Your distribution may vary, but it is nowhere near the conceptual
>>problem of being forced to associate a data type with only one
>>application and worse, to do it according to the file name.
>You're kidding, right?  Installing a new Linux kernel is a nightmare -
>my 486/75 laptop is now next to useless until I figure out what went
>First, do a make mrproper to clean up any old stuff (and reclaim
>needed hard drive space).

        Or you could just do a make "clean". This is a rather standard
        option. <sarcasm>Notice the arcane terminology:clean</sarcasm>

>Then, do a make menuconfig and step through the options you want.

        What's so hard about that? You could even use mouse if you
        had X running sufficiently well enough to run xconfig. My
        VL Cirrus Logic 5228(?) ran X sufficiently well enough for
        that on a 486.

>Then, on the same line, seperated by ";"
>Then, do a make dep and ensure the dependencies are all there.
        ...and you'll be propted to do so.

>Then, do a make bzImage to make a compressed boot image.
>Then, do a make modules to get the right modules.
>Then, do a make modules_install to install said modules.

        ...all spelled out quite nicely in the readme.

        make modules and
        make modules_install are even actually somewhat intuitive.

        zImage,bzImage,zlilo,bzdisk & zdisk are all somewhat cryptic.

>...and come back 8 hours or so later, when it all finishes.  

        That's what you get for compiling on a 486.
        Although, on a 486 I could compile for hours on end and not
        have it effect the other things I was doing. I could even
        run Netscape, Applixware and build Wine as well... all without

        The background compile jobs took longer to complete of course.
        But, that's not a process you manually feed information to

>Something's obviously wrong with that, though, because I now can't get
>any of my modules to work.  Since my PCMCIA controller is controlled
>with a module, that laptop's dead in the water unless someone
>(please!) can tell me what's wrong.  It's done this time and time and

        I just used the Bughat 6.1 download version...


        ...yes, this was even on a 486 laptop. The only catch was that
        the disk wasn't big enough to handle the 'bloat' of Bughat.


                                                                       / | \
                                      Need sane PPP docs? Try


From: junekis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 19:52:41 -0400


   Should have been sturmtruppen, they only carry sturmgewehr.

Matthias Warkus wrote:

> It was the Mon, 01 May 2000 08:44:36 -0400...
> ...and unicat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then there is Elian Gonzales, an innocent little boy, whose only
> > crime is being born hispanic, and he is considered so dangerous that
> > he must be arrested by heavily armed members of Reno's Sturmgewehr.
> Idiot. If you insist on using German words, you should at least go to
> the trouble of looking up what they mean beforehand.
> Hint hint: "Sturmgewehr" means "assault gun".
> mawa
> --
> "Me Too!" is a trademark of America Online, Inc.


Subject: Re: which OS is best?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 18:54:15 -0500

On Mon, 01 May 2000 23:37:01 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JEDIDIAH)

>>You're kidding, right?  Installing a new Linux kernel is a nightmare -
>>my 486/75 laptop is now next to useless until I figure out what went
>>First, do a make mrproper to clean up any old stuff (and reclaim
>>needed hard drive space).
>       Or you could just do a make "clean". This is a rather standard
>       option. <sarcasm>Notice the arcane terminology:clean</sarcasm>

It is.  Unless you specifically know what to type in, you'd never get
it, so I fail to see why you think that's funny.  To a normal person
it all looks like geekspeak.  

>>Then, do a make menuconfig and step through the options you want.
>       What's so hard about that? You could even use mouse if you
>       had X running sufficiently well enough to run xconfig. My
>       VL Cirrus Logic 5228(?) ran X sufficiently well enough for
>       that on a 486.

There's nothing *hard* about it if you know waht to do; I'm just
telling what I did, so perhaps someone can tell me why it doesn't

Gnome on this 12M 486 was a waste of my time - an hour to log in,
basically, and 5 minutes between clicking the mouse and a response.
CLI's fine, speedwise.  

>>Then, on the same line, seperated by ";"
>>Then, do a make dep and ensure the dependencies are all there.
>       ...and you'll be propted to do so.

And so I did. 

>>Then, do a make bzImage to make a compressed boot image.
>>Then, do a make modules to get the right modules.
>>Then, do a make modules_install to install said modules.
>       ...all spelled out quite nicely in the readme.

Yep.  So why doesn't it work?  

>       make modules and
>       make modules_install are even actually somewhat intuitive.


>       zImage,bzImage,zlilo,bzdisk & zdisk are all somewhat cryptic.

It's -all- cryptic.  

>>...and come back 8 hours or so later, when it all finishes.  
>       That's what you get for compiling on a 486.

Yep.  On the P2/450 it takes 5-10 minutes.  
>       Although, on a 486 I could compile for hours on end and not
>       have it effect the other things I was doing. I could even
>       run Netscape, Applixware and build Wine as well... all without
>       slowdowns.

You must have had far more RAM than I.

>       The background compile jobs took longer to complete of course.
>       But, that's not a process you manually feed information to
>       anyways.


>>Something's obviously wrong with that, though, because I now can't get
>>any of my modules to work.  Since my PCMCIA controller is controlled
>>with a module, that laptop's dead in the water unless someone
>>(please!) can tell me what's wrong.  It's done this time and time and
>       I just used the Bughat 6.1 download version...

So you've no idea what's wrong either, eh?  

>       ...yes, this was even on a 486 laptop. The only catch was that
>       the disk wasn't big enough to handle the 'bloat' of Bughat.

300M or so is enough for a RH6.2 install with development stuff
without X stuff.  It's a good thing the development stuff is on there
- I was planning on just mounting /usr/src/linux remotely from the P2
box, and NFS-sharing it, but now that I can't get the PCMCIA card
working, it's good that I have the source to rebuild the kernel if


From: @ .
Subject: Re: Are we equal?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 23:53:13 GMT

(JEDIDIAH) wrote:
>On 1 May 2000 11:35:04 -0500, GoD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>JEDIDIAH wrote:
>>> On 1 May 2000 09:25:12 -0500, GoD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Elian was rescued from crazed anti casto fanatics.
>>> >These fanatics do not consider the life of a young boy important if he can
> be
>>> >used as a political propaganda tool.
>>> >
>>> >The officials were heavily armed because they really did not know what to
> expect
>>> >once they entered the house. The hooded driver feared for his safety and
>>> >livelihood if he was identified. Such is the strength of the Cuban
> community in
>>> >Miami.
>>> >This is the truth.
>>>         Yeah, cops are really cowards and bullies not much different from
>>>         the urban street roaming hoods they are supposedly meant to be a
>>>         counter to.
>>Cops are not cowards nor bullies. They are people like you and me.
>>They are just trying to do their job and to make this place better for all.
>>Without cops, civilization could not exist.
>>We must thank a cop each and every time we meet one.
>        Bullshit. Most are self serving powermad hoods that just happen to 
>        have a uniform, a gun and carte blanche from the powers that be.
>        This is always quite evident should you ever be in a position where 
>        those 'defenders of civilization' are ever in a position where they
>        think they can abuse you with impugnity.
>        Different gang, same attitude, same behaivor.
You are quite insane. Please seek professional mental aid imediately.



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