Linux-Advocacy Digest #480, Volume #26           Fri, 12 May 00 17:13:06 EDT

  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
  Re: Here is the solution (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Why Solaris is better than Linux (Leslie Mikesell)
  A Blast From Oracle's Past (Re: Is the PC era over?) (JTK)
  Re: Slashdot is down (Craig Kelley)
  Re: From Linux BACK to Win 98SE ("Matt O'Toole")
  Re: Here is the solution ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux - - Troll (Flaagg)
  Re: Need to make UNIX autoresponder (Roberto Ullfig)
  Re: Newbie loves Linux, but can't get samba to dance...... (Bob Hauck)
  Re: System uptime message. (Bob Hauck)
  Re: An honest attempt (mlw)


Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 19:25:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Salvador Peralta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John Hasler wrote:
>> What makes you think I want "church taxes" collected for anyone, any time,
>> anywhere?

I've been following this thread since its inception, and have been
bored with it almost as long. Neither scientology, the german
government, taxes, or *anything else* in here has anything to to with
linux. Can we can it, people?


Subject: Re: Here is the solution
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 May 2000 13:29:47 -0600

"Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > > Can you write a backup domain controller capable of syncing
> > > > contents with an NT domain controller?  Or a replacement
> > > > primary controller that can sync to a Microsoft backup
> > > > controller?
> > >
> > > That's a protocol, not an API.
> >
> > Just because they want to keep it a secret.
> Uhh.. no.  It's a protocol.  Why would they write an API for something that
> the OS already does?  The point of making a different domain controller is
> to do it on a non-MS platform, which means that an API is meaningless.

That's a circular argument.  Perhaps the word API is incorrect to use
here, because it implies that an interface is explained to the
programmer.  How about this claim:

  Microsoft intentionally obfuscates internal calls to lock people
  into using windows.

Note that _all_ OSes have "secret" internal calls.  Some, more than

> > They have the symbols all there, I'm sure of it -- they just don't
> > want to "create" the API for it.
> How would that be useful?

I'm sure that the Samba team would find them so.

> > As for other undocumented APIs, follow this link:
> >
> >
> >
> > They have several.
> "There's a needle somewhere in that haystack, go find it".

You'll just say, "That's not an API, that's an internal Windows OS

And you'd be correct.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: Why Solaris is better than Linux
Date: 12 May 2000 14:21:54 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Full Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Solaris on Sun hardware works.
>Linux on Intel hardware doesn't.
>Is there a need to say any more?

Not when you can't even get that part right.
  Want some Sun parts that don't work?

   Les Mikesell


Subject: A Blast From Oracle's Past (Re: Is the PC era over?)
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 14:31:49 -0500

David Huet wrote:
> What a lack of vision.  You just don't get it.  The network is the computer.  It may
> not be the NC or the Palm, but something like this, very powerful, that does away
> with the excruciatingly complex and buggy OS in a PC, will eventually take over as
> the appliance for the masses.  Come back in ten years and tell me that I was wrong.

Whoah!  Look at this guys, a post from ten years ago, telling us how the
diskless workstation is gonna take over the world!  And from none other
than Oracle itself!

Well, since the ten years have expired, here goes: you were wrong. 
Diskless workstations are as dead as the Dodo, and your boss Larry "The
Head Kook" Ellison can sink dough into them until his shareholders are
penniless and they'll STILL be dead.

But I'm curious, o time traveller.  Just what was it that you thought
was going to replace that "excruciatingly complex and buggy OS"?



Subject: Re: Slashdot is down
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 May 2000 13:35:50 -0600

Jeff Szarka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 11 May 2000 13:41:39 -0300, "Francis Van Aeken"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :Slashdot is down.
> :
> :They always have had their share of technical problems,
> :which is quite embarrassing for a technology forum.
> :
> :Maybe they should reconsider their set-up and let go
> :of the hobbyist software.
> It's great reading comments on slashdot about how unreliable non-Linux
> software is and then having the very site that houses such comments
> (and runs Linux) be down for hours.

Must make you happy.

I'm sure if they were running ASP under IIS, they wouldn't have those
same DDOS problems, eh?

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Reply-To: "Matt O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Matt O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: From Linux BACK to Win 98SE
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 12:02:42 -0700

"Sam E. Trenholme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8ffr4d$j3o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

> Microsoft has this goal of making reinstalling Windows impossible.  You
> know that CDROM you get with your Windows machine that lets you reinstall
> Windows, should you pooch your install, have a hard disk die, or when the
> inevitable registry corruption happens?  Microsoft wants to get rid of
> that CD, since they worry so much that people are using those CDs to
> pirate Windows.


> A computer is not
> reusable unless the OS the computer runs on is on CD in a convenient
> place.

I suspect the real reason is that they want people to become so annoyed with
their malfunctioning computers, and the daunting prospect of trying to get
them working right again, that they'll run out and buy brand new ones,
putting another $50-100 into Microsoft's pocket.  Kind of like the way cars
are marketed!

Matt O.


Subject: Re: Here is the solution
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 06:29:07 -0400

Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>That said, nobody has been able to provide the requested proof.

How much does gates pay you to be here ?



From: Flaagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux - - Troll
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 20:04:00 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, the_mighty_balloo 

>Flaagg escribió en artículo:
>> I'm downloading all 640 megs of the Linux Mandrake 7 ISO. I  
>> just might install it, too.
>> Don't ask me why.
>I'd reinstall on *this* computer, but that would mean losing
>my pr0n archive hard drive.  Two gigs, daily downloads and
>I still haven't found any porn stars with clean fingernails.

You need to invest in a CD burner. Now.

Aaron M. Henne -mhm9x2-

"You want Usenet Your Way. Well, this ain't Burger King." 
                        - James <I R A Darth Aggie>


From: Roberto Ullfig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: tw.bbs.comp.unix,comp.mail.sendmail
Subject: Re: Need to make UNIX autoresponder
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 15:17:17 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

having problems posting attachments, try again...

Roberto Ullfig : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator
Networking Services and Information Technologies
University of Chicago
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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# forrep 1.3 by Doug Muth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
# This program may be freely distributed, hacked, whatever...
# I would appreciate a note however if you are changing it or including
# it in some software package so I know where to look for it. :-)

# This program is designed to be used in conjunction with procmail, but
# could always be run from the command line on a specific piece of mail,
# if you so prefer...

# Suggested uses: an autoresponder, a spam rejector, a way to stop harassers,
# a way to generate return receipts to sent e-mail.

# This program accepts RFC 822 mail from stdin, generates a replying
# set of headers, including additional addresses which can be specified
# on the command line, includes any text files, quotes the original e-mail
# with COMPLETE HEADERS, and sends everything to stdout, which can be piped
# into sendmail for transmission.

# Additions to version 1.1: changed the temp file names to the "$$" 
# convention; added the '-s' switch.

# Additions to version 1.2: added -S, -m, -b; rewrote some of the calls
# to test to check for the presence of variables

# Additions to version 1.3: added -f; rewrote the routines to parse command
# arguments; got rid of dependence on formail, *YAY*!

# Sample .procmailrc recipe file for calling forrep to block spam:
#       :0
#       * ^From:.*
#       | $MAILDIR/forrep [-s] [filenames] [recipients] [-b user] \
#       [-S subject] [-m]

# Sample .procmailrc as an auto-acknowledger for received e-mail
#       :0 c
#       * ^TO.*$LOGNAME
#       * !^X-Loop: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#       * !^FROM_DAEMON
#       | $PMDIR/forrep -s $PMDIR/auto-ack.txt -S \
#       "Auto acknowledgement for <$SUBJECT>" -m

# Syntax:
#       -s Suppress quoting of the original message, useful for return 
#               receipt type messages
#       -b An e-mail address to BCC the message to
#       -S What to change the Subject to
#       -m To pipe through sendmail, should be used unless you want
#               to pipe the message through something else
#       <filename> the name of a file to include
#       <recipient> the e-mail address of someone to send the message
#       to; if an argument is not found as a file it is assumed to be an 
#       e-mail address

# this is our original message
touch $ORIG
chmod 600 $ORIG

# files included
touch $FILES
chmod 600 $FILES

# file for holding the new message
touch $OUTPUT
chmod 600 $OUTPUT

# temp file for changing headers
touch $TMP
chmod 600 $TMP

# who am I?  For the X-loop: header

# location of sendmail and appropraite parameters
#SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t"
SENDMAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t"

## End of user defined variables

# header of forrep that gets added, please leave this in, I'm vain :-)
VANITY="X-Autoresponder: forrep 1.3 by Doug Muth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])"

# do we want quoting?

# the new subject header

# has an error occured when parsing $SUBJECT?

# the Bcc: headers

# has an error occured when parsing $BCC

# are we using sendmail within forrep?

# who the e-mail is from

# what we want the From: header to say

# has an error occured when parsing $SENDER?

# the "Re:" subject

# Start of actual program

# copies the e-mail message into the temp file
cat >$ORIG

while test $# -gt 0
# this handles the parsing of the arguements
case "$1" in
        # we want to suppress quoting
        # we want a new subject
        if test $# -ge 2
                # set new subject
                # error, no subject specified
        # we want to BCC somebody
        if test $# -ge 2
                # add to the recipients
                if test "$BCC"
                        BCC="$BCC, $2"
                # error, no recipient specified
        # we are using sendmail internally
        # we are specifying the sender
        if test $# -ge 2
                # set new subject
                # error, no subject specified
        # check if it's a file or e-mail address
        if test -r $1
                cat $1 >>$FILES
        elif test "$TO"
        # assume this is an e-mail address
                TO="$TO, $1"

# generates our new headers
# $OUTPUT will be used as the temp file for $TMP as we do not yet use $OUTPUT
# at this point in the script
cat $ORIG |sed /"^$"/,/\000/d >$OUTPUT
if grep "^From:" $OUTPUT >/dev/null
        FROM=`grep "^From:" $OUTPUT |cut -c7-`
        FROM=`grep "^From " $OUTPUT |cut -d' ' -f2`
echo "To: $FROM" >$TMP
if grep "^Subject:" $OUTPUT >/dev/null
        RE_SUBJECT="Re: "`grep "^Subject:" $OUTPUT |cut -c10-`
        echo "Subject: $RE_SUBJECT" >>$TMP

# chops off the trailing space so we can add in new headers easily
sed /"^$"/,/\000/d <$TMP >$OUTPUT
# check for changing the sender
if test "$SENDER"
        echo "From: $SENDER" >>$OUTPUT
elif test $SENDER_ERROR -eq 1
        echo "Forrep-warning: you did not specify a recipient after the -f \
parameter" >>$OUTPUT 

# add in forrep specific headers
echo "X-Loop: $SELF" >>$OUTPUT
echo "$VANITY" >>$OUTPUT

# add Cc: header
if test "$TO"
        echo "Cc: $TO" >>$OUTPUT

# check for a new subject
if test "$SUBJECT"
        # erase current Subject: header
        grep -v "^Subject:" $OUTPUT >$TMP
        mv $TMP $OUTPUT
        echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" >>$OUTPUT
elif test $SUB_ERROR -eq 1
        echo "Forrep-warning: you did not specify a subject after the -S \
parameter" >>$OUTPUT 

# check for any BCCing being done
if test "$BCC"
        echo "Bcc: $BCC" >>$OUTPUT
elif test $BCC_ERROR -eq 1
        echo "Forrep-warning: you did not specify a recipient after the -b \
parameter" >>$OUTPUT 

# add that empty line back in
echo "" >>$OUTPUT

# output the files

# quote the e-mail message?
if test $QUOTE = "1"
        sed s/"^"/">"/ <$ORIG >>$OUTPUT

# let's send our e-mail
if test $USE_SENDMAIL -eq 1
        cat $OUTPUT |$SENDMAIL
        # don't use sendmail...
        cat $OUTPUT

# cleanup
rm -f $ORIG
rm -f $FILES
rm -f $OUTPUT
rm -f $TMP

# let's get out of here!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: Newbie loves Linux, but can't get samba to dance......
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 20:14:39 GMT

On Fri, 12 May 2000 14:04:16 -0700, snowball

>for me); I restart the computer and check the smbstatus, it said "
>no path for the service ....) IT'S NOT WORKING! Maybe I have to edit my
>smb.conf? but it's a huge file.. I don't know what should be added or
>edited!!   Any help?      TIA      TIA      TIA

Shit!  I can't belive that you might actually have to configure a network
service before it will work!  How unfair!

Maybe you could:

1.  Verify that you have configured your system to actually start samba.
Use "ps ax" in a terminal window to see if there is an "smbd" process
running.  Look in /var/log/messages and /var/log/samb.d/smbd to see if
there are any helpful error messages.

2.  Post the actual error message in a group that might actually offer
help (like comp.os.linux.{setup,misc,networking}.  Advocacy groups are
mainly for yelling at each other.

3.  READ the smb.conf file.  It has lots of comments.

4.  Visit <> for lots of documentation.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: System uptime message.
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 20:20:33 GMT

On Fri, 12 May 2000 12:00:42 -0700, John Culleton

>"This Linux system up for xxx days yyy hours zzz minutes"
>I was just wondering if someone who does this would share the
>technique they use to pick up this data and put in in their

$ crontab -e

*/5 * * * *  uptime > /home/me/.signature

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


Subject: Re: An honest attempt
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:33:12 -0400

"Clifford W. Racz" wrote:
> After much hearing about how much better Linux was than windows, I tried it.
> I installed Corel Linux first, but had trouble with it and didn't like it.
> Next, I tried Linux Mandrake 7.  In my opinion, out of everything Linux I
> have seen, Mandrake is the most straightforward, user friendly, easy Linux
> for the "Unix Illiterate Dummy" like myself.  I had the easiest installation
> I could possibly ask for (it did virtually everything).
> My system is a PII 350 with 128Meg Ram, a SB AWE64 card, a Creative DVD
> Blaster, Creative Modem blaster.  It is not old, nor does it contain odd
> hardware (maybe the modem blaster, so I tried removing it when I had
> problems).  Anyway, I was still not able to get my sound card to work, the
> modem only intermittently and I cannot figure out how to do simple things
> like change the boot option from automatically loading the X login or the
> console login, install and use software (like Star office), etc.  It had
> really neat games, was really smooth running and was stable.  But, being
> used to Windows, I don't know how to DO anything else.
> Anytime that a less-than-completely-dedicated Linux convert in the making
> wants to do anything, what we first need to do is to find someone who is a
> completely dedicated Linux person and pester them until they want to punch
> us with stupid questions like "Uhh... how do I uhh... what do I do?" and
> "Uhh... how do I say Linux?"  Then when we have honest questions, we just
> get answers like "read the book."  The problem is, the books don't answer
> those questions in a timely manner.
> It all boils down to time.  I get tired of Windows crashing and having to
> reinstall it!  I get more tired of Linux not working correctly unless I
> change my xconfigurator settings, my .whatchamacallit file and tweak the
> flux capacitor.  In windows, it just works... now.  I have a wife and
> children, so my days of playing with big toys, like Linux are over.

It is funny, but this is a common problem with using Linux, it is agreed
that it should, some how be fixed, but it is not a problem with Linux,
it is a problem with the installation and packaging.

The issue is this: If you bought a computer that came pre-installed and
pre-setup for Linux, you would have a much better experience. You did
not buy such a machine, you probably bought a machine with Windows with
all the neat little add-on software and all the nice additional driver
diskettes for the peripherals. While it seems like Linux may not be as
easy to install as Windows, this is mostly an illusion created by the
fact that you have all the necessary tools to make your system usable
under Windows, and have to struggle to find them for Linux.

It is a problem, but it is a problem with the distribution of the OS.
Take my word for it, getting an empty clone and a Windows 98 CD can be
just as hard as Linux (Harder actually) if you have one or more cards
for which the OEM's did not pay MS in include their drivers.

As for saving time. I find Linux takes up less time in the long run than
does Windows. Have you ever added up the amount of time is lost on
reboots, reinstalling, and lost data? Yes, sometimes setting up
something on Linux takes a bit longer, but I can sit in front of my
computer and DO something. 

> Unless a time effective solution can be found for us, you advocates on
> comp.os.linux.advocacy have failed to convert me.  But, hey, at least I only
> spent $25 to buy a Linux box set (I downloaded Corel for free).

If it was, indeed, an honest attempt, switching from Windows to Linux is
like quitting smoking. It takes work and your habits are pulling you
back. I guarantee that if you give it two months, cold turkey, you will
never go back to Windows, this is what MS fears most.

> P.S.  I am still open to trying Linux if I could just understand how... I am
> just more skeptical now.

I don't think you understood the gravity of what you were doing. Linux
is a big step for your computing environment. While you do get a GUI
that can look like Windows, don't be fooled, it is not Windows.

> P.P.S.  I am not stupid, nor lazy... don't flame me for that.  I am a
> physicist who has better things to do than chase lost causes (not that
> Windows is not a lost cause... just the better alternative for me here.)

You will be flamed. Just a fact of life. So, if you are serious about
wanting to work on a non-windows system, because you want to do things
that are cool, think about what applications you use, the hardware you
have, and post on a few news groups what you have and want and get some
recommendations. Try again, it is worth it.

Mohawk Software
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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