Linux-Advocacy Digest #487, Volume #29            Fri, 6 Oct 00 13:13:04 EDT

  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (.)
  Re: Space Shuttle uses Windows software almost exclusively (Chris Sherlock)
  M&C ("Tony")
  Re: Id Software developer prefers OS X to Linux, NT (Bryant Brandon)
  Re: Do Linux suXX???
  Re: Space Shuttle uses Windows software almost exclusively (Mark Kelley)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Paul Wallich)
  Re: How low can they go...? ("JS/PL")
  Re: How low can they go...? (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: what happens when an old programmer dies? ("Weijenberg")
  Re: Off-topic Idiots (Was Bush v. Gore on taxes) ("David T. Johnson")
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (WickedDyno)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (WickedDyno)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (WickedDyno)
  Re: So did they ever find out what makes windows98 freeze up all the time? (Dan)


Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: 6 Oct 2000 14:46:38 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "." wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > "." wrote:
>> >>
>> >> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > "." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >> > news:8riija$23c$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >> >> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >> > How it's SUPPOSED to work or how it actually DOES work?  The two are
>> >> >> > very different indeed.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I suspect that no one in this thread understands the details of either one.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> One of the very interesting things that people of this type seem to miss is
>> >> > that
>> >> >> in actuality, only a very tiny percentage (if any at all) of their tax dollars
>> >> > goes
>> >> >> towards welfare at all.  In fact, until the clinton administration, every last
>> >> >> penny of the federal income tax of everyone who lived west of the missisippi
>> >> >> river went toward paying off the interest on the national debt.  Now that we
>> >> >> have been running positive for a few years and tax spending has been
>> >> > restructured
>> >> >> nearly entirely, again, little or no amount of your taxes go towards
>> >> > supporting
>> >> >> anyone on welfare.
>> >>
>> >> > WHAT?! Are you kidding? Have you seen a recent budget? More than 1/3 of the
>> >> > U.S. budget goes to supporting Welfare and welfare related programs.
>> >>
>> >> No, actually just a little bit less than 1/3 is dedicated to domestic social
>> >> programs; ONE of which is welfare.  Most of the rest are not related to welfare.
>> > Hint fucking hint ... all 'social programs' are welfare.
>> Oh really?  Does that include federal support for college scolarships?  Job 
>> Etc?
>> >> (medicare, school lunch programs, etc).  You are misinformed.
>> > Liar.  The pie-chart on the back of the 1040 workbook CLEARLY shows
>> > 2/3 of the 1998 budget going to entitlements.
>> You clearly have no idea what makes up that number.

> Spending which is clearly NOT authorized by the US Constitution.
> And if the constitution does not authorize it, then it is illegal.

The constitution did not authorize UNIX, usenet, pornography, MDMA posession, the 
system, removing the gold standard, vietnam, people who stockpile grenades under the 
umberella of "right to bear arms" and DVORAK keyboards.  Your logic does not stand.

> What we need to do is start trying for treason and EXECUTING any
> legislator who introduces un-constitutional spending bills.

I see youve really thought this out.

> They ALL took an oath of office to defend and uphold the constitution,
> and then as soon as they get into office, they start subverting it.

Have you ever actually read the constitution?



Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 01:54:24 +1000
From: Chris Sherlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Space Shuttle uses Windows software almost exclusively

lol! Very funny... :)


Bob Germer wrote:
> On 10/05/2000 at 10:12 AM,
>    Eric Remy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > >The official reason was that one processor talked in m/s while another
> > >processor talked in ft/s. OOps.
> > Think of it as a *very* expensive object lesson to engineers.
> > Every year I deal with large numbers of freshman, many of them
> > engineering majors.  Every year I try to teach them chemistry.  Every
> > year I watch them happily do calculations and write down (wrong) answers
> >  with no units attached.  And now, every year, I get to use the Mars
> > probe as an example of why you actually need to pay attention to these
> > little details.
> > Some of them even listen.  I hope they're the ones designing the bridges
> >  I'll drive across in the future.
> It doesn't hurt to keep track of plus and minus signs either. As a
> freshman in Civil Engineering class surveying the campus as a lab project,
> I located the campus chapel somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
> because I subtracted when I should have added. Of course many of my
> classmates wished I were correct since chapel attendance was mandatory
> back in the 50's and really cut into the drinking time.
> --
> Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
> MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
> Tiny Timmie the Liar Martin of Warped City claims eCOMStation is MS
> software!


From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: M&C
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 11:13:06 -0300

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From: Bryant Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Id Software developer prefers OS X to Linux, NT
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 10:13:15 -0500

In article 


@>@>@Prove the disk issue would be solved by quotas.  
@>@>   No.  I made no statement that it would, and in fact, I argued to the 
@>@>Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:12:13 -0500
@>@>@@>@Sure.  Now, do you typically have thousands of users logging into a
@>@>@@>@single machine *locally*?  
@>@>@@>   No, just about thirty.  Argument still holds, just with fewer 
@>@>@@>   users 
@>@>@@>and more data per user.
@>@>@@>   So, quotas don't help?  Then why did you bring them up?
@>@>@@Quotas help.  Do you not understand how quotas help?  What part of
@>@>@@"quota" didn't you understand?  Yes, too many profiles can overwhelm 
@>@>@@hard drive, but that's not a likely scenario at all.  
@>@>@   It seems to have happened.  Yes, I understand quotas, but you 
@>@>@   implied 
@>@>@that they can solve this problem.  They cannot.
@>@>   When I tell you to learn to read, I'm not kidding.  You have no 
@>@>reading comprehension skill at all.  Dumbass.
@>@YOU, in fact, are the 'dumbass'.  You incorrectly assume that "too
@>@many profiles have overwhelmed the hard drive" when in fact you have
@>@no proof of that in any way, shape, or form.  You have made
@>@ASSumptions every step of the way here, and my comment was intended to
@>@simply draw attention to that fact.
@>   You asked if it can happen.  The machine in question is proof that it 
@>can happen, simply because it has w2k installed on it.  You see, we've 
@>been discussing thoughout this thread how the profiling thingy works.  
@>You have stated yourself, numerous times, that it is possible that a 
@>machine can fill the harddrive with profiles under w2k's system.
@>Here's the proof:
@...that I said it's possible.  But you go beyond that.  You have no
@proof that that is the problem, and to place blame on that (without
@proof) is silly.

   I never said I would prove it was the problem, merely that it could 
be.  Reread the thread.  Don't jump to conclusions.

@>@It seems that way; my computers work; yours don't - AND you're paying
@>@a staff of people to maintain them, yet they don't.  When you, as a
@>@paying customer, can't get any help, you certainly *do* appear to be
@>@the moron....
@>   I'm a student.  We get fucked on a regular basis.  
@Only if you allow it.  Well... maybe it's just UNT and students that
@will be happy with anything.

   Well, when you hvae some time and money to waster, enroll at UNT, and 
see if you can devote enough time to class while working full time and 
fending off the encroaching stupidity.

@>We buy overprices 
@>books, then sell them back at half price, only to buy them again "used" 
@>at a "discount" for only 90% of the price.
@Why would you do that?  Find the SKU or unique number of the book and
@buy it elsewhere.  

   I usually do, but some are only available on-campus.

@>   But, why am I a moron?  Because _they_ are stonewalling?  Interesting 
@>logic, but very, very stupid.
@You pay them, you get screwed, you go back for more.  That sounds like
@moronic behavior to me.  At my college, people there bent over
@backwards to help students if there was a problem - everyone from the
@prof to the lab folks to the administration.   

   Well, you probably went to a good college.  I'm not that lucky--I'm 
stuck here.

@>@And what does the teacher/prof/whatever in charge of the class say
@>@about your problems?
@>   "Talk to the staff."  As noted earlier in this thread, he has as 
@>little clout as I do--he's a student too.
@Amazing that students teach, but anyway.....  what does his boss say?
@His boss?  Repeat until resolution.

   I got high enough that they didn't care anymore, as stated eariler in 
this thread.

@>   Hmm, why do we have to repeat things so often?
@You give up too easily.  Why do you give up so easily?  

   I have not given up.

B.B.        --I am not a goat! 


Subject: Re: Do Linux suXX???
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 15:29:17 GMT

"John Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> >
> > for some healthy reading good folks?
> >
> > ok here you have it:
> >
> >
> Unsupported personal opinion.  The main theme seems to be that Linux is
> destroying the field of programming.  That seems pretty amazing for an
> OS that's not going anywhere, and written by people that take no
> personal responsibility for their programming because they are 'hackers'
> and not 'engineers'.  How could Linux screw up the Computer Science
> field so quickly?
> I'm pretty sure that most of the people who contribute to the Linux
> kernel ARE software engineers.  They contributed a lot of work at their
> own expense in many cases to write a quality UNIX clone for PCs.  I
> don't think you could buy such dedication or such a talented group.
> This 'article' in nothing more than your regular USENET rant prettied
> up on some Web page in an attempt to lend it some credence.  "osopinion"
> indeed.  They misspelled "msopinion".
> Don't miss the Robert Leone article either (Linux Customer Server).
> It's funnier and offers no facts either.  And I'd really like to know
> what the hell "metal mess trays" have to do with anything.

john...think youre adressing this to the wrong just the
messenger ;)

> --
> John W. Sanders
> ---------------
> "there" in or at a place.
> "their" of or relating to them.
> "they're" contraction of 'they are'.


From: Mark Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Space Shuttle uses Windows software almost exclusively
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 10:56:59 -0500

"." wrote:

> > It doesn't hurt to keep track of plus and minus signs either. As a
> > freshman in Civil Engineering class surveying the campus as a lab project,
> > I located the campus chapel somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
> > because I subtracted when I should have added. Of course many of my
> > classmates wished I were correct since chapel attendance was mandatory
> > back in the 50's and really cut into the drinking time.
> No one cares about your little anecdotes, bob.

On the contrary, I found it humorous and interesting.  In fact, I copied it and
some of the preceding messages and forwarded them to a friend who teaches
freshman chemistry because I think she will find it both amusing and useful.

Mark Kelley


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Wallich)
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 12:10:25 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
>> Otto wrote:
>> >
>> > "unicat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> >
>> > After a few snipping...
>> >
>> > : Of course, given Microsofts history, this was probably inevitable....
>> > : (As seen in  the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley")
>> > : They didn't write the original DOS, but conned some poor sucker out of
>> > : the code for $50K, without disclosing that IBM was willing to pay
>> > : millions
>Actually, IBM went unannounced to Digital Research (the CP/M and CP/M
>86 guys), but Gary K. was out of the office (flying his plane, IIRC),
>and IBM got miffed. 

According to the DR folks I talked to at the time, that wasn't quite
accurate either. There was also the matter of an old-style IBM NDA
that Big Blue's lawyers wanted Kildall to sign (along the lines of "you
agree to an irrevocable option on your firstborn child before we even
tell you what our names are"). I'm sure that story is a revised version as
well, but when you have a monopoly position, you tend to be less willing
to negotiate. Since MS had much less to lose from signing away its rights
(and subsequently "reclaimed" them in questionable fashion), they were
willing to go along with IBM.



Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 12:13:28 -0400

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>You are only known as a liar and as a
> thief if you get away with lying and theft.



From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 13:33:17 -0300

El vie, 06 oct 2000, JS/PL escribió:
>"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>You are only known as a liar and as a
>> thief if you get away with lying and theft.

Actually, aren't those who do NOT get away with theft knows as thieves?

Roberto Alsina


From: "Weijenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: what happens when an old programmer dies?
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 16:29:02 GMT

...and, if they fade away, apply some reverse engineering (strictly
forbidden for licenced progam(mer)s.

Barry Margolin heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Razor  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Old programmers never die, they become obsolete and decompile.
>Cute, but if you plan on using this in the future, I suggest "disassemble"
>instead of "decompile".
>Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Genuity, Burlington, MA
>*** DON'T SEND TECHNICAL QUESTIONS DIRECTLY TO ME, post them to newsgroups.
>Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the


From: "David T. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Off-topic Idiots (Was Bush v. Gore on taxes)
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 09:43:38 -0400

Marty wrote:
[repetitive comments snipped]
> You wrote-
> "Probably Wenham will be hugely impressed by the capabilities of this OS/2
> software and will soon post here with his new enthusiasm.  Heh, heh."
> This quote was deliberately designed to attract posts and was negative noise
> by its nature.

This is a new claim for you with a specific example.  It is also a
clearly stated thought for which I am grateful. are wrong, I
did not write that post as a deliberate design to attract posts and it
is not negative noise by its nature.  I was making a comment about
Wenham's predictability in his comments which ties directly to my
earlier comment about his 'pattern of posting.'    

> Liar:
> Your continued denial of your hypocrisy, spin-doctoring of your venom, your
> feigned inability to comprehend what I've written, and multiple acts of
> word-stuffing which I've pointed out all amount to lies.

A liar is someone who makes untrue statements with intent to deceive. 
It is not someone who does not agree with your poorly-stated and/or
unsupported opinions.   

[remaining repetitive comments snipped]


From: WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 12:41:17 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis" 

> "." wrote:
> > 
> > In comp.os.linux.advocacy Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> > >>
> > >> On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 04:17:07 GMT, Chad Myers wrote:
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >> >There are welfare recipients who have been collecting checks for 
> > >> >years.
> > >> >They increase their income, some of which are:
> > >> >
> > >> >- having more children
> > >>
> > >> This is legal but questionable.
> > >>
> > >> >- pulling food stamp scams for more cash to gamble with
> > >>
> > >> Illegal, probably fraud.
> > >>
> > >> >- feigning disability to collect disability on top of their welfare
> > >>
> > >> This is social security fraud, and it's a criminal offense.
> > >>
> > >> >- selling drugs or other illegal products
> > >>
> > >> Clearly a criminal offense.
> > >>
> > >> My point is that a lot of the things you're complaining about are 
> > >> wrong,
> > >> should be criminalised, and most importantly, are criminalised.
> > >>
> > >> >Several children had health problems that were not being taken
> > >> >care of because the parents couldn't afford health care because
> > >>
> > >> IMO, the current health care system is badly broken. The problem is
> > >> that it's employer based, and health insurance for individuals is 
> > >> too
> > >> expensive to be practical. Still, I don't think better health care 
> > >> will
> > >> cure negligent parents.
> > >>
> > >> >Make no bones, these people had been on welfare almost their
> > >> >whole life and had figured out ways to keep the checks coming
> > >>
> > >> Welfare reform has cut the rolls in half.
> > 
> > > AFter much pissing and moaning the by the Commun^H^H^H^HDemocrats...
> > 
> > I love reading political arguments by moronic republicans AND 
> > democrats.
> > (and populists and reformists for that matter).  You probably dont even
> > know what communism is, and have at best a faint notion of how welfare
> > actually works.
> 1. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat
> 2. State-run Welfare is a plank of the communist platform.
> 3. Property taxes are a plank of the communist platform (they turn
>    one from an owner into a mere renter with equity interest in the
>    property...failure to pay property taxes => eviction from the same
>    property which you *supposedly* own...but the very fact that you
>    can be evicted from the property proves that you do not own it.)
> 4. State-run schools are a plank of the communist platform.
> 5. Social Security is a plank of the communist platform.
> 6. Prohibition of child labor a plank of the communist platform.
> 7. Estate taxes are a plank of the communist platform.
> 8. Graduated income taxes is a plank of the communist platform.

A endorses B does not imply that if you endorse B you must be A.

Child molesters probably favor guaranteed right to attorney in a court 
of law.  Do you support guaranteed right to attorney?  Yes?  PERVERT!

|          Andrew Glasgow <amg39(at)>         |
| SCSI is *NOT* magic.  There are *fundamental technical |
| reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat |
| to your SCSI chain now and then. -- John Woods         |


From: WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 12:42:27 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis" 

> WickedDimwit wrote:
> > 
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, STATIC66
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 12:34:41 GMT, Loren Petrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Aaron R. Kulkis
> > > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> Wrong.  Millions of people go to college while earning
> > > >> what is considered to be "poverty level" incomes.
> > > >
> > > >   ROTFL. Their tuition is always subsidized, however, whether by 
> > > >   their
> > > >parents or by government-backed loan guarantees. Furthermore, most
> > > >college students come from middle-class or upper-class homes, 
> > > >meaning
> > > >that they got much more in handouts from their parents than most 
> > > >poor
> > > >kids do.
> > >
> > > So a parent being responsible and planning for the future of their
> > > offspring rather than turning to the government with an outstretched
> > > hand is somehow bad. That is not a handout its called responsibility.
> > > >
> > > >   Also, dealing in illegal drugs is not living off of handouts.
> > >
> > > NO it is criminal and illegal and if it wasn't for you bleeding heart
> > > liberal types, it could be met with SWIFT PUNISHMENT..
> > > >
> > > >   Even theft is not living off of handouts; victims of theft ought 
> > > >   to
> > > >be glad that thieves are trying to provide for themselves.
> > >
> > > No they should arm themselves..
> > >
> > > Advocating theft as an alternative to welfare is hardly a responsible
> > > arguement. But nothing much about liberalism is responsible.
> > 
> > LOL!  What a perfect parody of the ultra-conservative right wingers!
> Are you, too, advocating theivery as legitimate behavior?
> > What accurate dogmatism, what utterly convincing arrogance!
> Just remember...when the American people wake'll be one of
> the first against the wall.

Sounds like a threat to me.  I wonder what your ISP would think about 
that.  ;)

|          Andrew Glasgow <amg39(at)>         |
| SCSI is *NOT* magic.  There are *fundamental technical |
| reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat |
| to your SCSI chain now and then. -- John Woods         |


From: WickedDyno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 12:45:06 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis" 

> WickedDimwit wrote:

I just noticed this.  How unbelievably clever -- this isn't just a 
pointless ad hominem directed at someone who honsestly disagrees with 

Or wait, that's exactly what it is!

> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > WickedDimwit wrote:
> > > >
> > > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > WickedDimwit wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> > > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > "Joseph T. Adams" wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > In comp.os.linux.advocacy Donovan Rebbechi 
> > > > > > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > > : On 1 Oct 2000 15:13:23 GMT, Joseph T. Adams wrote:
> > > > > > > > :>In comp.os.linux.advocacy JS/PL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > > > > > > :>wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > :>In many urban areas in the U.S., urban decay, crime, and 
> > > > > > > > :>the
> > > > > > > > :>middle-class flight syndrome (often mistakenly labeled 
> > > > > > > > :>"white
> > > > > > > > :>flight")
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > : How mistaken is the label ? I was in Newark NJ for a 
> > > > > > > > : while,
> > > > > > > > : and I
> > > > > > > > : remember
> > > > > > > > : walking along crowded streets where I was the only "white
> > > > > > > > : person"
> > > > > > > > : (
> > > > > > > > : whatever
> > > > > > > > : that means ) in sight. Of course, it's also true that all 
> > > > > > > > : the
> > > > > > > > : middle
> > > > > > > > : class
> > > > > > > > : African Americans who used to live there also seem to 
> > > > > > > > : have
> > > > > > > > : packed
> > > > > > > > : their
> > > > > > > > : bags and moved to the suburbs.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > That is precisely the difference.  It isn't that white 
> > > > > > > > people
> > > > > > > > don't
> > > > > > > > want to live in terrible areas, but, rather that NO ONE 
> > > > > > > > wants
> > > > > > > > to
> > > > > > > > live
> > > > > > > > in those areas.  All but the very poorest leave.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > For a variety of reasons, most of which are not their 
> > > > > > > > fault,
> > > > > > > > Black
> > > > > > > > and
> > > > > > > > Hispanic and other minority citizens are greatly
> > > > > > > > overrepresented in
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Low-IQ correlates with low incomes and unemployment.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > IQ correlates even more strongly with education.
> > > > >
> > > > > Of course... retards generally don't make it into college.
> > > >
> > > > Neither do those with low incomes or unemployment.
> > >
> > > Wrong.  Millions of people go to college while earning
> > > what is considered to be "poverty level" incomes.
> > 
> > Note the word "generally".
> And your point is....

That despite the fact that many do, the majority do not.  Education is 
highly correlated with family income level as well.

|          Andrew Glasgow <amg39(at)>         |
| SCSI is *NOT* magic.  There are *fundamental technical |
| reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat |
| to your SCSI chain now and then. -- John Woods         |


Crossposted-To: alt.windows98
Subject: Re: So did they ever find out what makes windows98 freeze up all the time?
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 16:38:42 GMT

Whew ! I read thru over 100 posts here. I was looking for the answer to
the original post. All I read were arguments about this vs that. Kinda
reminded me on being in Jr High School, mine is better than yours...
 So, did they ever find out what makes Windows98 freeze up all the time?

That is the subject on this post, by the way.

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