Linux-Advocacy Digest #302, Volume #28            Tue, 8 Aug 00 06:13:05 EDT

  Re: ATTN: REX BALLARD: Microsoft's contracts not volountary (Steve Chaney)
  Re: MS advert says Win98 13 times less reliable than W2k ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: Why Linux will crash and burn..... (Glitch)
  Re: Watch them squirm and slither (Glitch)
  Re: Linux...Does Anyone REALLY Care? (Glitch)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1...Same old Linocrap...... (Glitch)
  Re: Linux...Does Anyone REALLY Care? (Glitch)
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... (Glitch)
  Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish..... (Glitch)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Chaney)
Subject: Re: ATTN: REX BALLARD: Microsoft's contracts not volountary
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 08:48:34 GMT

On 7 Aug 2000 01:04:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Loren Petrich) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Raul Iglesias wrote:
>>>    Well up to certain limit it is the final humanity goal I think ... unless
>>> big and strong companies make 90% persons work a lot to be able
>>> them to live very well.
>>Then fucking get some skills that make you more valuable to your
>       I have a feeling that Mr. Kulkis does not really want that to 
>happen, because large numbers of people manifesting Unix sysadmin skills 
>would produce a lot of competition for him, and his much-idolized law of 
>supply and demand would force down his income.

The job market would ensure even a superdoltus like Aaron Kulkis will
be employed for quite a while.

>       Furthermore, it's rather difficult to acquire new skills if most 
>of one's waking hours are spent working.

Not really. My employer decided that since I was doing a day's work,
efficiently and without screw-ups, basically by midday, that I needed
more work, and what better work than to graduate from software testing
to programming?

Basically I was showing an aptitude for understanding SQL, and they
decided to put IIS, Access and SQL Server on my machine, and give me
some books on ASP (and later, PHP) and SQL. Within two days I was
coding modules for their in house bug reporting/tracking system, and
generally being an even more productive employee.

When they turned to some Linux based solutions through RedHat, I was a
natural to run the project, being the resident Linux advocate/expert.
and I picked up PHP so fast that while four senior programmers were in
the next cubicle bitching about having to learn PHP, I went to the
website on my lunch break, looked it over, and sent an email to one of
the guys about an example of how simple it was to use PHP to work with
SQL stuff. I had, until then, never touched PHP.

The company put me on that project, too, and footed the bill for my
SQL, ASP and PHP books. I took the books and five glowing references
with me to my next job, once their e-commerce system was up and

The thing is, in this market, employers almost have no choice but to
train people. They're hiring liberal arts majors for programming
tasks, for crying out loud.

Failing that, if you cannot find an employer who won't train you
(which is becoming rare in this market), you can always work on new
things on your off time. This would, of course, require a lot of
personal initiative, but it is doable. My mother was raising me while
constantly taking nursing classes to keep her skills up to date, so
even if you have a family to look after, it's doable. (Programming, of
course, is a job which has a far lower barriers to entry than, say,

In the example of learning SQL (a skill which has quadrupled the
number of employers calling me for interviews), here's a simple, free
way to train oneself: 

1) install RedHat Linux on your system, 
2) Install MySQL (nevermind that it lacks a few things like
transaction services, etc., it's just a training tool for a SQL
3) Install Apache and PHP3. Perl should already be pre-installed on
your system.
4) Go to or a bookstore and get one or more of the
following books (mind you, this is for newbies): O'Reilly's "The Perl
CD Bookshelf" and "MySQL and mSQL" (this includes a good run down of
SQL syntax), IDG's "SQL for Dummies", and Hilton/Willis' "Building
Database Applications on the Web Using PHP3".

I specifically don't mention GUIs for database development here
because I found building tables and things by hand, in the beginning,
massively helped with my ability to troubleshoot later on.

Microsoft also has some free solutions, though you'll pay through the
nose for Windows NT, MS Access, and MS Sql Server. If you have that,
and are a newbie:
1) get IIS for Windows NT, available in certain service packs (I
forgot which ones off the top of my head)
2) get IDG Books' "ASP For Dummies" and "SQL For Dummies", and then
"10 Projects You Can Do With Microsoft SQL Server 7" by Karen

Assemble these tools, come home after work, and get crackin'.

If the subject is not SQL but rather MCSE certification, that is
another issue, but I would ask Crash Street Kidd how he managed that
one, as I think he now has his MCSE. The fact is if you are insanely
determined enough, acquiring new skills is possible.

Hell, I just described how a single mother and career telemarketer
trained herself right into a situation where she's getting minimum job
offers of $50,000/year. Easily four times what she was earning before
she dumped the career of cold calls and crass customers, to pursue the
IT field.

If a single mom can do it.....................

-- Steve


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MS advert says Win98 13 times less reliable than W2k
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 05:02:14 -0400

"R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" wrote:
> > >
> > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > >   "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > "R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard )" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > This put you and Bill Gates in the same boat as Al Capone,
> > > > > Adolf Hitler, Napoleon, Caligula, and all of those other famous
> > > > > figures who would "do WHATEVER it takes to win".
> > > >
> > > > Unlike the others, Napolean was an honorable man.
> > >
> > > I suppose that all depends on where you were standing.  If you were
> > > British, or Russian, or suspected of being involved with the first
> > > exhile, you might question Bonaparte's honor.  The man was obsessed
> > > with conquering the world,
> >
> [Snip Rex's irrelevent comments]
> >
> > This man had millions of supporters EVERYWHERE!
> >
> > His intent was to displace the European aristocracy.
> >
> [snip Aron's Brilliant Defense of Napoleon]
> I stand corrected.
> > When he escaped from Elba Isle for the second time, he started
> > walking towards Paris.  By the time he reached Paris, there were
> > 90,000 men following him.  He was a twice-convicted and exiled
> > criminal, and yet, he had the support of the French people.
> > These 90,000 men formed the core of the army that fought at
> > Waterloo.
> >
> But ultimately, Napoleon was exhiled a third time, and this time
> he was slowly poisoned by one of his most trusted friends.
> What made the American Revolution unusual is that when they all
> decided to make George Washington the supreme head of the country,
> (in fact, designing the role to his specifications), he served eight
> years and stepped down voluntarily, and suggested that no man should
> serve more than two years in that office.  The only man who ever did,
> Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, died in office, and was dubbed by many
> during his third term to be "King Franklin".
> Had Napoleon created a line of succession, as George Washington did
> (he worked very hard cultivating BOTH Hamilton and Jefferson), he might
> have succeeded in creating a "United States of Europe".

The fractionalization of languages in Europe causes a problem,
though.   Very powerful force for pulling people apart.

> Instead, because of his insistance on being "Emperor" Napoleon,
> he created so many enemies that he was overthrown three times.
> Europe endured nearly 150 more years of war and preparation for war,
> and was only "united" economically, when they simply agreed to disagree.
> From Napoleon's first march, to the end of the cold war, europe has
> feared another "Napoleon".

True.  His big mistake was overthrowing one permanent heirarchy
only to replace with something similar... should have gone for
the Meritocracy and elected government concepts like what we have.
[And actually, this failing is quite unexcusable, as the USA was
several decades old by this time.]

> > > > > Who knows, maybe Microsoft had someone "fix" Dr Kildall's
> airplane
> > > > > before he took it out for that last flight.  Maybe somebody
> "fixed"
> > > > > Steven Wozniak's plane?  And how many other visionaries died in
> > > >
> > > > Woz died?   When?
> > >
> > > No.  Woz almost died in a crash of his private airplane.  It seems
> > > that a combination of a malfunction and Wozniak's limited experience
> > > resulted in an airplane crash that almost killed him and 3 other
> > > people.  He survived, but suffered severe brain damage, especially
> > > affecting his short term memory.  He now teaches computer skills
> > > to elementary school children.  As I understand it, he's very happy
> > > being away from the politics of Apple, and still likes to tinker
> with
> > > new inventions.
> >
> > My understanding is Jobs never treated Woz with as much respect
> > as he deserved...considering that Woz created the original apple
> > [I believe it was dubbed "the incredible Woz Machine"]
> Actually, the incredible Woz Machine was the floppy drive on the
> Lisa.  It had a different number of sectors on the outer tracks
> (where there are more linear bits available, than the inner tracks.
> This technology is still used on IDE and SCSI drives.
> Jobs always wanted to be the "head man".  He was always the business
> person.  He was the one who went to the banks (after something like
> 40 interviews he realised he had to cut his hair and shave off his
> beard.  He was one of the first exhibitors to wear a suit to a
> "Microcomputer Show".  When Apple went public, Woz felt bad that
> Jobs had given none of the stock to the employees.
> The Gates/Allen relationship was similarly strained.  Allen would
> quietly form the friendships and alliances that Microsoft needed
> to survive, and Gates would publicly destroy those alliances once
> they were no longer needed.

Sounds like 'Good cop/Bad cop'

> > > Gary Kildall was an expert pilot, and his plane malfunctioned over
> > > the California coastline.
> >
> > From the maneuver described, it sounds like he collapsed, and
> > fell forwards onto the yoke and throttle (turning the yoke
> > and pushing the throttle forwards to nil").
> It's possible.  I watched the A&E biography of Gary Kildal, and
> according to his wife, Gary was in excellent health.  I'm curious
> as to what would cause such a collapse that an experienced pilot
> would drop forward onto the stick/throttle.  Whatever it was, it
> was quick, and sudden.

Hypoxia?  Malfunction in the cabin oxygen system or maybe the
tanks didn't get filled?

> > --
> > Aaron R. Kulkis
> > Unix Systems Engineer
> > ICQ # 3056642
> >
> > A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.
> >
> --
> Rex Ballard - I/T Architect, MIS Director
> Linux Advocate, Internet Pioneer
> Linux - 42 million satisfied users worldwide
> and growing at over 5%/month! (recalibrated 8/2/00)
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:29:00 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux will crash and burn.....

> 1.The internet has changed from a tool used by nerds to a tool used by
> the average Joe and Jane.
> 2. The internet has become a multimedia marketplace. Napster and it's
> video variants have proven this to be fact. Sure the Fed's are trying
> to kill the Nap, but one website in South Africa will take it's place
> and there are 1000 more after that so the Feds will never win.
> Where is Linux in all of this?

Linux is allowing those sites to exist by being the OS that the servers
run on, along with other variations of Unix.

> Some half baked Napster clone? Support
> for only the lowest level of sound/video cards?

nVidia and other such chipsets are supported. The lasat time I checked
that isn't low end. Windows just recently acquired multi monitor
support....any one know exactly how long Linux has HAD that feature?  
Oh, and by the way, my ATI All in Wonder PCI card is supported just fine
in X windows.

>  Where IS Linux?

everywhere you want to be
> The Linux camp is missing the boat big time...

not by sales records it isn't, or the number of messages in these

> If  you Nerds think that editors and compilers are the key to market
> share you are dead wrong. If you think that folks will chuck their
> already functioning hardware (Winmodems?) and gravitate toward Linux
> you are wrong..

but they do, often people come in here asking if their winmodems will
work. Sometimes they already know its a winmodem and ask, other times
they do not know ahead of time and we give them suggestions on what they
can do to remedy the problem of manufacturers only supporting Windows in
their device drivers.

> So what does Linux have to offer?
> Shit, the damm thing is free and still, nobody I know is using it.
> Why is that?

just b/c it is free doesn't mean everyone knows about it.  I don't
recall ever seeing any commercials about it on TV (here in the states). 
Unless you visit computer stores or read catalogs you probably won't
know it exists unless someone tells you about it, so don't think just
b/c it is free everyone is supposed to have it installed and if they
don't have it installed it's b/c they think it sucks. That in my opinion
is a shallow mind.  

also, until a tv commercial appears for Linux most likely the only
people using it will be people who walk into computer stores to shop or
read computer catalogs that come in the mail.  Those same people also
will most likely be the type who will know enough about their computer
to be able to install Linux with little or no trouble.

> What is the reason for the dismal share of Linux?

and what may your source be for declaring it dismal? Do you think that
the small circle of people you know represent the population of this
world as a whole? I don't think so.  Just b/c you may not know anyone
using it doesn't mean there isn't anyone doing so.

> Claire


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:30:22 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Watch them squirm and slither

Too bad you can't give any factual information. You are just ranting and
raving over nothing really.  No actual debatable topic was mentioned in
your post to even warrant an argument. 

> Typical Linoasshole reaction.....
> Post a fact (Windows ME is going at $59.99) and they all try and
> squirm together to try and attempt damage control.
> Just like cockroaches.
> The roaches can deny all they want but the truth is obvious.....
> Claire


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:39:12 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux...Does Anyone REALLY Care?

i like your response jacque, good touch   :)

i hope you get a kiss back   lol

Jacques Guy wrote:
> Yes, my dear lady, you do appear to care, and very much
> so, too. Ah, it  is so refreshing to have a whiff of
> genteel femininity blow a scented breeze through this
> newsgroup! How refreshing, what a welcome change from
> the abusive, semi-literate rants and raves of so many
> here! You _will_ keep up the good work, won't you, my
> dear? Thank you... allow me... (*smoooooch*)


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:37:45 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1...Same old Linocrap......

[posted and mailed]

> "Installed" Mandrake 7.1 the other day. If you want to call it
> installed that is.
> Soundcard does not work.
Install the appropriate drivers and it will. Use OSS or ALSA.

> Scanner does not work.
ask for help in another newsgroup instead of whining. I'd help you but I
don't have a scanner so I don't know what is typically done to get it up
and running.

> Mouse half works (no wheel functions when hovering)
I believe this can be fixed easily. if you just ask someone would help

> No printer.
Mandrake is close to RH however I haven't used RH in a while but the
last time I did use it there was a program called the Control Panel
where a person could configure their printer. I believe I used it when I
wanted to print docs in Wordperfect. If that is available to Mandrake
use it to setup your printer.  Ever hear of reading?  I'm sure you had
to read when you installed yoru first printer in Windows did you not?

> Network a disaster...I WAS directed to a series of ill written
> instructions on how to set this up.
> Monitor defaults to 640x480....yuk....

so change the default. Did anyone ever say that a default option was set
in stone? Change it!!

> Joystick does not work....

can't help you here as i haven't ever attempted to use a joystick in
> Modem does not work....

if its a winmodem it is not a surprise. If it is a real modem and you
are using KDE then configure kppp to setup a dial up connection

> So what DOES work under Linux Mandrakes 7.1?
> Well, you have a collection of about 15 different editors if you wish.
> Maybe 5 different mail programs, none of them GUI BTW.

ever hear of Netscape mail?????

> You LinoFreaks have got to be kidding....Is this the BEST you can
> offer?

is this the most you can whine?

> Linux sucks, just like it did 5 years ago and honestly you really
> can't tell the difference..
> Same old LinShit.....
> Try it for yourself and see....
> Linux sucks....
as a final note, just b/c you may not like linux doesn't mean you have
to come here and whine about it. If you don't like it then erase it from
your hard drive, mourn over it, and get on with your life. It's not like
we forced you to try it and said you could come back here and complain
if it didn't work.  You volunteered, remember?


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:45:30 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux...Does Anyone REALLY Care?

> Ok, so Open Source is a nice touchy freely kind of thing and we all
> should meet one night under a tent and bring our incense and candles,
> but does anyone really care?
what do u mean?

>  We need to get work done and are NOT interested in some "1960's
> flower child" type philosophy....
> WHo in their right mind needs all of the crap that is installed by a
> typical Linux install?

who ever forced you to install everything that is offered? I think you
miss what the definition of the word 'offer' is.  It means you don't
have to install it if you don't want to or don't need to. It's there if
you want it back if you don't know what it is or do but don't need it
pass it up.  Great idea that offer this is huh?

> Bison?
> Lex?
> VI?
> Emacs?
> Jed?
> Sed?
> Biff?
> Pine?
> Lyx?
> And so forth....
> A joke of half assed programs that have been masquerading behind less
> than 1.0 releases for 10 years or more.

I could be wrong but isn't Emacs in like the early 20's for a version
number?   And just b/c they are below 1.0 or just past the 1.0 milestone
doesn't mean anything bad.  It might mean that everything that a person
would ever need was put into the releases before 1.0 and nothing besides
small patches was ever needed afterwards.  Ever hear of the phrase "if
it ain't broke don't fix it"? That applies here.

Pine specifically is a great mail program if you dont' wish to use X
windows all the time to just check your mail.  The web hosting company I
used to work for had hundreds of users who would setup Pine for their
accounts in order to check their mail with it.  Given most people would
setup OE or NS but someone peopled vied for Pine.

> Do you Lino-Ners really think this is what the public wants?

No one is forcing the public to install them or even use those
programs.  Think Claire before you speak.  If you want a mail program
use NS. If you want a text editor use Gnotepad ( I believe that's the
> If you do, you are sorely wrong.....

Not everyone wants the same thing as you. Don't be so self-absorbed.
> Claire


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 04:56:54 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....

> Another misguided asshole....
> Linux MAndrake 7.1, $59.95...Windows 98 ME $59.95....
one thing you forgot about, ME isnt out yet
another thing you forgot about,  why would anyone upgrade and waste more
> Price is moot... UNless of course you want the STRIPPED VERSION WHICH
> Cheap worth about
> $1.99....

well along those sames lines I don't think windows is worth anything so
that's why all my copies are pirated (i.e. $0), so there.

> Apps?
The company who makes Houdini for NT released Houdini for Linux, MSRP:

> You're joking....
> How about Quicken?
gnucash, moneydance

> Livewire?
don't know what it is

> AutoCad?
I hear some company will be releasing their CAD program soon. Someone in
this newsgroup  a while back mentioned it I believe.

> A decent GUI email like Eudora?
Eudora is decent?  NS mail works fine for me.

> Browser? Netscape is the best you offer? You're kidding right?
if you don't like it try Opera, or Amaya


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 05:10:57 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows ME $59.99..Good Bye Linux. .Thanks for the fish.....

> On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:20:05 GMT, Mike Marion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Just to rub salt in the wounds, as if you don't have any wounds,
> >> Staples in Bennington VT had Mandrake 7.1 for $59.95 on an end cap,
> >
> >Yeah, Staples is the place everyone goes for their software... right.
> Normal people do.
> Where do nerds go?
> >> Do yourself a favor and try Windows 2k or SE or ME because Linux is
> >> for the nerds.
> >
> >I have, it's for shit.  If I install 2k on my home box and install the
> >driver (I can install the released stable driver, the beta driver, or
> >the Nvidia detonator driver) for my Geforce card.. 2k won't boot into
> >normal mode!  Even if it's the _only_ driver I install, and if I boot
> >into Safe Mode (which takes freaking forever) and remove the driver.. it
> >still won't boot to Normal Mode.  If I change video cards (it works fine
> >in 98 and Linux BTW) I can boot, and if I install the drivers for my
> >Hauppage TV card, and my Hollywood Plus DVD card... BSOD on boot...
> Yea and if you try to use anything BUT a SCSI scanner on Linux it
> dies. Same goes for high end sound cards,

my $30 (i'm guessing that's the price) ESS1868 works fine too under

> high end video cards and USB

my old S3 Virge with 2mb of RAM worked just fine under X. Haven't
attempted USB yet.

> devices.
> Shit same goes for everyday soundcards... Talk to Pete Goodwin about
> that one.

my $10 NE2000 clone NIC works just fine in Linux

Also, what you say about high end devices is a complete lie.  Linux was
created for 386 PCs 9 years ago when  4 megs of RAM was top of the line
and 100 mb hard drive was bliss.  High end hardware like today obviously
didn't exist back then but people still used linux. You know why? B/c
Linux supported a lot of generic devices and devices everyday people
used, including high end devices such as SCSI controller cards and such.
> Linux just sucks...
> It's a collection, a garbage collection, of junk, that nobody wants.
> Who the hell needs 15 different editors? Or 10 dialup programs? Or 5
> different ways to change your monitor resolution (none of which work
> BTW).

no one said you did need 15 editors. If you dont need them dont install
them.....novel idea i know.
The monitor resolution changes will work as long as you have defined to
use other resolutions

> A collection of raw sewerage is Linux.....
> The people have spoken, largely by ignoring Linux, even though it is
> free.
> Give it up dude, you have lost before you have even begun.
> Oh yea....If you are into high end video and audio you would be better
> off with Win98se instead of 2k...

SE sucks

> Windows 2k is more of a biz server application....But I suspect you
> knew that already.....Try the same thing under 98SE and see what
> happens.....

my 3rd boot into 98 caused my sound to be muted for some reason. ever
since then my sound won't unmute even if I tell windows to do so. Upon
every reboot my sounds gets muted as soon as Windows starts.  98 also
doesn't want to find my dvd drive for some reason even though 95 had no
trouble with it so basically I my $200 dvd drive is useless, except once
or twice when 98 decided it wanted to see it one time I booted the PC.
Then when I went to shut it down I got a BSOD b/c 98 didn't know how to
handle the dvd that it had neve seen before.



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