Linux-Advocacy Digest #750, Volume #28           Wed, 30 Aug 00 11:13:06 EDT

  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (Chris Wenham)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome! (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: GUI vs Command Line: The useless war (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: GUI vs Command Line: The useless war (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) (Eric 
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) ("Joe R.")
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) (Eric 
  Re: How low can they go...? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Inferior Engineering of the Win32 Platform - was Re: Linsux as a desktop 
platform ("Joe R.")
  Re: How low can they go...? (Brian Langenberger)
  HELP REQUEST - MPC860T Linux Development ("Jeff Gentry")
  Re: Why doesnt SuSE and RedHat wait until later this autum? (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) (rj 
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("Joe R.")
  Re: Tholen digest, volume 2451787.38y5f^-0000001 ("Joseph T. Malloy")


Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
From: Chris Wenham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:05:17 GMT

>>>>> "T" == T Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Said Chris Wenham in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
    >> T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >>> Mr. Wenham.  You may have thought you were posting a humorous response,
    >>> here.  But what you've actually done is certainly libelous, and
    >>> potentially criminal.  This is a dishonest post, and I'd prefer if you
    >>> never repeated this type of behavior.  I'd prefer it so much, in fact,
    >>> that if you do it again, I will report you to your ISP, and we'll see if
    >>> they agree with my sentiments.
    >> Sure!
    >> They can be reached by sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] They
    >> can also be called directly by dialing (516) 221-6664.
    >> The address of my ISP is:
    >> 2471 Merrick Road
    >> Bellmore, NY 11710

    > I was already aware of this information, of course.  I will presume that
    > your posting of it rather than a repeat of what I was complaining about
    > indicates that you do not intend to continue your offense, though I must
    > also point out that the fact you posted it with no other comments
    > indicates you will likely continue to deny that you are acting
    > dishonestly.

 I believe your newsfeed is undergoing flux. I have not re-posted that
 message. It is now over a month old.


Chris Wenham


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:14:43 -0300

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Joe R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > I find that understanding the principles is usually enough
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > And this is classic Max.
> >
> > "I really don't understand what I'm talking about, but I've learned a
> > few of the words involved in the discussion so I'll try to pass myself
> > off as an expert."
> What part of "understanding" do you not comprehend?

There is a gulf between understanding the principles and understanding
the topics. Not to mention between believing to understand the
as Max does, and really understanding.

Roberto Alsina


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome!
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:22:25 -0300

"T. Max Devlin" escribió:
> Said Roberto Alsina in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
> >"T. Max Devlin" escribió:
> >>
> >> Said Roberto Alsina in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
> >> >"T. Max Devlin" escribió:
> >> >
> >> >> [...]I figure I'll come out ahead as long as I'm honest[...]
> >> >
> >> >You have proven here several times that you are not honest.
> >> >So, you will not come out ahead.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks for playing.
> >>
> >> And its posts like this which provide the "big money, big prizes" of the
> >> effort.  :-)
> >>
> >> Shall we go for a bonus round?  Like maybe you could show where I might
> >> have been dishonest?  Not mistaken, not wrong, but dishonest?
> >
> >Sure!
> >
> >In this URL you will find a post where you knew you were making a
> >wrong statement, knew it was wrong, yet saw no reason to retract.
> >
> >
> >
> >To me, that seems dishonest. You later apologized, which shows
> >you now accept the statement was false, and the knowledge of
> >it being wrong is obvious from your own words.
> I can imagine that to you it might "seem" dishonest.  For me, your
> reticence to discuss calmly and completely what potential fiscal or
> ethical entanglements might be involved in the KDE development effort
> "seemed" equally dishonest.

You asked me what were my financial links with KDE or TT, and
I answered. You asked who paid me, I answered. You asked what the
licenses for Qt have been, I gave references and replied. 

If you believe saying "screw KDE" and "Roberto is an amateur whore"
are invitations to calm and complete discussion of ethical and
financial entanglements, you are stupid. I just believe you
are dishonest about saying that discussion is your interest.
> >So, you are dishonest. You are a liar.
> So if I seem dishonest to you, then I am dishonest, is that your
> position?

I believe I have posted enough proof of your dishonesty, as have
others, and yourself. I am confident any reader now knows you
are a liar, unless he has a bias, in which case, I don't care.
> >Selected quotes:
> >
> >"Screw KDE.  Its a commercial development project."
> >
> >"Just because QT is the product, not KDE, and the
> >company's name isn't KDE, but Troll Tech, is no
> >reason for me to retract[...]"
> >
> >Thanks again for playing.
> These opinions were honest and sincerely stated.  Whether they are
> correct or not is an entirely different question.

Saying you are wrong is no reason to retract is almost the very
definition of dishonesty. You were defending a position you knew
to be wrong. That is dishonest.

> Your insistence that I'm being dishonest in having or
> stating these opinions simply because you disagree with them or consider
> them an unfair indictment of KDE or later changed my opinion is,

Max, if you backpedal any faster, the bike will start moving.
You said yourself that your statement was wrong, yet you saw
no reason to retract. Whether I agree with you or not is
not even important!

> I'm almost afraid to say, an example of your failure to rise to the
> intellectual challenge of our "game".

You must have been a lousy playground partner. You are like the kid
that takes the ball home when he is losing.

> I'm afraid nobody's going to be offering you any parting gifts, dude.

I am not going anywhere.

Roberto Alsina


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GUI vs Command Line: The useless war
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:26:11 -0300

> On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 17:50:34 -0300, Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Missed the original post:
> >
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> >>
> >> On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:42:12 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >> >
> >> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8ogic1$b4d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >> >
> >> >> I think we should try and move all common admin tasks to a web
> >> >> interface. Imagine linuxconf running in Nestcape...
> >
> >Linuxconf already does that.
> did WebMin before it.

I am not sure about the time line. Linuxconf did that since 
about a year before it was included in RH. But it's not

Roberto Alsina (KDE developer, MFCH)


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GUI vs Command Line: The useless war
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:28:21 -0300

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Missed the original post:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> > >
> > > On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:42:12 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8ogic1
> > > >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > >
> > > >> I think we should try and move all common admin tasks to a web
> > > >> interface. Imagine linuxconf running in Nestcape...
> >
> > Linuxconf already does that.
> Cool! How? A link to a howto or similar will be sufficient, thanks!!!

You need to enable it in /etc/inetd.conf, with a line like

linuxconf stream tcp wait root /bin/linuxconf linuxconf --http

And enable it in linuxconf itself, telling it from where it
should accept connections.

Then restart inetd.

You should also have a line like this

linuxconf       98/tcp          # added by linuxconf RPM

in /etc/services.

Then you just use netscape or whatever, and access


And you are done.

Roberto Alsina (KDE developer, MFCH)


From: Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:24:32 -0400

In article <8oim2o$rjl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, javelina 

> Jack Troughton wrote:
> > Sure, I'll keep that in mind; I think it would be fun to
> > play on an IRIX. Do you have any X software I can run?
> > I'd have to re-setup XFree86-OS/2, but for some of that
> > 3d stuff those IRIX's got, it'd be completely worth it (drool).
> Sorry, I don't do anything particularly exciting on
> Irix, no 3-D modeling, etc.  My typical workday on the
> O2 is to launch a techno beat mp3, open up five or six
> xterms, ssh into various Irix, HP, and Solaris servers, and
> try to keep the users happy.
> I see printouts on the walls and cubicles around here
> as evidence that somebody is playing with some cool Irix
> 3D tools, but I've never done so myself.

Probably wouldn't do him much good anyway.  A lot of 3D SGI software 
seems to require proprietary SGI X server extensions (GL != OpenGL) and 
I'd bet his XFree86/OS-2 doesn't have that.  Plus it's ridiculously slow 
with remote display (which assumes you're doing it between two IRIX 
machines, so that all the necessary X server extensions are there).

For example, we have stereo 3D video hardware install on our Alpha 
workstations, and we have an OpenGL-enabled X server on our Alpha 
workstations, but you can't remote display certain molecular graphics 
programs written for the SGI, because they require GL instead of OpenGL.

Eric Bennett ( ) 
Cornell University / Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing
and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office. -David Broder


From: "Joe R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:24:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, bobh{at}haucks{dot}org 

> On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 12:42:48 GMT, Joe Ragosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> >Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Here's a good one: I know somebody whose student aid couldn't be 
> >> released until she was enrolled, but she couldn't pay the tuition (and 
> >> thus couldn't be enrolled) until she got the aid.  Go figure.
> >I went through something similar at Penn State. I can't remember how I 
> >eventually resolved it, though.
> I resolved mine by getting getting a written commitment from the school
> that I could be admitted, and one from the financial aid office saying
> that I was eligible for the loan.  I then got a form from the financial
> aid office that signed the loan proceeds directly over to the school. I
> then went back and got admitted, using the form as payment (sort of
> like a letter of credit).

That sounds familiar. That's probably what I did -- since I don't 
remember ever seeing a check for the full amount.


From: Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:29:07 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ZnU 

> > I find the fact that sexual reproduction is a beneficial trait to be 
> > mystifying.
> It speeds up mutation rates,

No it doesn't.  It speeds up recombination rates, but that's not the 
same thing as a mutation.

> allowing a species to adapt faster, and it 
> creates more variation within the species, so a single 
> disease/predator/whatever is less likely to cause extinction. Some of 
> the most primitive species on the planet have stayed that way because 
> they reproduce too accurately.

On the other hand, some of the most primitive species on the planet are 
as dangerous as they are because they reproduce, via cloning, so 
*in*accurately.  HIV, for example.  You can certainly mutate when 
reproducing via cloning, you just need to have inaccurate enzymes copy 
your genome, which is what HIV does (reverse transcriptase is 
notoriously inaccurate).

Eric Bennett ( ) 
Cornell University / Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing
and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office. -David Broder


Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Aug 2000 08:29:04 -0600

"Simon Cooke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > If you can install MacOS9 on a bare machine then it is indeed
> > the equivalent of a full licence of any Microsoft OS.
> Please show me where I can buy a bare machine that will run MacOS9, and
> which does not come pre-bundled with a copy of MacOS.

Pick an emulator of your choice.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "Joe R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: Inferior Engineering of the Win32 Platform - was Re: Linsux as a desktop 
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:35:13 GMT

In article <0y2r5.8168$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Erik Funkenbusch" 

> "abraxas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8ohi5v$1la$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >> Measuring 'telnet servers' and 'sockets' running in kernel space
> against
> > >> video drivers running in kernel space betrays your extreme 
> > >> inexperience
> > >> in this area.  You've just argued against yourself.
> > >
> > > Please explain the difference then.  I doubt you can.
> >
> > /oversimplifiedforeaseofunderstanding:
> >
> > Socket operations are *much* littler.
> Are they?  The standard vga driver for NT is 15k.  How big is the typical
> TCP/IP stack and sockets libraries (not to mention telnet code) for unix?

Why are you comparing a graphics driver to an entire TCP/IP stack and 

That seems a little bit lame even for you.


From: Brian Langenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: 30 Aug 2000 14:40:28 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Eddie Dubourg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: "Christophe Ochal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:p%5r5.349:
:> > So? Should we feel sorry for them? I'll pay for winblows when they bring
: : > out
: : > > a version i actually enjoy using...
: : >
: : > Theft is still theft. Would it be ok to steal your car if I didn't like
: : the
: : > colour?
: :
: : Did i ever said i *HAD* winblows on MY computer?

: Yes:-

: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
: Message-ID: <p%5r5.349$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And what evidence do we have that the computer being posted from
is actually his?  It might be a work machine.


From: "Jeff Gentry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP REQUEST - MPC860T Linux Development
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:47:26 GMT

I am working on a new development effort based on
the Motorola MPC860T PowerQUICC. I want to use
embedded Linux with hard real-time capabilities. I would
also like it to be based on a distribution that will support
the internal Ethernet physical layer on the chip. I will need
cross development tools since my host runs
Windows 95/98/NT and the target will be a
Motorola FADS board.

I've searched a lot of sites and read a lot of documentation
over the last week. If anyone has a suggestion or is working
on a similar development I would appreciate the feedback.


Linux Newbie


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
Subject: Re: Why doesnt SuSE and RedHat wait until later this autum?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:47:06 GMT

Grega Bremec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:
>...and David M. Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> used the keyboard:
>>On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 03:25:31 GMT, Ingemar Lundin
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Kernel 2.4, KDE 2.0, GNOME 2.0 (or Helix or whatever...), will all be
>>>released at least 2-3 months from now.
>>With a 6 month release cycle, that's too long to wait.
>IMO, they should call it a micro (if the changes are really only
>bugfixes) or a minor version upgrade (if the release contains _some_
>number of upgraded packages and some bugfixes) and not a major release.
>In this way, they are fooling their customers into thinking that it
>pays off to buy the new version, because by that they are gaining
>some substantial improvements that will perhaps even solve some issues
>they had, but didn't foresee their solutions sometime soon.
>If you see it that way, then I guess it does make them seem a bit
>greedy, doesn't it?

Actually (and this was the last I heard) SuSE was telling
people that they probably don't 'need' to buy the 7.0
release of theirs unless they are developers or really
hard core Linux people.  The reason is that they are
including a lot of beta software in the 7.0 release (which
is what they usually do in their x.0 releases) and it
wouldn't be appropriate for 'normal' use.  As far as I've
been able to find out (and this from rumor as well as
press releases and news sites) this 'beta' software
includes KDE 2.0 betas, 2.4.x test kernels, and many other
major enhancements.

Personally, I feel that if they were to release it under a
different version at all, it should be something along the
lines of Caldera's latest 'developer preview' release
(which you can now pick up at Best Buy stores with KDE 2.0
betas and 2.4 test kernels).  But SuSE has often made the
x.0 releases full of 'beta' software and then steadily
gotten more stable as they move into the x.1, x.2, and x.3
releases.  People used to how SuSE does things are
expecting this to be a 'buggy' release (although it will
probably still be stable enough for use on some systems)
and will also be expecting a lot of downloadable fixes to
be forthcoming very quickly.  

I can't say what Red Hat's strategy is as I quit using
them after a few run-ins with the company, and some
problems with their version of Linux in the past.


Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rj friedman)
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: 30 Aug 2000 14:52:42 GMT

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 02:18:12 T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

¯For those who've killfiled Aaron, and those who didn't bother to scroll
¯through another of his "complete repost" responses:

¯Said Aaron R. Kulkis in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
¯>The leftists in THIS country are in collaboration with the leftists
¯>in the other countries.  The overall goal is to weaken the US relative
¯>to the other countries, so that the US will become even weaker than
¯>them.  Simply put...a large percentage of the education establishment
¯>should be put on trial for treason.
¯>Do you not have a brain capable of figuring this out yourself?

Aaron does have a point - and while we're at it, let's burn 
Atilla the Hun at the stake for being too liberal! You have 
to watch out for them no-good liberals - they're one step 
away from them no-good leftist radicals, and everyone knows 
that them no good leftist radicals are one step away from 
godless comm'nism.

It's all a plot!


[RJ]                 OS/2 - Live it, or live with it. 
rj friedman          Team ABW              
Taipei, Taiwan       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To send email - remove the `yyy'


From: "Joe R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:08:05 GMT


> Said Joe R. in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Said Joe Ragosta in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
> >>    [...]
> >> >> It certainly not a stupid and unfounded assumption to figure that 
> >> >> hiring
> >> >> an accountant would have reduced my tax bill.
> >> >
> >> >Perhaps. You came up with a specific figure. You said an accountant 
> >> >could have come up with $4K in extra deductions.
> >> >
> >> >Name them.
> >> 
> >> Why?  Are you suggesting that hiring an accountant would not have
> >> reduced my tax bill?  If you aren't trying to refute my position, 
> >> you're
> >> just trolling.
> >
> >Wrong.
> Typical troll response.  "Wrong".  Christ.
> PEOPLE!: DON'T start Usenet messages with the word "wrong".

Why not? You were wrong and refuse to admit it.

Of course, if I were like you, I'd start the post with 100 lines of 
drivel which have nothing to do with the subject, are full of lies, and 
do nothing but cloud the issue.

No thanks.

> >YOU made a claim that a crafty accountant could have increased your 
> >deductions by $4 K. I'm merely challenging it. Your claim, provide some 
> >evidence.
> Fuck off.
> PEOPLE!: Don't waste time quibbling.

IOW, you were lying.

> >Particularly since JS/PL showed that your figures were erroneous anyway 
> >and when challenged, you came up with some things that the accountant 
> >couldn't possibly have controlled at the time you did your taxes ("if 
> >only I had visited with some business clients when I went to Baltimore 
> >and invested my money differently").
> >
> >IOW, you fabricated the entire things.
> I said something.  Oops.
> You wish I was wrong.  Oops.

Then why do you refuse to substantiate your claims?

And why do you keep ignoring JS/PL's point that the numbers you posted 
were impossible -- since your claimed "actual" deduction was far less 
than the standard deduction?

> I don't care if I can list any deductions, Joe.  You're just trolling.
> YOUR claim, it seems, is that a good accountant couldn't have found four
> thousand more dollars in deductions.  You're probably right.  But since
> that was an off-handed comment, and hardly even abstractly crucial to my
> position (which you haven't even bothered to misrepresent, as you
> usually do) which you've never been able to pretend to understand to
> begin with.

Nope. You made a claim which was central to the issue. You lied and 
completely fabricated the "facts".

Then, you refuse to admit it.

> You're an idiot, Joe Ragosta.  Go away.

I suppose it's possible that I am. But what does it say about you that 
an "idiot" absolutely destroyed your arguments and caught you posting 
numerous blatant lies?

>    [...]
> >Considering that your posts are mostly fabrications, outright lies, and 
> >fact-free, that's a good thing. Your chances of "winning" an argument 
> >are pretty slim.
> >
> >> to insist is "shifting blame" is me modifying my argument or position 
> >> in
> >> order to continue the discussion.  The fact that you get so distracted
> >> by this, and so hung up on picayune trivia (such as whether precisely
> >> $4000 of additional deductible expenses might be derived from my
> >> income), it seems obvious you want to "be right" more than you want to
> >> discuss the issues in a calm and fair manner.
> >
> >No, the issue is that you keep making stupid statements without evidence 
> >and when challenged, you admit that you lied and made the whole thing 
> >up.
> The issue is that you're an idiot, Joe.  I don't post to Usenet to "win"
> arguments.  I post to *have* discussions.  Unfortunately, I'm forced to
> spend most of my time fighting off ankle-biters such as yourself.

Ankle biters are those who refuse to let you post outright lies and 
fabrications, presumably.

>    [...]
> >> Quite frankly, I'm not happy with everything I've ever posted, and 
> >> don't
> >> like to be mistaken or in error, which I have been on occasion.  But I
> >> will stand behind every post I've ever made.  
> >
> >
> >So you've made posts that you know were mistaken or in error but you'll 
> >still stand behind them?
> >
> >That's as good an example of your irrationality as anything I've seen.
> And as good an example of your idiocy as anyone in the world could
> possibly need.

I think anyone with an IQ greater than about 40 can understand what a 
fool you're making of yourself.


From: "Joseph T. Malloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tholen digest, volume 2451787.38y5f^-0000001
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:06:47 -0400

Here's today's Tholen digest.  Notice how he's ignored the evidence for the
fact that he likes to "hear" himself, and keeps talking about how I've
allegedly ignored his evidence, yet he hasn't presented any (indeed, he's so
intent on using "parrot" mode that he's made several ridiculous claims).
He's also ignored the evidence for his reading comprehension problem (and
uses "parrot" mode to talk about some nonexistent evidence for my alleged
reading comprehension problem). Nor did he explain who "Slava" is, I'm just
supposed to know.  Typical and fatuous.

The digest improper:

[Wake me when Tholen says something that rises above the less-than-mundane!
And that Tholen can't understand this sentence says more than words can say
about him.]


"USB, idiot, stands for Universal Serial Bus. There is no power on the
output socket of any USB port I have ever seen" - Bob Germer



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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