Linux-Advocacy Digest #235, Volume #28            Fri, 4 Aug 00 23:13:03 EDT

  Re: Does Steve Ballmer post here? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KDE2 Yahooo!!! (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Be OR Linux (Steven DeFino)
  Re: Linux & FreeBSD - security questions (Des Dougan)
  Re: one  of Lenin's Useful Idiots denies reality (Steve Chaney)
  Re: Unix user 10yrs + says Linux is bollocks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Unix user 10yrs + says Linux is bollocks (Daniel Tryba)
  Re: Unix user 10yrs + is a fool (OSguy)


Subject: Re: Does Steve Ballmer post here?
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:00:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Arthur Frain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And Palmer is really a guy named Steve ...

But Ballmer's not the egomaniac Gates is; he's not in denial about the
competition, unlike Gates.  I've read some interesting interviews with
Ballmer lately, and it takes a bit of reading between the lines but he
leaves the not-so-subtle impression that he's beginning to get tired of
being Billy's lapdog and all-around whipping boy.  Yeah, he still spouts
the company line in the trade press, but he's become pathetically
unconvincing, almost to the point of insinuating to his audience that he
knows that they know that he's lying, but he doesn't really care that
they know.

If I ever read the headline "Microsoft executive calls it quits, buys
trucking company in Idaho", Ballmer's the first name that would come to

Steve ain't Ballmer.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: KDE2 Yahooo!!!
Date: 4 Aug 2000 21:14:51 -0500

In article <8megj6$flf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> I found KDE2 a tad slow to start on a P-166 with 64 megs and a Matrox
>> Mystique PCI video card. Do you have XFree86 4.0 installed? I hear it's
>> faster with the standard SVGA driver (which is what the Mystique
>> I might try that too if it's stable enough.
>"A tad slow?" Understatement of the year. I run Red hat 6.2 with whatever
>KDE version comes stock with that,
>on a PPRO 200 with 96mb's of ram and a Matrox Mill-2 running the SVGA
>server. (supposedly one of the fastest X-servers). It's a dog. Load time is
>horiffic and screen redraws are just plain scary. Like running windows on a

Is this only with KDE apps, or X in general?  I have a millenium-2
in a P133 which obviously isn't fast but it is a match for
windows at general X stuff like dragging a window around. 

  Les Mikesell


From: Steven DeFino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Be OR Linux
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:31:02 GMT

I don't know about BeOS 5.x but v4.5 (which I have used) happens to=20
use BASH as a command shell so the nice thing about using both OS is=20
there is a lot of overlap in what you need to know.  They both have=20
nice, logically laid out filesystems, are extremely stable, and the=20
BeOS GUI is smooth and shiney.

For my system, I am working towards a setup that runs Linux as a=20
primary OS, then runs BeOS and Win$#@s under VMware.  Place an=20
instance of each OS on seperate desktops in KDE, and have the best of=20
all worlds, at all times.

As far as available apps, I find that 90% of general purpose work has=20
software representation from any OS including Be, which has an office=20
suite, media players, and even Opera for browsing. Since there is=20
always that one application, that causes the need to keep an old box=20
or OS up and running, I gave up on the idea of "settling" on one OS a=20
long while ago.  Don't choose, just set up what you need and make it wor=


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/4/00, 2:34:23 AM, "Chris Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote=20
regarding Be OR Linux:

> I know this is going to sound like a stupid post.  Considering I am=20
> to a Linux Newsgroup.  However, I have reached my absolute limit with
> windows, It sucks entirely.  I have SuSE Linux 6.4.  Anyway, the point=
> this message is to ask: BeOS or Linux?  I have both ready to install.
> However, I am going to destroy Windows entirely either way this works.=
> me put it this way: If EVERY Program EVER made was available for EVERY=

> Operating system, I'd Think very hard between Linux and BeOS.  Anyway,=
> me know what you people think.


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 22:32:56 -0400

Loren Petrich wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Diehard fans of the theory that Communism is dead will not like this
> >book, ...
>         The only ideologically pure Communist country left is North Korea;
> the others have been afflicted by various degrees of creeping capitalism.

It's a charade.  I've been to Russia on 3 occassions, and there is
no capitalism happening there.  You can't have capitalism without
property rights, and the Duma absolutely refuses to enact such laws.

> >In >other words, what it unintentionally depicts are the very events
> >prophesied >by Our Lady of Fatima if the Collegial Consecration of Russia
> is not >done.
>         This seems like a clear case of after-the-fact "prediction". It's
> like Bertrand Russell's discovery that the Great Pyramid will accurately
> predict the world's history up till the publication of the book
> containing that prediction, but will get much vaguer afterwards. ("An
> OUtline of Intellectual Rubbish").

Golytsin has been predictions ever since he defected in 1961.

> [The fall of the Soviet empire, the rise of Solidarity, and the
> reunification of Germany...]
> > ... The Perestroika Deception, with extensive documentation,
> >reinforces his contention in New Lies for Old that all the changes were
> >meticulously planned years in advance. It explains how they fit into the
> >devious Leninist strategy for achieving with Western cooperation a
> >one-world Communist government orNew World Social Order , run by
> >the Russians and Chinese, by 2000 A.D. ...
>         However, it's that year, and the Russian-Chinese combined
> Communist goverment still has not taken over. The Russian Communists are
> not a branch of government anymore but are only another political party,
> and while China is still officially Communist, it suffers from a severe
> case of creeping capitalism and it has been unable to take over Taiwan.

They are all part of the same international movement.

Anyone who doesn't admit this is a liar or a fool

Which are you?

[I'll bet Loren refuses to answer this question]

> >    Golitsyn provides irrefutable proof that perestroika
> >orrestructuringis >not a 1985 Gorbachev invention, but the final phase of
> a plan formulated >during 1958-1960.
>         A plan 40 years in the making? They could have implemented it in
> the 1960's.

It's more effective if there's a LONG period of adversarial
relations.  It fools the observers into imagining the "change"
to be bigger than it actually is.

In this case, the only change is the color of the grease paint.

> > ... That it is >false is >confirmed by Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgian
> president and a long-time >Western friend . As late as 1993, he admitted
> that elections do not >equal >democracy.
>         So what? However, in Russia nowadays, several parties compete for
> votes, where before, there was only one.

It's theater on a grand stage, you moron.

In 1984, when Christopher Walken fired a prop gun at Roger Moore
on the set of "A View to a Kill" was he:

A) Trying to murder Roger Moore
B) performing a part for the benefit of an audience

The whole "Democracy and Capitalism" in Russia is a big fucking
charade.  Name ONE member of the Russian government who does
not have current or prior membership in the Communist Party.

I'll save you some time:
There have been a couple.  They've all been assasinated.

> >    Perestroika is a game of mind-control based on the principles of
> >Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), who devised a new,
> >improved model of Marxist-Leninism. Gorbachev was chosen to launch it.
> >Perestroika is psychological warfare, involving the use of
> >cooperation-blackmail . A theatrical display of democratism[is] designed
> >to convince the West that a decisive break with the past has taken
> >place.
>         However, the loss of the Eastern European empire does not fit in
> very well with such a strategy.

Golitsyn details exactly HOW this *IS* part of the strategy.

> > ... The KGB was to create >and control Communist Bloc officials of all
> political stripes. Leaders >since >1960, including Gorbachev, Yeltsin,
> Rutskoi, Shevardnadze, Zhirinovsky >and Primakov, have all been
> collaborators in carrying out the plan. >Their >power struggles are
> fictional.
>         That strikes me as absurd beyond belief. Nobody has ever offered
> documented proof of this conspiracy -- not even Golitsyn, it would seem.

Predicting this whole charade 10 years before it happens, even
naming East Germany as the place where it would start to "unravel"
isn't proof?

> >    Liberalization of Eastern Europe was meant to promote disarmament,
> >the dissolution of NATO, the American withdrawal from Europe, and a
> >neutral, socialist Europe, a Common European Home from the Atlantic to
> >the Urals , as Gorbachev and Shevardnadze have described it. ...
>         However, that has failed, with NATO advancing eastward into East
> Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

Or is this Soviet infiltration of NATO.

Golitsyn predicted in 1989 that this was one of the long-term
goals of the Moscow government. 

> >     A major penetration success is Gorbachev s American bureau, which
> >allows him to personally mobilize liberals in the cause of disarmament.
>         Gorbachev is not the best possible hero -- he's disliked at home
> and he let Eastern Europe run away.

He's disliked for other reasons.  He's disliked by the average
Sergei-on-the-street for being a shill for the Communist party.

> >     Poland has played a large part in the disarmament campaign.
> >Solidarity was planned during 1958-1960 by the Bloc, and Golitsyn
> >correctly predicted each stage in its evolution.
>         ROTFL. A book written in 1984 should have no trouble "predicting"
> Solidarity's early years.

Golitsyn defected in 1961.  He made his initial predictions of
the rise of such an organization back in the 1970's, backed up
with KGB memos that he smuggled out with him when he escaped.

>         And planning something like Solidarity is the height of absurdity,
> because Communist regimes have *not* allowed independent labor unions.
> > There is clear evidence >that >the Polish Communist Party formed the
> original core and leadership of >Solidarity, whilst Lech Walesa cooperated
> all along. He has also helped >broaden the Communist base in trade unions
> across the world, enabling >them to be manipulated against Western
> interests.
>         Solidarity had been a clear *challenge* to the Polish
> Government's authority.

Only if you believe that the actors on the stage are truly
engaged in a life or death struggle.  Your problem is that 
you refuse to admit that the whole thing is a farce, just
like two guys who get in a fight at a bar while their friend
the pickpocket cleans out the crowd of onlookers.

> >     The collapse of the Soviet Union serves several other purposes. One
> >is gaining control of Middle East oil. ...
>         ANd making Russia seem like a weakling?

Replacing 1000 circa 1949-1960 T-55 tanks with 2,500 T-80 tanks,
launching 2 aircraft carriers, numerous landing craft designed for
amphibious invasions, and completely replacing their ICBM fleet
is hardly what one would call "weakness."

Oh, and remember when the Russian army was having such problems 5
years ago?.. "couldn't afford to pay their soldiers" and reduced
the size of the army be 2/3.

Guess what.  The Russian army is back up to the same strength
as in the Soviet era...except now it is entirely Russian..which
eliminates a lot of communications problems due to language

> >... Gramsci s strategy of perverting the Catholic Church is in >full
> >swing. The religion of God is being replaced with the religion of Man
> >(and >Heaven with an earthly, decadent utopia), facilitating Communist
> control >of >de-Christianized minds. Golitsyn assesses the consequences of
> détente >for >the Church: Never in its history since Nero has Christianity
> faced such >a >threat of possible destruction."
>         An "earthly, decadent utopia" is the ideal of capitalism, also.

Actually, decadance is contrary to Capitalism. 
> > Free-Marketeers, Beware
>         "The capitalists would sell the rope that the Communists will use
> to hang them".

But not without the urging of USEFUL IDIOTS like yourself.

Remember, fuckface, he was talking about idiots who live in
denial like yourself...YOU are the EXACT kind of person who
he was talking about.

>         Which suggests some flaw in capitalism.

No, it suggests that no matter where one travels, traitors
like you can always be found, ready and EAGER to sell-out
the freedom of their countrymen for a few dollars.

Remember, making friends with the wolf doesn't keep one
from becoming a merely moves your name to a lower
position on the list.

> >    In the last two pages of his book, in a memorandum dated October
> >1, 1993, Golitsyn does hint at a secret controlling force behind Russian
> >Communism, but he lacks the facilities to study how it might be
> >operating .
>         He's definitely been living in a grove of birch trees.

Sorry, your attempt to block this line of discussin has failed.

Before Golitsyn defected, he was a KGB officer.

The only person living in fantasy land is YOU.

> --
> Loren Petrich                           Happiness is a fast Macintosh
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      And a fast train
> My home page:

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Des Dougan)
Subject: Re: Linux & FreeBSD - security questions
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:40:49 GMT

Thanks to all of you who responded to my question. This is probably
the most educational and intelligently-argued thread I've ever read
(now, don't get embarrassed!!). I very much appreciate your efforts
and time taken in responding. 

As a matter of interest, my observation about FreeBSD came from
O'Reiily's "Running Linux" (p 34)...


Des Dougan


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Chaney)
Subject: Re: one  of Lenin's Useful Idiots denies reality
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:42:17 GMT

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000 10:20:08 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"

>Steve Chaney wrote:
>> On Tue, 01 Aug 2000 03:30:31 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Steve Chaney wrote:
>> >
>> >> Let me introduce you to TheJungle.
>> >> In TheJungle calling for help is for wimps.
>> >
>> >Wrong.  Being a lazy ass bastard and whining because you don't have
>> >an infinite supply of snacky cakes for sufficient grounds for
>> >a boot in the face.
>> If I decided to eat a snacky cake would you care to try and come and
>> provide the boot to the face?
>are you a whining lazy-ass bastard?

No but I'll try real real hard.

Anything to entice you to try and make good on that "boot in the face"

Before you try this, however, I need to get something straight:

Do you want your leg mailed back to you via 2nd day air or overnight

-- Steve

" As I said I hope your child is molested."
- Jim Dutton to Nubianne Khatulah Black,
Message-ID: <8meire$tbv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Re: Unix user 10yrs + says Linux is bollocks
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 02:44:18 GMT

In article <8mfkkl$kfj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Daniel Tryba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> trem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is my second PC that I can't get Linux to work on.  This time
> > I've got a UDMA66 controller.  This doesn't trouble Mickeysoft.
> > is working fine, but I work with Unix so I need Unix at home.

I've got a FIC mobo with Ultra-66 support and a UDMA-66 EIDE drive and
as you can see by the headers, it works fine with Linux.  You maybe
should look at your mobo manufacturer's website and see if there's a
newer BIOS flash out there for it.  Linux tends to be less sloppy about
running crippled than other OSen.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Daniel Tryba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unix user 10yrs + says Linux is bollocks
Date: 5 Aug 2000 02:51:25 GMT

trem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your a grade A prick

Hmmm, sounds like an insult. Hey wait a minute.... Are you what they
call a troll?

Looking in the index for trolls: page 1105-6
Trolls. Troll has been used to translate the Sindarin /Torog/. In their
beginning far back in the twilight of the Elder Days, these were
creatures of dull and lumpish nature and had no more language than
beasts. But Sauron.....

Could be....

> First I don't use Linux cos I can't


> Second use deja-news for posts I've made before this on linux related
> hardware groups, I've researched my ass off.

There's more than usenet alone, after usenet came gopher which is now
being replaced with http (may also be called WWW)

Get a client and feed it the url:

at the text areathingy type: ata66 linux
hit enter and wait for the search to complere (my search took 0.03

Link 1 is not very usefull
Link 2 explains some stuff and has a pointer to a promise webpage, so if
you have a promise thingy it might be usefull.
Link 3 has intructions to patch a kernel, but since you haven't got
linux running yet it's probably useless.
Link 4 _BINGO_ a slackware install/boot/rootdisk with ata66 support.
Prove it can be done.
Link 5+ lots of slackware links.
Link 12. Suse info, so an other distro might work also
Link 13+ who cares....

> True, I'll try some other Unix clones, but as this is a linux advocacy
> group, I stick my ten pence worth in, it is sucking Oxygen at 60000 feet.

Trying to justify that one has indeed some experience...... so if one
can't make something work after "proving" experience to others this
automatically means that something sucks......

> Get off you high horse please I know what F*cking Unix is and what isn't
> moron.

Yep a troll. I'm terribly sorry I have wasted your time trying to help
you. I will never do this again. Please forgive me.


Daniel Tryba


Subject: Re: Unix user 10yrs + is a fool
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 21:59:46 -0500

trem wrote:

> I am not a Yokel for heavens sake, I know Unix (ok here goes; Dynix 4.2.3
> most recent, HP-UX, Solaris, Ultrix [ remember that ], oh, it goes on) but
> none of them was on a PC cos Unix does not go on a PC.

If you are serious then 1.  state exactly what the message or symptoms are
when you try to install it (as well as which distribution you are trying to
install), and 2.  Try posting your problem in comp.os.linux.setup or
comp.os.linux.misc where you will get help from other linux users....However,
you have to be polite in your posting.

FYI:  If you've never installed Linux before, I'd suggest Mandrake >= 7.0 or
Redhat >= 6.1 or Suse >=6.4.  I definitely DO NOT recommend Corel Linux as
there seem to be very few people who have had luck with Corel Linux

If you wonder why you're getting less than stellar replies, it is because 1.
You are not polite, 2.  You are as vague as a Winvocate troll who keeps
posting like a frustrated user just like your post here (and I think you are
that guy even if I am giving you benefit of the doubt), and 3.  You are being
just as guilty bashing Linux here as you are accusing us of bashing that
other OS.

Good Luck.



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