Linux-Advocacy Digest #169, Volume #28            Wed, 2 Aug 00 02:13:08 EDT

  Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel ("Drestin Black")
  Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel ("Drestin Black")
  Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel ("Drestin Black")
  Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel ("Drestin Black")
  Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark (Jun Nolasco)
  Re: Am I the only one that finds this just a little scary? ("Anthony D. Tribelli")
  Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark (Jun Nolasco)
  Re: windows annoyances (again) (Steve Mading)
  Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark (petilon)
  Re: I had a reality check today :( (Ray Chason)
  Re: I had a reality check today :( (Ray Chason)
  Re: Linux ap't vs. Micorosoft (was: Re: If Microsoft starts renting apts (was: If 
Micr (Ray Chason)


From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel
Date: 1 Aug 2000 23:32:03 -0500

"fungus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Drestin Black wrote:
> >
> > Lycos switch to Wintel to improve performance and reliability. Think
> > that says about what they were using before...
> "Proof" please...

go back and read the thread and see... I'm tired of doing your homework


From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel
Date: 1 Aug 2000 23:33:06 -0500

"abraxas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8m7d0n$1rvd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> Chad Myers wrote:
> >> >
> >> > "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> >
> >> > > it's "web search" is handled either by inktomi or Fast
> >> >
> >> > How do you know this?
> >> >
> >> > -Chad
> >>
> >> Because I worked at FAST and was a technical contact for Lycos.
> >
> > Do you work there now? I'm certain the answer is no because you would
> > that that relationship was dissolved over dissatisfaction with the
> > reliability and performance of that "solution."
> >
> > Lycos switch to Wintel to improve performance and reliability. Think
> > that says about what they were using before...
> That actually has nothing to do with why they switched to wintel, despite
> what your lying-ass has to say about it.

oh really? and pray tell what is your crack induced version of reality
suggest their reason was?
(this outta be good)


From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel
Date: 1 Aug 2000 23:37:23 -0500

"mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Drestin Black wrote:
> >
> > "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Chad Myers wrote:
> > > >
> > > > "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > >
> > > > > it's "web search" is handled either by inktomi or Fast
> > > >
> > > > How do you know this?
> > > >
> > > > -Chad
> > >
> > > Because I worked at FAST and was a technical contact for Lycos.
> >
> > Do you work there now? I'm certain the answer is no because you would
> > that that relationship was dissolved over dissatisfaction with the
> > reliability and performance of that "solution."
> >
> > Lycos switch to Wintel to improve performance and reliability. Think
> > that says about what they were using before...
> I can't speak to anything YOU think, but Lycos still uses FAST. And if
> you happen to do a search on Lycos, you will see the FAST icon at the
> bottom. Check your facts first.
> These are facts:
> Lycos IS a customer of FAST.
> Lycos does use the FAST search engine for web search.
> FAST does use FreeBSD as the search OS.

I asked: Do you work for FAST now? Are you still a technical contact for

I ask because I've checked your "facts" and cannot find anything  to support
your "claims"

I searched for "facts by mlw" and found none. No FAST icon. No indication of
anything "FAST" (other than the search speed). I searched the HTML for
"fast" (case insensitive) and found nothing matching (not even a random
unrelated match).

The only thing about lycos I found related to "fast" is how fast it's moving
to Windows 2000....

so, again... want to try to document your claims?


From: "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel
Date: 1 Aug 2000 23:43:04 -0500

"mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Lycos switch to Wintel to improve performance and reliability. Think
> > that says about what they were using before...
> I can't speak to anything YOU think, but Lycos still uses FAST. And if
> you happen to do a search on Lycos, you will see the FAST icon at the
> bottom. Check your facts first.
> These are facts:
> Lycos IS a customer of FAST.
> Lycos does use the FAST search engine for web search.
> FAST does use FreeBSD as the search OS.


I stand corrected. Performed about dozen searches using lycos, FINALLY, when
I tried "fast search engine" I finally saw the "FAST" icon at the bottom of
the search page. Clicking on it I read a little about Got some news
for ya mlw - times are changing, look for that relationship to be severed
shortly. Lycos has already begun scaling back it's use of fast and look for
it to be 0% soon.


From: Jun Nolasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 00:47:38 -0400

petilon wrote:
> Jun Nolasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Jun Nolasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >       So, what's new? I personally know that Oracle does the
> >> > same thing in the RDBMS arena.
> >>
> >> And why should anyone believe you? Provide a link.
> >
> >       Now that is a problem. As this was a contract bid,
> > obviously there will be no such link.
> >
> >       But, why don't you drop by at:
> >
> >               220 East 42nd Street, 18th Floor
> >               New York, NY
> Who lives at this address and what are you saying Oracle did?

        I don't live at that address. I only work there.

        What did Oracle do? Given your propensity to always ask for proof in
the form of web links (as if they can really provide proof on such
matters), I will not even mention it in this newsgroup. The best I can
give you is to make you hear the details first hand from those who know
about it. If that's not good enough for you ... then that's just too

Jun Nolasco


From: "Anthony D. Tribelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Am I the only one that finds this just a little scary?
Date: 2 Aug 2000 04:47:57 GMT

Perry Pip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From the press reports that say "crashed all LAN consoles" and "NT error"

"LAN consoles" are the client application programs mentioned in the post
you responded to.

As far as "NT error" why not take the word of someone who was on the ship 
and someone who wrote the application programs:

    Others insist that NT was not the culprit. According to Lieutenant 
    Commander Roderick Fraser, who was the chief engineer on board the
    ship at the time of the incident, the fault was with certain 
    applications that were developed by CAE Electronics in Leesburg, Va. 
    As Harvey McKelvey, former director of navy programs for CAE, admits,
    "If you want to put a stick in anybody's eye, it should be in ours." 
    But McKelvey adds that the crash would not have happened if the navy
    had been using a production version of the CAE software, which he 
    asserts has safeguards to prevent the type of failure that occurred.

> Well the press reports said "crashed all LAN consoles" and "NT
> error". And if it was only database clients that crashed, how did the
> stop the engines??

The server corrupted it's own database and naive client applications
needed that database to function properly and to operate equipment. 

> Sure it can. NT is designed to work only with properly written apps.

That was a very ignorant statement. WinNT is designed to handle
misbehaving applications. The server divides by zero, WinNT terminates the
server app. Clients fault with bad data from server, WinNT terminates the
client apps. 

>>You do understand the difference between an APPLICATION and an
>>OPERATING SYSTEM, do you not?
> We do. Microsoft doesn't.

I believe the above question is still open. :-)

Tony Tribelli


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 00:47:46 -0400

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Aug 2000 20:23:15 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
> >Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> >> Consumption taxes hit the lower and middle classes harder because they
> >> spend a greater portion of their income.
> >
> >1. Make an exemptiong for food (unprepared, not restaurant purchases)
> >and medicine.
> This softens their impact, but the above still applies.

So?  Anything else breeds "class envy" appeals which the socialists
of both ilk use to manipulate the populace.

> >2. It encourages savings and investment
> Yes, this is one of the advantages of consumption taxes.
> >3. PROPORTION of doesn't matter.  Are you trying to say that high wages
> >       earners use MORE government resources than low-wage earners?
> If you make a flat amount, it is just plain unfair. Are you trying to

Define "Fair"

> imply that someone on $7500 or so a year should pay the same amount of
> tax as a millionaire ??? That sounds a tad unfair to me. Not only that,
> but it would erode the revenue base badly enough that you'd need to
> make steep cuts to services to fund the tax breaks.

Stipulating that one's tax bill should be based solely on "the
ability to pay," then you are endorsing the Communist principle
"FROM EACH according to his abilities" -- i.e. the more 'able'
you are, the greater amount of OTHER people's burden you are
expect to carry.
"Progressive" tax rates fall into this same category
"Flat tax" plans ALSO fall into this category.

The only thing that is ethical is a "head tax"  That is, your
family pays, say, $10,000 / head, or whatever.

This puts an IMMEDIATE end to the constant gaming of the system
of each group trying to get the rest of society to pay for
*their* favorite cause.

> >Even at a flat-rate income tax, how can you justify a $60,000/year
> >family paying 3x as much taxes as the $20,000/year family when the
> >$20,000/year family typically consumes FAR more community resources????
> Did it occur to you that the 20,000 cannot afford to pay anywhere near
> as much as the 60,000 a year family ?

Yes.  That's precisely the point.

It would put Congress on an immediate fiscal diet.

> >What would be far fairest of all would be if everyone paid the same
> >DOLLAR AMOUNT in taxes, REGARDLESS of income.
> What, are you saying that a millionaire should pay the same dollar amount as
> a grad student on $7500 or so ? I'd hardly call that "fair".

Define "fair"

Keep in mind that the millionaire uses *LESS* government resources
than the grad student.

> This would require one of the following:
> (1)     Making taxes so high that the low income earners do not even earn enough
> income to pay their taxes, or
> (2)     Cutting back public services to the point where health and education
> are on a user-pays ( or goes without ) model.

Hey, you're catching on!

eliminating (2) also eliminates the bait-and-switch games played by
the politicians.  Oh, we need $X to pay for [legitimate governmental
obligation, like courts, police, military, public health department,
etc.], and then the tax increase is immediately RE-routed into
goodies for some favorite constituency, while the situation which
was used as the basis for the original tax increase is still allowed
to go on, unchanged.

Cutting back public services means: cutting back on the kinds of
things that people should ALREADY be paying for themselves.

> Both alternatives would move things back to the 19th century kind of scenario
> -- how much you earn would be predetermined by how much your parents earned,

Providing great incentive for adults to work as opposed to mooching
off of the gover^H^H^H^H^H TAXPAYERS.

> because the poor kids would not receive health care or a decent education ( if
> any education at all ) OTOH, the rich kids would be on a gravy train.

Does the concept of private charity and scholarships elude you?

> What you'd end up with is an anti-meritocracy, where old money takes
> precedence over new genius.

Not if income taxes are abolished and replaced with consumption taxes.

> --
> Donovan

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


From: Jun Nolasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 00:53:16 -0400

        And who said I was aiding Microsoft's credibility?

Jun Nolasco

Christopher Browne wrote:
> Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Jun Nolasco would say:
> >       So, what's new? I personally know that Oracle does the same thing in
> >the RDBMS arena.
> And this establishes that Microsoft _isn't_ doing something to bias
> the reviews precisely how?
> I'm sure that Oracle _does_ do some questionable things; this merely
> means that the list of "companies doing nefarious things who should
> not be instantly believed" rises by another one.  It does absolutely
> nothing to aid Microsoft's credibility...
> --
> Wow!  Windows  now can do  everything using shared library  DLLs, just
> like Multics  did back in  the 1960s!  Maybe someday  they'll discover
> separate processes and pipes, which came out in the 1970s!


From: Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: windows annoyances (again)
Date: 2 Aug 2000 05:18:05 GMT

The Ghost In The Machine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Erik Funkenbusch
:  wrote
: on Sat, 22 Jul 2000 16:15:31 -0500
: <DZne5.2115$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
:>"The Ghost In The Machine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
:>message > I think he was referring to a second CD-ROM *reader* unit.
:>> I've had similar issues, in the case of "The Starship Titanic"
:>> (an otherwise entertaining and gorgeously rendered
:>> game narrated out by one of the Monty Pythonites -- John Cleese,
:>> I think).
:>I thought it was Douglas Adams, author of Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

: Hm...I think you're right. :-)

He wrote it, but I don't know if he voiced it.  I know he got one of
the Pythons to read for the book-on-tape version of it.

I liked Starship Titanic too.  It had that Hitchiker's Guide feel
to it.  Unfortunately, much like the Hitchiker's Guide text adventure,
there was no way to logically deduce the "right" answers to the
puzzles.  For example, (WARNING: SPOILER) in one part you can intuit
that you have to throw a TV down the well in the middle of the ship.
But what you'll never figure out in a million years is that you have
to ask the butler robot to do it for you, because the game interface
won't let you do it yourself, but it won't tell you why (apparently
the TV was supposed to be too heavy, but the game never told you that
until after you asked the butler for help.)


Subject: Re: Micro$oft retests TPC benchmark
From: petilon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 22:30:03 -0700

Jun Nolasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Who lives at this address and what are you saying Oracle did?
>       I don't live at that address. I only work there.
>       What did Oracle do? Given your propensity to always ask
> for proof in the form of web links (as if they can really
> provide proof on such matters), I will not even mention it
> in this newsgroup. The best I can give you is to make you
> hear the details first hand from those who know about it. If
> that's not good enough for you ... then that's just too bad.

Very convincing, Mr. Nolasco. Very very convincing.

Now check out the link below. Microsoft pays hundreds of
thousands of dollars to get people to use their software.,3440,339808,00.html

We don't know if Microsoft used the same technique to get
Lycos to use Windows.


Got questions?  Get answers over the phone at
Up to 100 minutes free!


From: Ray Chason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I had a reality check today :(
Date: 2 Aug 2000 04:51:34 GMT

Albert Ulmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi Tim!
>Tim Palmer wrote:
>> >why do these "bullet proof" linux distributions have the propensity to
>> >leave these core droppings littered about in the first place?
>> Becauze they expect you to fix thear bugs for them. Lie-nux if for poepal that watn 
>to play with script's
>> all day. Windo's for poepal who want to get on with their lives.
>I sure hope you get on with your spelling lessons...

Timmy-boy is writing in Microsoft English(R).

 --------------===============<[ Ray Chason ]>===============--------------
         PGP public key at
      Before people will respect the law, the law must respect people.
                            Delenda est Windoze


From: Ray Chason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I had a reality check today :(
Date: 2 Aug 2000 04:56:50 GMT

"Spud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>"Ray Chason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> "Spud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Not that I'm aware of.  And personally, I _very_ mych mind trojans.
>> >avoid that by not running unknown scripts.  OE doesn't run them at
>> >all... I have to manually choose to do so; I don't.
>> OK, so can you tell us any context in which launching VBSes from
>> would actually be useful?  Remember that "untrusted sources"
>translates to
>> "anyone who isn't me."
>> If no such circumstance exists, then it should be perfectly clear
>> including this "feature" in Lookout was a massive fuckup.
>Simple: you _don't_ run them from Outlook.

Then Lookout has a useless "feature" that has caused $billions in lost
data and productivity.  Irresponsibility on the part of Mickey$oft.

>This is the fundamental misconception Linux people have about how
>Windows works.  Once they overcome that misconception and actually
>understand the methods Windows uses, they'll understand how all this
>fits together.

Do you think I've never used Windoze?

 --------------===============<[ Ray Chason ]>===============--------------
         PGP public key at
      Before people will respect the law, the law must respect people.
                            Delenda est Windoze


From: Ray Chason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux ap't vs. Micorosoft (was: Re: If Microsoft starts renting apts 
(was: If Micr
Date: 2 Aug 2000 05:02:35 GMT

Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ray Chason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>Tim "Rosie" Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Every Resident get's an R-M wand. Whattever the end of the wand touches is instantly
>>>vaperized. It is
>>>not the responsibbillaty of Red Hat Apt's if you vaperize your dog, your girlfrend,
>>>or your Netscape TV.
>>BTW, this differs from the D-E-L wand in Windoze...just how?
>Windows has the Recycal Bin.

The D-E-L wand doesn't put anything in the recycle bin.

BTW, don't you know how to delete stuff you're not responding to?

 --------------===============<[ Ray Chason ]>===============--------------
         PGP public key at
      People should respect the law, and the law should respect people.
                            Delenda est Windoze



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