Linux-Advocacy Digest #279, Volume #28            Mon, 7 Aug 00 07:13:03 EDT

  Paging BIG DON ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company ("Lennart Gahm")
  Re: can Linux use be so low? I do not believe it. web traffic. ("Raul Iglesias")
  Re: Will Linux Dominate the Desktop Future? (John Sanders)
  Re: Linux, easy to use? (John Sanders)
  Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Paging BIG DON
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 04:57:52 -0400

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Aug 2000 05:14:39 -0400, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:
> >My source about such things is WOMEN talking about the behavior
> Yes, but what makes you sound like a kook is your unsupportable assumption
> that this kind of behaviour is commonplace. You make it sound as though
> most women scheme to deceive men into having their children.

Do you have another name for a woman who promises to love, honor,
and cherish a man until death comes between them...and then
promptly divorces him once she has her desired number of kids?

By the way...this is the scenario for 70% of divorces.

> >Check out the statistics on the prison population some time.
> >Almost all of them are legally retarded.  They spend their
> Learn to get your implication arrows the right way around. What about
> all the "stupid" people who aren't in prison ?

If they are able-bodied, then let them starve if they won't make an
honest out how to support themselves.

> >lives in prison....i.e. misery...but not without FIRST
> >causing a LOT of misery for a whole lot of other people.
> >
> >What other name is appropriate for someone whose entire
> >life is misery, and who causes misery for practically every
> >other person who is unfortunate enough to have this person
> >wander through their life?
> The problem is that you are applying the term "defectives" to people
> whom you consider "genetically inferior". Are you implicitly assuming
> that all of these so called "genetically inferior" people are criminals ?

I'm talking about the millions of RETARDS whom we are sending 
BILLIONS of dollars of Welfare and Foodstamps every year!

> >What other name is appropriate for an retard with an IQ of 75
> >whose only purpose in life is breeding more IQ-75 children, who
> >repeat the cycle in less than 15 years.
> Who knows, maybe the person in question finds themselves a useful
> ( if not terribly prestigious ) role in society. The people who work
> in McDonalds, the mail clerks, the janitors, the guy selling newspapers
> at the train station ... they may not be the worlds brightest people,
> but they certainly perform a useful role in society.
> >read a "STOP" sign.  Their lives are pure misery, no matter
> Now you're trying to draw correlations between "happiness" and
> "intelligence". You've already botched the definition of "intelligence"
> badly enough. How do you propose to measure "happiness" ?

Do you call passing out on the sidewalk "happiness"

How about living an entire life in rat-and-cockroach-infested
dwellings that can only be considered firetraps.

Ever find a live cockroach in your breakfast cereal?
That's reality for these people.

> >Now, conversely, if, as you say, the entire problem is that low-
> >income adults are unable to raise children properly...then, maybe
> >you would advocate removing the children of such parents, and
> >putting them in the custody of those who have the necessary
> >wealth to raise many other kids?
> Possibly, within the context of your system, of course. It's better
> than punishing the kids.

Their entire lives are nothing but misery.

> >Are you arguing that this would solve the problems of children
> >born in neighborhoods of high crime and economic blight?
> It would help.
> >Are you proposing that we declare all low-income parents as
> >unfit, and forcibly removed them from their homes?  After
> No. They would only be unfit if they fail to provide proper
> education or medical care for their children.
> >And is this not...a rather Nazi-like solution in itself?
> It's harsh, but at least it punishes those that you say are guilty. I mean,
> you are blaming the parents and punishing the children. I am merely
> pointing out that it the parents are really to blame, then they are
> the ones who should be punished.

This is just like sending all kinds of "famine relief" to various
third-world countries.  The problem is, those in most dire need
of famine-relief are those who ... quite frankly, haven't quite
grasped the connection between sex and having more babies than
they know what to do with....

> >> >The country provides everyone with the same opportunities,
> >>
> >> You are speaking in the present tense, hence defending the current system.
> >> Thanks for making my point.
> >
> >And has done so for 3 1/2 decades.  So, what's your point?
> My point is that radical change is not necessary or desirable.

The current policy doesn't work.  In fact, it has exacerbated
the problem.  On that basis, let's return to the previous policy
of the government doing ... NOTHING.

It may not have been perfect, but at least it didn't BREED MISERY
(not only for the welfare set themselves, but for everyone who
is unfortunate enough to come in contact with them)!

> >> >including the opportunity to help your children, or harm
> >> >your children.
> >>
> >> What about if you are a child ?
> >
> >Then we can prosecute the parents for neglect or abuse.
> But then you've got to solve the problem regarding what to do
> with the kid.

As I said...the consequence should be to becoming a ward of the
state, where you will be paid honest wages doing some socially
useful work until you get the motivation to get out.

Not the current: We'll give you an allowance like a child, but
allow you to roam free as a responsible adult.  No sirree.

They want to act like a child, then we should treat them like
children.  Here is your room.  Here is your daily schedule.
This percentage of your pay will be withheld to pay off your
debts.  Your room will be searched for drugs and other
contraband every night.  If you want to leave the grounds,
then you can only do so under the accompaniment of a guard
(whom you will have to pay for...)

Those who wish to leave...need merely start behaving like
responsible adults, pay off their tax debt as soon as
possible, and continue their newfound motivation to stay
a self-supporting member of society.

And those who _refuse_ to work can that point,
their children will be let free, to go forth, and carry
on with their parent's miserable end an unmistakeable
lesson forever in their 

WELFARE is nothing more than ENSLAVEMENT of those who do work,
and it's about time that this new slave system be terminated.

> >No.  I am saying that ..those whose exceeded
> >by some dogs...are doomed to a life of misery, no matter how
> >much money we give them.
> Again, I'd fault you for claiming that "happiness" is positively
> correlated with intelligence.

If you had to make a bet...let's say... you have to bet your
LIFE...if you guess get shot..

Who would YOU bet is happier:

A) The man who wakes up on the sidewalk, who hasn't changed his
clothes in weeks, freshly soaked in his own vomit and urine....
just like every morning.

B) The man who wakes trying to decide whether to buy another
antique car vs. flying to Europe for the weekend.


The smart money is with...take a wild guess..

> >Want some good examples?  Watch Howard Stern's show.  Harold
> I have no desire to watch it.

Neither do I.  I don't even watch TV unless I happen to be
at someone's house who is watching it.

> [ anecdote snipped ]
> A lot of smart people kill themselves too.

I never said they don't.

> >Ok.  Punish the adults.  What do you propose that we do,
> >without allowing the procedure tobecome yet another
> >reproductive strategy based on the "cuckold" principle
> The cuckoo doesn't get punished for its actions, so there is no
> legal deterrent to its behaviour.

Of course not when we encourage it with Welfare.

> [ absurd conspiracy rant snipped ]
What's wrong. You don't want to recognize this?

Ignoring the argument is not victory

[Reinstated for new readers

> > > [ bullshit conspiracy theories snipped ]
> > 
> > Every government in the world actively engages in conspiracies.
> > Every government in the world openly acknowledges the existance
> > of conspiracies.  Proof:  I challenge you to find one felony
> > trial where there are 2 or more defendants and the words
> > "Conspiracy to ..." are not found in the list of charges against
> > them.
> > 
> > EVERY TIME you find a felony trial of 2 or more people, I can
> > guarantee that you will find the words "Conspiracy" amongst the
> > list of charges.
> > 
> > Do you think for a moment, that opposing governments are going
> > to openly announce their plans to destabilize each other ????
> > 
> > Of course not!  Therefore, all concerned are actively engaged
> > in conspiracies at this very moment.
> > 
> > 
> > To deny this is to place oneself squarely in the "utterly naive"
> > corner of the classroom.
> > 
> > 

> >> Again, there are countries with a lot more leftists and considerably
> >> more leftist education policies that soundly whip the US's butt.
> >
> >Of course.  The communists WANT communist countries to have a
> >well-educated populace (as long as the general public remain
> >ignorant of the concepts of human rights, market economics,
> >history, and the sciences of psychology and propaganda).  Thus,
> >they will promote good education in left-leaning governments.
> I see. So you admit that their socialist education policies are
> indeed succesful?

ONLY When it serves the purposes OF THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.
Whether the individual within the society benefits is of
none of their concern.

>                    Or maybe the thing is that these forces of
> darkness are just so omnipotent that they can make an education system
> work or not work regardless of how good or bad the government
> education policies are ? Maybe we should hire some of the defectors
> to perform the same magic tricks on the schools in the US ...

All one has to do is re-institute "tracking", where all students
are put into a "fast-paced" classroom at the start.  Those who
fail to keep up are dropped back into progressively slower tracks.

This is what they do in practically EVERY first-world country,
the only exceptions being the USA and Canada.

> >However, as long as the American populace is properly educated,
> >then they will resist communism.
> That's funny -- a lot of these so-called "socialist" countries have
> a better educated population than America.

That's because the Communists are engaged in a specific campaign
to NEUTER the United States through internal collapse.  Taking
hold of the education system, and practicing a campaign of deliberate
sabotage is one of the fundamental methods.

What the fuck do you think "invented spelling" and "ebonics" is?

NO SANE person who wants well-educated people to graduate from
the schools would adopt such systems.  Truly patriotic Americans
on school boards consistently vote against this nonsense, but
the NEA is indirectly controlled by the Communist Party, and
thus the result.  The whole idea is to weaken the USA as much
as possible in the face of Russia and China.  Unfortunately,
they are winning...they have done a thorough job in the K-12
public schools, and rapidly taking control of the collegiate
arena as well.

> > Thus, the campaign to turn
> >the American population into a land of idiots.
> >
> >Unfortunately, it is quite apparent that they are succeeding.
> Yes -- by the same method that you wish to destroy the lower classes --
> they are letting nature take its course.

Wrong.  A lot of parents are trying to fight it.  But the School
Boards get their elections moved to obscure days.  The general
public is rarely notified.... They're all at work while all of
the teacher's union members are (surprise) voting for the
NEA-backed Communist-puppet.

Why do you assume that every observation of what LARGE GROUPS
OF PEOPLE (such as the NEA) are doing is a "weird conspiracy
theory"?  Do you really think that the NEA would fucking announce
that its primary objective is to destroy the public schools in
this country?  Of course not, they would be run out of town on
a rail.

Yet, it doesn't take a genius to see that this *IS* in fact,
exactly their mission.

Or do you dispute the facts above.

> --
> Donovan

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


From: "Lennart Gahm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Lennart Gahm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09:18:52 GMT

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 06:07:28 GMT, ZnU wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "JS/PL" 
>Microsoft has found to be a predatory monopoly. If that's what the vast 
>conspiracy was after, it worked pretty well.
>> Now all thats left is to
>> A.) Split up Microsoft, in which case MS still wins but the consumer 
>> loses.
>> B.) Overturn the case, in which case both the consumer AND MS wins.
>> MS is hoping for "B".
>Not a chance. Unless of course Microsoft buys off the Bush 
>administration. Even then, Microsoft would still in trouble with the EU.

EU has a different angle on this, if EU founds MS guilty of violating EU
laws, MS will most likely end up to pay 10% of its renewal.
This is regardless of the outcome in USA.
So far, MS defence seems to be to accuse SUN for wanting access to its
"business secrets". 


From: "Raul Iglesias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can Linux use be so low? I do not believe it. web traffic.
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 09:50:40 GMT

> I suspect it is much closer to reality than you suggest. At least in
> measuring a "consumer" type audience. After all it also shows Mac users at
> about 2.3% of Win9x users. It is very plausible that Linux is still mainly
> of interest to students, hackers, peoples with servers, scientists,
> engineers, and other who are inherently drawn to Unix; that it is not of
> much interest to the general computer user.

   At least here at Spain Linux is interesting for everyone, there is having
a Linux boom; with 5 or 6 magazines a month about it (much more to what
there are market for indeed) and about 60 persons at #Linux always (about
three years ago we were just 10 or 12). Internet draws to Linux because
are a lot of available docs, software and the so on the net; besides it is
fast and what's very important ... secure; a lot of young people is blindly
advocated to Linux in here.


From: John Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Will Linux Dominate the Desktop Future?
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 05:01:00 -0500

"T. Max Devlin" wrote:
> Said John Sanders in;
> >"T. Max Devlin" wrote:

> >       But, "being contrary just for the hell of it", we all know what that
> >means.
> That you consider it more a "fallacy of exclusion"?
> --
> T. Max Devlin
>   -- Such is my recollection of my reconstruction
>    of events at the time, as I recall.  Consider it.
>        Research assistance gladly accepted.  --

        Do you just go to the index page of the URL above a click at random?

John W. Sanders
"there" in or at a place.
"their" of or relating to them.
"they're" contraction of 'they are'.


From: John Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux, easy to use?
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 05:17:24 -0500

Tim Palmer wrote:

> Windo's has a few legasy DOS programms, but noboddy ever uses them. Its' not like 
>UNIX whear peopole still half to rite shell script workarounds and eddit config fials 
>all the time because THEAR IS NO OTHER WAY.

        You know, when they did the experiments into monkey intelligence and
their ability to communicate, the interface the researchers gave to the
monkeys was an icon-on-button based system.
        Something tells me you don't get many bananas.

John W. Sanders
"there" in or at a place.
"their" of or relating to them.
"they're" contraction of 'they are'.


Subject: Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 06:20:07 -0400


>Trouble law has been broken. Watch and wait.... The true motive of
>the government will come out in the end, it always does. It has nothing to do
>with the supposed finding of fact, it has to do with gaining control over a
>HUGE company who has shown NOTHING BUT a solid history of providing an
>unbeatable service to consumers. SO unbeatable on product merit that some
>(namely Netscape) thought the best way to compete would be in the courtroom.
>It didn't work. Now all thats left is to
>A.) Split up Microsoft, in which case MS still wins but the consumer loses.
>B.) Overturn the case, in which case both the consumer AND MS wins.

>MS is hoping for "B".

Were you born an asshole or is it something you acquired?   Or are you here
because M$ pays you to spread this nonsense? 




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