Linux-Advocacy Digest #435, Volume #28           Wed, 16 Aug 00 13:13:09 EDT

  Re: Are Linux people illiterate? ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA (Craig Kelley)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE) (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: Linsux as a desktop platform (The Ghost In The Machine)
  Re: Notebook/Windows rebate? (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA (OSguy)
  Re: MCSE != Engineer (Was: Microsoft MCSE (Tim Kelley)
  Re: C# is a copy of java (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Notebook/Windows rebate? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("Christopher Smith")
  Re: Linsux as a desktop platform ("Christopher Smith")
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("JS/PL")


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Are Linux people illiterate?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:55:39 -0400

"T. Max Devlin" wrote:
> Said Aaron R. Kulkis in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
>    [...]
> >> I don't understand your reference to the birch grove.
> >
> >Anybody who mentions the fact that the US's education is being
> >DELIBERATELY destroyed by the teaching establishment is *supposedly*
> >a member of the John Birch society, [...]
> Anybody who thinks that the education system is being destroyed by the
> educators is an idiot.

If one cannot callit sabotage, do you have another name for
"invented spelling" and it's ilk?

> >[...]an
> >organization which is ridiculed by leftists to such an extent that
> >I can only assume that it is out of utter fear.
> Well, I must admit there's an underlying fear that such a poor excuse
> for intellectual effort will become more popular.  Mostly, though, I
> think the JBS gets ridiculed because it is ridiculous, I'm afraid.
> >Fear of what, I do not know...but quite obviously, the JB society is
> >the biggest of all boogey-men in the mind of socialists, communists,
> >statists, and other creeps.
> No, just narrow-minded ultra-conservatives with regressive ideas about
> social justice in the minds of liberals, moderates, and even some
> conservatives.
> --
> T. Max Devlin
> Manager of Research & Educational Services
> Managed Services
> ELTRAX Technology Services Group
> -[Opinions expressed are my own; everyone else, including
>    my employer, has to pay for them, subject to
>     applicable licensing agreement]-
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


Subject: Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16 Aug 2000 10:27:26 -0600


> A couple of weeks ago I did a little experiment at one of the NYC
> CompUSA stores, I counted the Linux boxes on the shelves and marked
> each one with a fluorescent high lighter to track them.
> In 4.5 weeks a grand total of 3 Linux boxes have been sold. This
> includes, RH, SuSE, Corel, Mandrake and the associated "Power Packs".
> Pretty dismal if you ask me.....

Yeah, and the clearance shelf at our Barnes&Noble is littered with
Windows 2000 books, MCSE study guides, Inside Windows 98 books, Office
97/2000 and VB/ASP/VC++ programming manuals.  Linux has replaced 'NT'
in the shelf headings of the OS aisle, and the Linux books outnumber
the NT books 2:1 (not counting any programming manuals either).  Some
of those Windows 2000 books are only 2 months old, and they're up for
grabs at 25% off (and there's piles of 'em!).  The Java section
outnubmers the VB section by far (especially if you throw in VBScript
vs. JavaScript, which isn't really a good thing to do).  There are
several Python books, and the usual assortment of Perl manuals.  To be
fair, there was one Linux book on the clearance shelf:  Running Linux,
2nd ed.

Meanwhile, NT, er I mean *Windows 2000* is nowhere to be found in any
mainstream store (ie, Walmart, Fred Meyer, Costco, etc.) wheras Linux
is always there.  My buddies from high school are all now running
Linux (except one -- damn you Terry!  :) at least on dual-boot
systems; I know because they all call me up to help them fix their
systems...  (doh)

> Three boxes in 4.5 weeks?

It appears that open standards are returning to the computer world.
Linux users don't really need to go out and buy copies of their OS
every year like Windows users do.  We usually spend our computer money
on interesting technology instead; books about things to *do* with our
computer rather than *about* our computer; new upgrades for the
machine -- actually using it for a change.  If I want to update my
RedHat system, I'll just do a network install from the mirror I keep
at work of the latest system; no need to run down to CompUSA (of all
places!) to buy a new already-outdated box.  

Of course, Microsoft will still sell you that already-outdated box,
but more and more people are just refusing to upgrade.  Several of my
aquaintences are still running Windows 95.  My boss was suckered into
getting Windows 2000 for his laptop (an MCSE told him how great it
was); he's since thrown it away (!) and put Windows 98 back on it
because it "made his laptop slower than molasses in January".  The
head of our CIS department, who (until recently) had a multi-million
dollar contract with Microsoft ( and was a
staunch supporter of Microsoft technologies
( -- replace "object-oriented
visual language" with Microsoft Visual Basic) has done the same
thing with Windows 2000 -- they still run NT4+Citrix on the backend
and he has taken it off his laptop for the same reason my boss did.
He is also now building a Linux-based beowulf cluster with computers
that the computer center has thrown away (add another 30 hits to the
linux counter please).  Oh, and they also recently moved all their
mailing lists over to a Linux box because Exchange wouldn't allow them
to make generic lists of e-mail of people *not in* the Exchange
system.  (and... Linux came to the rescue when their Exchange server
crashed, but that's another story for another time)

They are going to start teaching buisiness grads with Linux in the
very near future (my alma mater has been using Linux since 1994).

> I'll bet they sell 200 times that of PowderPuff Girls (a kids game for
> Windows).... I saw 3 people on line buying that game the day I was
> there.

Yes, and they'll also sell that game 200 times more than they'll sell
Windows 2000.

> I know all the LinoNuts will say everyone is spending hours ftp'ing
> the CD or buying the stripped $1.99 Cheapgarbage version. Or buying
> one CD and sharing it amongst 200 friends (do Linux users even have
> friends?)
> I don't believe it...

Keep on living in denial.

> What I DO believe is that Linux is a dismal failure in the eyes of the
> desktop user. It is dying a slow and miserable death....

Well, Michael Dell disagrees with you:

> Server yes. Geek backroom? Yes.
> Desktop?


> Forget it...In fact it already HAS been forgotten before it has even
> started.
> Windows is / has steam rolled Linsux right into the trash can where it
> belongs.
> Windows 98ME will slam the lid on Linsux once and for all.

Great!  DOS lives on in perpetuity.  Are you certain that you're not
Bill Gates in disguise?  He's the only other person on the planet that
thinks DOS is a good idea...

> Cakewalk (a digital audio/MIDI recording software company) as well as
> the other players in that field are working with Microsoft on the next
> version of Direct-X as well as mp3 technology and several other things
> I can't mention here.

Woo-hoo!  MP3 technology.  Wow!  How _innovative_.

Pardon my sarcasm, but *please* don't "leak" any other innovations
that are coming through the pipeline.

> Suffice to say Linux will be put out of it's misery (thank God) very
> soon...


> Quick....Name 10 friends that are not programmers / Geeks that you
> know that are running Linux on their desktop....

Easily done (as if it matters...).

> I can't name 2...

Get more friends.  Take a break from usenet.

  [snip more amusing quips]

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:21:23 -0500

"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
> Nathaniel Jay Lee wrote:
> >
> > "Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
> > >
> > > Nathaniel Jay Lee wrote:
> > > > I couldn't ever get into Ally McBeal.  Waaaaaay too many sexual
> > > > references (what is it, like one every 10 seconds?).  My parents also
> > > > watch it religiously (I guess I'm still rebelling huh?).
> > > >
> > >
> > > Your parent's are baby-boomers, right?
> >
> > Yeppers.
> >
> > >
> > > Juvenile TV shows for juvenile minds
> > > (how many babyboomers do you know who are troubled by the fact that
> > > society is beginning to expect them to at least behave like adults
> > > (even though they still don't have the thought processes down very
> > > well)?)
> >
> > Well, my parents have both told me that I spent more time raising them
> > than they did raising me.  But that's only partially true.  I do
> > remember spending a lot of Saturday mornings screaming at my dad as he
> > puked his guts out after a 'night out on the town'.  BTW, apparently I
> > didn't do a very good job of raising them, cause niether one of them
> > seems to be capable of having an adult conversation for more than three
> > minutes at a time.  They are constantly pulling one of these, no it was
> > his fault, no it was her fault kind of things.  Real fun when you go out
> > to eat with them.
> My condolences.  I was fortunate in that my parents are just a couple
> of years older than the baby-boomers, and ... stayed away from
> moronic behavior.

Forgive me my boldness, but somehow I am not 100% convinced of that :-).

At least when I see myself doing something stupid I have a backup (heh,
it's amazing I can function at all with the parenting I had).  So that's
one good thing about parents that act moronic.

Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linsux as a desktop platform
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:42:41 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roberto Alsina
on Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:01:53 -0300
>The Ghost In The Machine escribió:

(warning: attributes lost here)

>> >No, you missed my point.  If you had Linux available,
>> >you would not have to look tons through of manuals or
>> >have things memorized.   In the case of the sticky bit
>> >just typing man chmod would have told you all you wanted
>> >to know about what the sticky bit and suid bit do
>> Not on my Redhat 6.0 machine (or 6.2, either).  In "man chmod", the
>> word "sticky" doesn't even show up!  "info chmod" fares little better.
>> "man ls" doesn't mention "sticky", either.
>There are two chmod man pages in my system, at least.

Ah, of course, 'man 2 chmod'.  I feel slightly stupid now. :-)
(Shit happens.)

Mind you, expecting a rank newbie to make this correspondence may
be a bit much.  (Ideally, chmod(1) would have a "see also"
to chmod(2).)

>Here are some of the things my chmod man pages say:
>S_ISVTX   01000 sticky bit
>Depending  on  the file system, set user ID and set group ID execution
>bits may
>be turned off if a file is written.  On some file systems, only the 
>can  set  the  sticky bit, which may have a special meaning (e.g., for
>ries, a file can only be deleted by the owner or the super-user). 
>Roberto Alsina


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- it's not like I've been stupid before :-)


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Notebook/Windows rebate?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:28:01 -0500

Nobody Needs to Know wrote:
> Howdy, folks.
> I'm looking at buying a new notebook, but I have no need/desire for
> Windows.  A friend of mine recently told me that there's some way to
> return your unopened bundled copies of Microsoft software to Microsoft for
> a rebate.  Anybody know anything about this?  I'm probably going to get a
> Dell Inspiron 5000, but Dell INSISTS that you MUST have Windows 98 and
> Office SBE.  You can't opt out of them.  If there's some way to get a
> rebate on these things, I'd certainly love to know how.  Alternatively, if
> there's some readily available resale market on them, I'd be happy to do
> that, too.
> Thanks,
>                      -- David

There's two things you could do.  If you insist on buying Dell, they do
offer Linux on 'some' of their laptop configurations, you just won't
have some of the options available to those who purchase Windows.  The
other thing you could do is purchase straight from a Linux based
dealer.  Something like is a good place to look. 
But I think most of their laptops are based on Sony products.  There are
others available.  But Dell will sell you a laptop pre-loaded with Linux
(but like I said, you can't get certain options.)

Start here if
you want to have a shot at buying a Dell computer pre-loaded with
Linux.  That seems to be the base homepage for Linux on Dell computers.

Nathaniel Jay Lee


Subject: Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:04:39 -0500


> A couple of weeks ago I did a little experiment at one of the NYC
> CompUSA stores,

Mistake #1:  Most serious computer people I know go to Best Buy for shelf
items.....most would rather not step into CompUSA.

> I counted the Linux boxes on the shelves and marked
> each one with a fluorescent high lighter to track them.

I bet CompUSA loved that.  Did you clear it with them?  Also, have you
considered that most shoppers like me won't pick up an item that looks
less than original manufacturer's packaging (including weird marks) for
the simple reason that the item may have been a repackaged or reused item
and therefore missing some contents?  I have seen, on some occasions,
some CompUSA stores put items back on the shelves as though they are
original packaging.

> In 4.5 weeks a grand total of 3 Linux boxes have been sold. This
> includes, RH, SuSE, Corel, Mandrake and the associated "Power Packs".
> Pretty dismal if you ask me.....
> Three boxes in 4.5 weeks?

Funny, I was standing in line in Best Buy a couple of weeks ago and
counted 1 Redhat, 2 Suses, and 1 Corel Linux (sic) sold before I got to
the checkout.

> I'll bet they sell 200 times that of PowderPuff Girls (a kids game for
> Windows).... I saw 3 people on line buying that game the day I was
> there.

Windows is great for kids games (just like Atari is perceived to be).

> I know all the LinoNuts will say everyone is spending hours ftp'ing
> the CD or buying the stripped $1.99 Cheapgarbage version. Or buying
> one CD and sharing it amongst 200 friends (do Linux users even have
> friends?)
> I don't believe it...

Too bad.  You ought to try to download the latest Debian 2.2 can't even get on the ftp sites.  Pretty busy for people
not ftping the CD(s).

> What I DO believe is that Linux is a dismal failure in the eyes of the
> desktop user. It is dying a slow and miserable death....

Here is where I don't really care what you believe since you're obviously
in a state of denial (and brainwashed by Microsoft).  Why are you so
scared to try something else?  MS docks your pay?

> Server yes. Geek backroom? Yes.
> Desktop?

I've used Linux for my Desktop for over 2 years now.  I do everything
that I've ever done with Windows, without the lockups, not limited to
running 2 seemingly simultaneous tasks (We have an NT machine running 2
instances of a commercial compiler....amazing how 1 instance runs for 10
seconds, then the second session runs for 10 seconds, etc.), and have a
much nicer choice of what I want for my GUI or Command Line.....In the
Gui's case, I switch to 1 account to run gnome (which now runs again for
me since I used Redhat's 6.9.5 beta distro), another account to run kde,
a third account to run Afterstep, and a fourth account to run Motif.  I
really like that I can run KDE, Gnome, or other applications on all of
the other Guis I use.

> Forget it...In fact it already HAS been forgotten before it has even
> started.

No, you're confused....You were forgotten long before you posted this
FUD.  And by looking at any Windows system, you can see that MS has
forgotten you too.

> Windows is / has steam rolled Linsux right into the trash can where it
> belongs.
> Windows 98ME will slam the lid on Linsux once and for all.

Yawn....more denial for a Win Nut.  Windows 98 itself couldn't even slam
the lid on Windows 95.

> Cakewalk (a digital audio/MIDI recording software company) as well as
> the other players in that field are working with Microsoft on the next
> version of Direct-X as well as mp3 technology and several other things
> I can't mention here.

Yawn.......Others are working on similar for Linux, and I'll bet they
will work more reliably the first time

> Suffice to say Linux will be put out of it's misery (thank God) very
> soon...

You're right!  MS will be broken up making Linux software even more
popular among people/businesses who can try other OSes for probably the
first time.

> Quick....Name 10 friends that are not programmers / Geeks that you
> know that are running Linux on their desktop....
> I can't name 2...

I know of 5 off the top of my head.....but I'm sure not going to let you
spam them.

> BTW this CompUSA store has got to be the highest traffic store they
> have... Right in the middle of NYC.... The "Times Square" of computer
> stores if you will....

Yawn........Best Buy gets much more traffic here in Texas (and who cares
about NYC buying habits anyhow....I've seen enough NYC thinking on TV to
be glad to be living away from NYC).

> Linux "The OS that needs CPR right out of the box"

Why?  My distro installed perfectly (with only 1 reboot at the END of
installation) and I didn't have to even buy it out of the box.  And,
shudder, I actually put on a release candidate kernel (linux-2.4.0-test5)
and it works perfectly!  I sure can't say 'perfectly' with Windows, but I
have had to jump start Windows' installation many times.

> Claire/Steve/other Multiple Personalities....bought and paid for by
> Microsoft's PR & Fud Department.  Also, a MSCE=(Microsoft Sales &
> Catalog Entertainer)
> "Linux SUcks

Windows BLows

> ....Try it for yourself and see"

Yes, do try it (cheapbytes is a good cost-effective place to get a distro
on CD if you can't burn your own CD) may never go back to Windows.


From: Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MCSE != Engineer (Was: Microsoft MCSE
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:38:20 -0500

Ingemar Lundin wrote:
> Absolutely right!
> And for me a Engineer is a person who has a College-level Bachelor or
> Masters degree in E_N_G_I_N_E_E_R_I_N_G
> Not some fantasy,toy-certificate name made up by a commercial company.

Well not to defend MS, but "engineer" has a broader usage than
that, and the term has been applied to trades that do not have
anything to do with college.

Tim Kelley


Subject: Re: C# is a copy of java
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16 Aug 2000 10:42:34 -0600

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donal K. Fellows) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Craig Kelley  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I usually start marshalling stuff to disk at this point (usually in
> > some db-ish hash) -- it's usually no problem to do so (but I don't
> > know your exact requirements, so I can't comment on your problems).
> > It's a difficult proposition the I believe the next generation of
> > programming languages need to attempt[0] to solve.
> I'd be doing that sort of thing - I've already got half the
> architecture I need - except my boss has my efforts focussed in a
> different direction which is a longer shot but which should give a
> better yield in terms of effort/payoff.
> > [0] They won't be successful for at least a few versions, the current
> > garbage collection algorithims (ie, reference counting == bad,
> > mmmkay?) will lend help in this arena.
> Refcounting is nasty.  It works, but the book-keeping can get a bit
> daunting.  Mark-sweep GC is better, but I know less about how that
> works.  (Anyone got a good URL so I can finally get to grips with the
> algorithm behind this concept?)

> > [1] I work on healthcare patitent population analysis involving
> > millions of procedure, diagnosis and presctiption fills and I have to
> > construction thousands of patient states out of this "stateless"
> > information.
> Our medical database people are down the corridor from me.  They seem
> to be more interested in producing terminology databases, but since I
> find databases dull in the extreme, I might not be the representing
> their work fairly...

Databases are fun when the work is exploratory and dull when it is
repetitious.  Most database jobs are of the latter sort, but the
former kind involve a lot of interesting barbs with fundamental CS
concepts; they are intriguing.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: Re: Notebook/Windows rebate?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16 Aug 2000 10:45:08 -0600

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nobody Needs to Know) writes:

> Howdy, folks.
> I'm looking at buying a new notebook, but I have no need/desire for
> Windows.  A friend of mine recently told me that there's some way to
> return your unopened bundled copies of Microsoft software to Microsoft for
> a rebate.  Anybody know anything about this?  I'm probably going to get a
> Dell Inspiron 5000, but Dell INSISTS that you MUST have Windows 98 and
> Office SBE.  You can't opt out of them.  If there's some way to get a
> rebate on these things, I'd certainly love to know how.  Alternatively, if
> there's some readily available resale market on them, I'd be happy to do
> that, too.

Microsoft may tell you to return the laptop, but here's the best way
to go about it:

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 03:10:17 +1000

"rj friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 15:04:02 "Christopher Smith"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ¯...since I disgree with the law in principle and consider
> ¯most of the evidence to be irrelevant, it's hardly surprising I have a
> ¯different opinion to you, no ?
> The United States of America - and the European Common
> Market - and China - and Japan - and India - all say that
> your 'different opinion' is full of shit.

You mean, their legal systems.  I sincerely doubt everyone in those
countries agrees on that point.

I fear I've been too subtle in trying to say arguments along the line of
"but they broke the law" don't carry too much weight with me.

> Face reality sonny boy. It is not a case of the whole world
> being wrong and you being right.

Indeed, there are a lot of people who agree with me.

> Stick your head in the sand
> and pretend all you want - but deep in your heart you have
> to face the fact that you are 100% full of shit.

I reel at the depth of your verbal repertoire.


From: "Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linsux as a desktop platform
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 03:14:09 +1000

"The Ghost In The Machine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roberto Alsina
>  wrote
> on Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:01:53 -0300
> >The Ghost In The Machine escribió:
> (warning: attributes lost here)
> >There are two chmod man pages in my system, at least.
> Ah, of course, 'man 2 chmod'.  I feel slightly stupid now. :-)
> (Shit happens.)
> Mind you, expecting a rank newbie to make this correspondence may
> be a bit much.  (Ideally, chmod(1) would have a "see also"
> to chmod(2).)

But it does (at least my FreeBSD box's man pages do):
     chflags(1),  install(1),  chmod(2),  stat(2),  umask(2),  fts(3),
     setmode(3),  symlink(7),  chown(8),  mount(8),  sticky(8)


Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:52:34 -0400

"rj friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Tue, 8 Aug 2000 15:04:02 "Christopher Smith"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ¯...since I disgree with the law in principle and consider
> ¯most of the evidence to be irrelevant, it's hardly surprising I have a
> ¯different opinion to you, no ?
> The United States of America - and the European Common
> Market - and China - and Japan - and India - all say that
> your 'different opinion' is full of shit.
> Face reality sonny boy. It is not a case of the whole world
> being wrong and you being right. Stick your head in the sand
> and pretend all you want - but deep in your heart you have
> to face the fact that you are 100% full of shit.

How the hell would China know? There's not a legal copy of software
TO_BE_FOUND_ANYWHERE in China. They are the software pirate kings of the
Earth, not to mention the being among the worst human rights violators.



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