Linux-Advocacy Digest #292, Volume #28            Mon, 7 Aug 00 21:13:08 EDT

  Re: LINUX, OF COURSE!! ("Boris")
  Re: R.E. Ballard says Linux growth stagnating ("Boris")
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... (Black Dragon)
  Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: The Failure of the USS Yorktown (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... 
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... 
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... (Jacques Guy)
  Re: R.E. Ballard says Linux growth stagnating (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... (Mike Marion)
  Mandrake 7.1...Same old Linocrap...... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... 


From: "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX, OF COURSE!!
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:34:13 -0700

Do they already use linux as chimp toy in NY zoo?

"Cihl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hey!! Finally a troll! [rubbing hands]
> But, what kind of troll is this, anyway. It isn't even crossposted!
> Here, let me fix that for you.
> .
> .
> .
> Ok, let's go.
> >
> > I have heard a lot of things about Linux.
> Yeah, me too. Better still, i've even seen it. And i'm using it to
> send this post right now. Linux is so cool, isn't it. I bet you
> couldn't even do that in Windows. (oops, i said Windows, with a
> capital even). I mean, winblows sucks.
> > I'm running happily W2K and now I'd like to know a valid
> > reason for switching from Windows 2000 to Linux? Why?
> > What advantage does the person gain running Linux?
> > Can some of you qeniuses tell me ???
> Because Linux ROCKS! It ROCKS, i tell you! Take my word for it! You
> get more stability! More configurability! More speed! Better apps!
> More choice! More exclamation marks!
> > Because Linux is a stable ?? Yes, I believe that, but so is W2K.
> No no no no no!!! winblows 2-grand sucks loads of crap through a very
> thin straw when it comes to [fill in
> > It costs less, yes it's true. But I'm only buying W2K once, and am all
> > set for at least 5 years if not more.
> > Besided, time is money. I will lose more money by screwing around
> > with a new system that I don't even know and that may not even support
> > the hardware that Windwows does.
> No hardware support? Hah! Did someone ever tell you that Mightgosoft
> hardly supports any hardware AT ALL!? You ALWAYS need vendor CD's.
> YUCK! Install OS. Reboot. Detect hardware. Reboot. Put in CD 1.
> Reboot. CD 2. Reboot. etc. etc. etc.
> In Linux, you can ALWAYS pick your video card on install from a
> HUMONGOUS list. You network card is ALWAYS supported. Sound cards
> ALWAYS work. I ALWAYS write 'ALWAYS' with capital letters!
> > What software am I going to run on it ??? All the world class software
> > is written for Windows. Hardly anything is ported to Linux.
> Word class?! You mean Mightgosoft Orifice?! Dude! Do you ever write
> anything that's more than one page? Try inserting a picture and see
> what happens to the rest of your text!
> Who needs Orifice when you can have VIM^H^H^HStar Office!
> > I'm a Windows developer, why should I spend 2 years of my life learning
> > how to program a new ssytem, that may eventually die anyway ???
>                        ^^^^^^
> AHA! A spelling error! You're such a fscking MORON! You can't even
> spell 'sysetm'!
> > I can create a great application using Visual Basic or Visual C++ in a
> > matter of few days. I'm not sure if that's posible in Linux. I haven't
> > heard about any Visual development envir. for Linux ...
> Hey! If you HAVE to use a visual environment, then you're NOT a good
> programmer, okay? Anyway, there are several nice IDE's for making
> apps. You have KDevelop, for instance. And have you tried JBuilder
> 3.5? WAY COOL!! Java runs TWICE as fast on Linux than it does on
> winblows!
> > The only way they (companies) can defeat Microsoft is with the help of
> > mom - Government. That's the only way they can do it, they can't
> > succeed on the merit alone. Sun Microsystems goes even so far as to get
> > involved European Union. Now that's real abuse of government power.
> > Here is the clear indication who is THE LOSER.
> Yep! Mightgosoft! Hehehe! Let everybody sue, sue and sue again!
> Governments unite! That way, Mightgosoft will at least have done
> SOMETHING right!
> > I can't wait to see your replies
> Well, that depends on how fast my ISP passes those news postings.
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> Ha! I bet you're really that mr. A. Coward from Slashdot, aren't you!
> Give me your REAL e-mail address so i can mailbomb you properly,
> instead of having to look for you first!
> (Let's see, a flame, a threat, lots of capitals, a crosspost and
> exclamation marks. Now THIS is a good troll!)
> --
>      You have changed the signature included in your e-mail.
> For these changes to take effect, you must restart your computer!
>           Do you wish to restart your computer now?
>                       [YES]    [NO]


From: "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: R.E. Ballard says Linux growth stagnating
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:37:02 -0700

I bet it's all BS. Same as Linux.

"R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8mlogs$i59$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when fred would say:
> > >On Thu, 03 Aug 2000 02:18:14 GMT, R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )
> > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet
> > >>I/T Architect, MIS Director
> > >>
> > >>Linux - 40 million satisfied users worldwide
> > >>and growing at over 5%/month! (recalibrated 7/2/00)
> > >
> > >Rex has recalibrated his Linux counter again.
> [snip] discussed in earlier postinng.
> > >Now if only he'd realize that the reality is probably half what he's
> > >claiming, i.e. around 20 million. :)
> >
> > Mind you, if reality is around 20 million, that's still none too
> shabby.
> This would be very close to actual sales.  A combination of Red Hat's
> and SuSE sales figures, combined with an IDC survey of the relative
> maoket
> shares (which does not count LinuxMall and Cheap-Bytes $2 CDs), would
> have grown to about 20 million about now.  What's still in dispute
> are the replication factors.
> > >Or if he'd finally admit to making up the Microsoft/Unix story.
> InfoWold - October or November 1989 - look it up on Microfiche.
> > But that might lead to bigger and worse things.
> Yup ;-)
> > He might have to admit to not having invented the Internet,
> I didn't invent the internet.  I just wrote about 5000 articles
> to a mailing list (online-newspapers and online-news) which guided
> news publishers and large busnesses in how to create and publish
> to the internet.  The most interesting were the "Kismet Postings",
> which Identified over 200 ideas worth $1 million/publisher/year
> each if followed in a timely manner.  I did ask for $1 per $1000
> after the first million, but I haven't received any checks (just
> job offers).  Steve Outings sells the package, including a number
> of replies for about $6000 per copy).
> I didn't invent the internet, but I had a signficant role in
> commercializing it.
> These were written from 1992 to 1997, at which point I switched
> my attention to getting Linux commercialised and accpted as a
> mainstream Operating system.  My goal is to get Linux a 30% market
> share in both Servers (done) and workstations/desktops (working).
> > just like Al Gore.
> I've heard that John Postel and Vint Cerf got quite a kick out
> of that one.  When George Bush cut the funding for the Internet
> (NSF-Net actually) Gore did little about it, even after being
> elected.
> Gore's plan was to nationalize it, federally fund everything,
> and then use the federal funding as an excuse to censor it.
> Mind you, usenet had some pretty raunchy groups and there were
> no holds (or handcuffs) barred.
> >  And that association with Democratic presidential figures might
> > be unacceptable.  (Yes, there could be other reasons; this is just one
> > of the more entertaining ones...)
> I'm bipartisan.  I want the Democrats out of my wallet, and I want
> the Republicans out of my private life.  The combination of the
> Clinton Presidency and the Republican Congress did just about that.
> They did just about as little as possible, unless theey knew they
> could get agreement from enough of everyboddy to override a veto.
> > >Or well, maybe if he'd just stop posting. :)
> >
> > If he'd only post the things he had actually researched, and had
> > verifiable facts for...
> My rate is $300 an hour.  I do this a a community service.  If you
> want to pay the price, give me a call (Follow the web site).
> > Um, well, I guess that probably amounts to what you said.  :-).
> But it's always more fun hearing it from you Chris.
> > --
> > "Free software: the Source will be with you, always."
> > -- Will Mengarini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> --
> Rex Ballard - I/T Architect, MIS Director
> Linux Advocate, Internet Pioneer
> Linux - 42 million satisfied users worldwide
> and growing at over 5%/month! (recalibrated 8/2/00)
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Black Dragon)
Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:35:21 GMT

On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:23:15 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,

>WTF are you talking about?
>You a homo or something?

Whether I'm a `homo' or not is irrelevant. You on the other hand are having an 
identity crisis, and for that, you should seek psychiatric help after you get
Billy G's cock out of your mouth.

>On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:16:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(Black Dragon) wrote:
>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:44:42 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>>[ a whole lot of absolutly nothing ]
>>Hi Steve.

Black Dragon

"Trying to make the Internet a better place, one Linux box at a time."


Subject: Re: Big Brother and the Holding Company
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:41:14 GMT

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 18:14:33 -0700, Inkswamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Yep...Linux is a dismal failure as far as the average desktop, non
>> nerd person is concerned.
>Define failure. Oh, do you mean it fails to draw the big mindless herd
>of computer users to its side who don't realize that there are other
>alternatives out there? I gather that's what you Windows types define
>as failure in terms of OS. The Mac OS user base could be brought all
>the way down to 1 user and I would still not define the Mac OS as a

You're an asshole my friend.
Pick at words all you like, the net result is what counts.
You are typical of the asshole who was trying to shoot a weapon at the
Vietcong to defend the mother land when the smart boys were in college
or like Slick Willie avoiding the draft all together.

Take a look at market share, asshole.

Where is Linux on the desktop?


It is being ignored!!!

>> If Gates were giving away Windows at the local computer shop or on the
>> net you wouldn't even be able to get near the place.
>Sadly, the mindless herd usually loves its freebies. History backs this
>up--the mindless herd usually isn't that interested in finer quality.
>They want quantity and they want it now.

No. They want an OS that works. They want compatability with other
sites and Linux dies at this.

Windows does, and Linux doesn't, even though it is FREE.

Explain that?

Linux is FREE and yet NOBODY WANTS IT!!!

Sure Nerds want Linux, they eat that shit up.

>> >No one WANTS an alternative to Windows therefore there is no market for one.
>I present myself as evidence to the contrary. I want an alternative to
>Windows. I have disproven your generalization (not too difficult to do)
>so the rest of your post is probably hogwash as well.

Good for you. You can join the other 4 people at the end of the line.

>> >There are plenty of alternatives and has been for QUITE a while. As is
>> >proven by the fact that Linux can't even be GIVEN away.
>I doubt anyone on the Linux platform ever expected it to achieve the
>kind of user base that Windows has. I know one user who told me he
>wouldn't dream of ever introducing his grandmother to Linux, and is
>happy to keep her on Windows. And who cares? The mere fact that you
>feel threatened enough to issue a public dismissal of Linux is proof
>enough of its success.

Ok. You have redeemed yourself, at least you understand.

>Again, here's the formula for you Windows users to memorize, maybe
>write it 100 times:
>                   OS success!=mass acceptance
>Why is it this concept can't get through this MS-induced haze you
>Windows users perpetually exist in?

Because Windows allows us to get our work done, not programming, but
general run of the mill work. Windows allows us to use the very latest
hardware without question. A hardware vendor would not sell one board
if it was not supported from it's release by Windows.

Linux support?

Good luck...

Vendors don't care, why should they. They have a rag tag bunch of
nerds willing to backward engineer every piece of hardware they
release, and all for free. Only problem is, the driver comes out 3
years too late.

THAT is why we run Windows...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: The Failure of the USS Yorktown
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:45:08 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Anthony D. Tribelli
would say: 
>Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is pretty readily arguable that Germany had superior materials,
>> probably a better trained military cadre (contrary to what "Hogan's
>> Heroes" would imply), and such.  Their problems were not primarily of
>> quality; what ultimate took them down was the fact that they were
>> surrounded by a _large_ set of enemies, who were being supplied
>> considerable amounts from the US, which was _not_ beset by enemies.
>It may be arguable that Germany had a better cadre at the start of the
>war, but as the war progressed and the allies gained experience that is
>highly debatable. At least on the ground. One the sea and in the air their
>superiority from the start of the war is debatable. 

The notion that it is debatable was really the point I was trying to
draw out.

>With respect to supplies, the manufacturing sites were safe but
>manufactured goods needed to be delivered to where they were needed. 
>Germany presented quite a threat in the north atlantic. A tank that is
>built but sent to the bottom of the ocean is as equally useless as a tank
>that was never built. 

Fair enough; a single Panzer that is "on location" on the Western
Front is indeed a whole lot more effective than 10 Sherman tanks
sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

That still keeps the issues on the side of "economics;" the war was
won on the fundamental basis of the overall supply chain, which is
certainly less "sexy" than winning on the basis of:
  a) Exceptional military cadre, or
  b) Cool Weapons.
Both of those things existed, from place to place; they make for
better movies than that of the lowly "riveter" that helps win by
building an overwhelming quantity of equipment.

>> American and British aircraft, tanks, guns, ships, tactics, and
>> training might all have been inferior to the German equivalents (which
>> is certainly an arguable matter), but if you can deploy enough of those
>> "possibly inferior" forces, they _can_ win.
>With respect to tanks you have a point, with submarines as well to a
>degree. However with small arms, ships, and aircraft you are probably
>incorrect regarding German superiority.

Which is why I used the phrase "might all have been inferior."  It's a
useful starting point for a debate, from a number of perspectives.
"Even in the  area of anticompetitive conduct, Microsoft  is mainly an
imitator." -- Ralph Nader (1998/11/11)


Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:46:47 GMT


Typical Linux nerd.....

Talking in a language nobody understands.

WTF are you talking about?

Did I miss something?

Or is this the Linux wet dream?

I can be anyone you want black dragon, but I am expensive, as well as
married, so you'll have to ask first.

Does this bother you?


On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:35:21 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Black Dragon) wrote:

>On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:23:15 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>>WTF are you talking about?
>>You a homo or something?
>Whether I'm a `homo' or not is irrelevant. You on the other hand are having an 
>identity crisis, and for that, you should seek psychiatric help after you get
>Billy G's cock out of your mouth.
>>On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:16:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>(Black Dragon) wrote:
>>>On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:44:42 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>>>[ a whole lot of absolutly nothing ]
>>>Hi Steve.


Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:47:42 GMT

Yet another idiot......

What is it with this group?

Are they all so afraid of the truth?

What a bunch of nerds....


On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 17:27:33 -0700, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Read it and weep Linux Nerds....
>> Do yourself a favor and try Windows 2k or SE or ME because Linux is
>> for the nerds.
>Hello Simon, just how many aliases are you now up to?
>Deadpenguin by any other name would post the same.


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:53:09 +0000
From: Jacques Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....

Black Dragon wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:44:42 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
> [ a whole lot of absolutly nothing ]
> >Claire
> Hi Steve.

Save your breath of fire, Black Dragon. Here is the *real* story,
cut and pasted from the URL given by Claire Lynn, or whomever:

Windows Me will be available in retail stores on September 14, 2000.
Windows Me also will be
 available preinstalled on new PCs. The estimated retail price for
Windows Me is the same as for
Windows 98: $209 (U.S.) for the full-package product and $109 (U.S.)
for a version upgrade from
Windows 95. For a limited time, Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second
Edition users may upgrade for
the special $59.95 price, after which the $109 price prevails. Parties
interested in learning the estimated retail price in local currency
for other countries should contact their local Microsoft subsidiary.

The $59.95 special expires in Jan 2001. And the stupid git hasn't 
understood yet that, if I (and others?) moved to Linux, it's not 
because of price, it's because I was terminally sick of Billy Goats' 
OS stuffing up my work, even though I paid nothing for it. And 
even if I had Win98 installed, I'd rather spend $60 on good malt
whisky--hey, that's two bottles of Talisker or Oban! (not quite
of Laphroaig, at least not in this country).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: R.E. Ballard says Linux growth stagnating
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:54:07 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when OSguy would say:
>"R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" wrote:
>> Actually, Chris is a very articulate and considerate Linux advocate.
>> > Obviously not all 2000 members show up for meetings.
>> >  Are you sure you didn't miss a decimal point there?
>> >  Or are you now the treasurer for all of them in
>> > this country?
>> >
>> That certainly sounds like a wintroll statement.
>Yes, if you don't know the context.  It was a cheap shot at Chris and
>his statement(s).
>Chris on more than one occasion has just swatted me off mail lists, etc.
>like I was a fly.  I just don't care for that.

If you accused me of having, on occasion, made somewhat dismissive
statements, I'd have to "plead guilty."  

But if you're talking about eliminating someone from a mailing list,
which seems a more reasonable interpretation, that's just plain false.
I _do_ have access so that I _could_ swat people off the mailing
lists, but have not, _at any time_, done so.

>So from time to time, I fling barbs at him.  In this case, I go to
>the same LUG that Chris is treasurer for, and I count the number of
>people at the meetings.  I know for a fact 2000 people don't show up
>there simply because the room they meet in doesn't hold that many
>people.  Also, it is hard for me to believe that our LUG has 2000
>people especially since Chris has repeatedly told me in past posts
>that NTLUG just doesn't have enough people or volunteers for other

There's room for debate as to what a precise membership number truly
means; the 2000 figure represents the number of people that have
filled in the <> survey to
join the mailing list.

That's obviously more than are present at meetings.  Typical in-person
attendance seems to be around 150, which isn't any completely fixed
single group of 150.

There's a fair bit of difference between 150 and 2000; while 2000 may
be an overoptimistic estimate, I'm quite sure that a "reasonable
estimate" would be significantly more than 150.

As for the "other events" issue, obviously, between the 150 "typical
attendance" and the 2000 that have been surveyed, there is substantial
variation in the levels of committment.

The most notable occasion when major flaming occurred related to the
"Linux Demo Day" event last year.  The first mention of it took place
about 3 weeks before the event, which is about 6 weeks too late to
start organizing a public event.  Some people got really excited about
a "let's code a game in a day" proposal, which was pooh-poohed by
others for reasons I regarded as being pretty legitimate.  Some work
looking for locations got done, but a suitable set of people to
actually _run_ the event didn't fall out of the discussions.  Despite
2000 to email a notice to, that doesn't guarantee that you'll get 5-10
who can spend a full weekday on an event on just a few week's notice.

quit   When the quit statement is read, the  bc  processor
       is  terminated, regardless of where the quit state-
       ment is found.  For example, "if  (0  ==  1)  quit"
       will cause bc to terminate.
(Seen in the manpage for "bc". Note the "if" statement's logic)


From: Mike Marion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:57:44 GMT


> >Yeah, Staples is the place everyone goes for their software... right.
> Normal people do.

The vast majority of "normal" people and nerds, when going to buy
software, go to (get this) _Computer and/or software_ stores. 
Stores like CompUSA/ComputerCity, Fry's Electronics, Egghead, Etc.  Very
few go to Staples... besides every staples that I've ever been to has a
software section that is pitiful.

> Yea and if you try to use anything BUT a SCSI scanner on Linux it
> dies. Same goes for high end sound cards, high end video cards and USB
> devices.

Hmm, my SBLive works great under Linux.  I don't own a scanner, but do
know a few people that use USB scanners under Linux.   I personally
would prefer a SCSI one myself since they've been around longest and I
find SCSI much more stable and robust anyway.

> Shit same goes for everyday soundcards... Talk to Pete Goodwin about
> that one.

I don't believe much of what good old Pete says... I've used about 10
different soundcards myself under linux and haven't had any problem
getting them to work.

> Who the hell needs 15 different editors? Or 10 dialup programs? Or 5
> different ways to change your monitor resolution (none of which work
> BTW).

You see, most people that use Linux (and sometimes other Unices) like
something called choice.  Different people have different tastes and
have different levels of productivity with different
commands/apps/programs.  I actually use both Solaris and Linux
everyday.. and I use Solaris more (mainly due to it being what I admin
most at work), but I choose to also use Linux.
> A collection of raw sewerage is Linux.....

What are you, speaking in Yodaese now? :P

> Windows 2k is more of a biz server application....But I suspect you
> knew that already.....Try the same thing under 98SE and see what
> happens.....

I don't like being forced to pay for a bugfix for my OS thanks.  2k has
been touted as MS' new flagship OS that is supposed to PnP as well as
9x... it doesn't.  It's supposed to install and work simply out of the
box.. it doesn't.  It's the sewage (not sewerage) as far as I'm

Mike Marion -  Unix SysAdmin/Engineer, Qualcomm Inc.
Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Subject: Mandrake 7.1...Same old Linocrap......
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:58:33 GMT

"Installed" Mandrake 7.1 the other day. If you want to call it
installed that is.

Soundcard does not work.
Scanner does not work.
Mouse half works (no wheel functions when hovering)
No printer.
Network a disaster...I WAS directed to a series of ill written
instructions on how to set this up.

Monitor defaults to 640x480....yuk....

Joystick does not work....

Modem does not work....

So what DOES work under Linux Mandrakes 7.1?

Well, you have a collection of about 15 different editors if you wish.
Maybe 5 different mail programs, none of them GUI BTW.

You LinoFreaks have got to be kidding....Is this the BEST you can

Linux sucks, just like it did 5 years ago and honestly you really
can't tell the difference..

Same old LinShit.....

Try it for yourself and see....

Linux sucks....



Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 01:00:52 GMT


Linux expired a long time ago.....

So tell me genious, how come Linux can't even give itself away?


On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:53:09 +0000, Jacques Guy

>Black Dragon wrote:
>> On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:44:42 GMT in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>> [ a whole lot of absolutly nothing ]
>> >Claire
>> Hi Steve.
>Save your breath of fire, Black Dragon. Here is the *real* story,
>cut and pasted from the URL given by Claire Lynn, or whomever:
>Windows Me will be available in retail stores on September 14, 2000.
>Windows Me also will be
> available preinstalled on new PCs. The estimated retail price for
>Windows Me is the same as for
>Windows 98: $209 (U.S.) for the full-package product and $109 (U.S.)
>for a version upgrade from
>Windows 95. For a limited time, Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second
>Edition users may upgrade for
>the special $59.95 price, after which the $109 price prevails. Parties
>interested in learning the estimated retail price in local currency
>for other countries should contact their local Microsoft subsidiary.
>The $59.95 special expires in Jan 2001. And the stupid git hasn't 
>understood yet that, if I (and others?) moved to Linux, it's not 
>because of price, it's because I was terminally sick of Billy Goats' 
>OS stuffing up my work, even though I paid nothing for it. And 
>even if I had Win98 installed, I'd rather spend $60 on good malt
>whisky--hey, that's two bottles of Talisker or Oban! (not quite
>of Laphroaig, at least not in this country).



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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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