Linux-Advocacy Digest #683, Volume #29           Mon, 16 Oct 00 02:13:02 EDT

  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Darin Johnson)
  Re: David T. Johnson lies again (Jeff Glatt)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (neJ)
  Re: David T. Johnson lies again (Marty)
  Re: 75E48FC8 Visio for Linux (Terry Porter)
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Terry Porter)
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Jerry L Kreps)
  Re: Why the Linonuts fear me ("ostracus")
  Re: Linux Sucks (sfcybear)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (Loren Petrich)
  Re: Linux Sucks (.)
  Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...) (Loren 
  Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux? (Brian Moore)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (Mike Byrns)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? (T. Max Devlin)
  Re: Astroturfing (Perry Pip)
  Re: Linux Sucks (Terry Porter)


Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
From: Darin Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:09:27 GMT

Mike Byrns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In fact, Gallup has shown that most Americans are against the DoJ
> position by an overwhelming majority.  Reference:

Well, if US law was based on majority rule, you might have a point.
But it's not, and the constitution and laws of the US work to protect
the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

> They made that
> choice at home.  Forcing folks to use a Mac or Linux at work would hurt
> productivity and be less cost effective because of the learning curve and in
> most cases the lack of mature applications support.

Forcing a UNIX developer to use Windows would hurt productivity, yet
I've seen it happen (ie, they use X Server on top of Windows to get to
the dwindling supply of UNIX workstations).  I've seen computer
support services refuse to connect non Windows machines to a network,
even though one or more groups may be doing their work on other types
of machines.  And I've seen a someone dictate to a technical
documentation team that they must use Word for the 300+ page manuals,
but the writers revolted and eventually got their way (and went on
using more mature applications than Word).

People shouldn't necessarily be "forced" to use anything.  Few people
are ever forced to use UNIX or Macs; but many are forced to use
Windows.  Not always explicitly forced, but pressure may become
stronger and stronger over time to use something else - mail servers
get switched from open standards to MS Outlook, firewalls get changed
to require a Windows program to get through them, computer support
people that know something other than Windows start vanishing (to be
replaced by people that amazingly don't even know much about Windows).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Glatt)
Subject: Re: David T. Johnson lies again
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:23:17 GMT

>>>>I have never harassed and denigrated OS/2 developers.  Please delete
>>>>this post or face the consequences.

>>> Brad Wardell is an OS/2 developer.  Marty Amodeo is an OS/2 developer.
>> Assuming for argument sake that they are active OS/2 developers,

>No need to assume in one case.

>>I have not harassed and denigrated them.

[Examples of David Johnson's harassment and denigration of active OS/2
developers deleted].

Marty, let me know wehn you get tired of Johnson's off-topic,
deliberately harassing empty threats. I've been preparing a complaint
to be filed with his ISP, should the need arise to do so, and you're
welcome to contribute directly to it. Johnson already attempted to
harass me by email. I saved evidence of his unsolicited, unwelcome
email to me, and told him that any repeat performance of that would
result in his ISP being contacted and such email delivered as evidence
of his email stalking. Not surprisingly, he hasn't had the nerve to
try emailing me back. (He likes to deliver empty threats in the
newsgroup, and thought that he could get away with blustering his
threats in an email as well. Not to clever, that one). I've already
detailed his off-topic posts, his harassment and denigration of
others, his ignorance of the newsgroup charter and violation of such
in his inept attempt at being the net-cop for COOA, his email
stalking, his threats against others, etc. But anyone who would like
to directly contribute more such evidence to the complaint is welcome
to contact me


Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: 15 Oct 2000 23:35:14 -0500

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:50:07 -0500, "Weevil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>If you really are one of the handful of people Microsoft pays to anonymously
>advocate for them, 

I'd rather be one of those than one of Larry's "Sanitation Engineers".


Subject: Re: David T. Johnson lies again
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:35:41 GMT

Jeff Glatt wrote:
> >>>>I have never harassed and denigrated OS/2 developers.  Please delete
> >>>>this post or face the consequences.
> >>> Brad Wardell is an OS/2 developer.  Marty Amodeo is an OS/2 developer.
> >> Assuming for argument sake that they are active OS/2 developers,
> >No need to assume in one case.
> >>I have not harassed and denigrated them.
> [Examples of David Johnson's harassment and denigration of active OS/2
> developers deleted].
> Marty, let me know wehn you get tired of Johnson's off-topic,
> deliberately harassing empty threats. I've been preparing a complaint
> to be filed with his ISP, should the need arise to do so, and you're
> welcome to contribute directly to it. Johnson already attempted to
> harass me by email. I saved evidence of his unsolicited, unwelcome
> email to me, and told him that any repeat performance of that would
> result in his ISP being contacted and such email delivered as evidence
> of his email stalking. Not surprisingly, he hasn't had the nerve to
> try emailing me back. (He likes to deliver empty threats in the
> newsgroup, and thought that he could get away with blustering his
> threats in an email as well. Not to clever, that one). I've already
> detailed his off-topic posts, his harassment and denigration of
> others, his ignorance of the newsgroup charter and violation of such
> in his inept attempt at being the net-cop for COOA, his email
> stalking, his threats against others, etc. But anyone who would like
> to directly contribute more such evidence to the complaint is welcome
> to contact me

I appreciate the gesture, but don't feel the need to take any proactive action
against Mr. Johnson at this time.  He hasn't convinced me that his case has
any merit, and until he does, I feel no need to defend myself.  Furthermore, I
feel that taking such an action against Mr. Johnson myself would go against
the points I have been making about him, namely his attempts to silence those
whose opinions he doesn't like.  I'm more than content to simply ignore his
meritless threats.

Sorry to hear that you've received unwanted e-mail from him and I'm glad he
hasn't tried the same with me.  I made my stance on that matter clear to him
when he accidentally (or so he claims) e-mailed me a copy of one of our posted
correspondences in this forum.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: 75E48FC8 Visio for Linux
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 16 Oct 2000 04:35:30 GMT

On Sun,15 Oct 2000 21:52:18+2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Announcing complete new universal drafting program for Linux, FreeBSD, and Sun 
>        LinuxCAD release for FreeBSD, a native FreeBSD build , not an emulation 
>  This message posted in single instance and it is not a spam.
The previous 1000 messages spammed all over usenet dont count then ?

>Software Forge Inc.
>( developers of the most advanced application software for Linux OS ).
>   847 891 5971

Oh puleese! be so kind as to *uck off spammers!

This is a shameless spammer, with a dubious product!

Please see "Why I don't like linuxcad" page :

Kind Regards
****                                                ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 day 22 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 16 Oct 2000 04:50:48 GMT

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 23:08:08 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Tell that to your boss when you hand in your report and it looks like
>crap, all because you used Linux and he, along with the rest of the
>world, is using Word.
>Maybe Linus will give you a job at Transmeta.
Oh your the patron saint of Wintrollism "Steve", good retort but no prize.

His boss is too busy trying to reboot his own Windows pc, try and hide the fact
its been corrupted by a virrus his wife gave him on her to do list, to worry
about the report.

The techs are all away on another expensive Ms course, trying to learn about
the latest "updates" to help him, hes sick to death of that Windows crap, and
the pavement 20 floors down looks cool and inviting ......

>On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 22:52:57 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss) wrote:
>>On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 22:47:56 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>It sucks and is even more bloated than MSOffice.
>>Yea, but at least it doesn't have that funny smell about it, and infect
>>itself into every nook and cranny it can.
>>Hal B

Kind Regards
****                                                ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 day 22 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **


From: Jerry L Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 23:55:34 -0500

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Pretty good don't cut it.
>It sucks and is even more bloated than MSOffice.

In your opinion, of course.  Others, like myself, have a contrary view.
I find SO equal to or exceeding the power of MS Word.  With Bill's greed
reachig new bounds of impropriaty, more and more people may come to
apprecieate SO.  And, when the project gets rolling I expect we
will see nifty "unbloated" wp, spreadsheets, etc. from that group.

>On Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:08:05 -0400, Larry Ebbitt
>>jazz wrote:
>>> What is available for Linux? How about for Powerpoint and Excel?
>>StarOffice is a pretty good Office clone.
I recently designed and created a table, data entry form, query, and and a
couple of reports.  Easy.  Nothing like that ability in MS unless you want to
add Access to the mix., but that is more bloat, extra bucks and a HUGE increase
in instability.


From: "ostracus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why the Linonuts fear me
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:08:11 +0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> If I were running a server I would agree.
>>You however, cannot make an intelligent assessment of what the pros and
>>cons of each are because you know nothing of Unix/Linux.
> I know plenty about Linux. Having used Corel, Caldera, RedHat, Mandrake
> TurboLinux and Slackware, All current versions I feel I am qualified to
> comment.

Hmm... What about Debian, or Storm?


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:02:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 19:19:21 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grega
> Bremec) wrote:
> >...and [EMAIL PROTECTED] used the keyboard:
> >>No...wasting my time responding to your twisted rhetoric gives me a
> >>headache.
> >
> >However twisted Jedi might seem occasionally, there usually is a very
> >good reason to introduce that twistedness. A common response to that
> >kind of content would be thinking about it in a rather depth. <hint>
> I prefer a direct rebuttal to a statement. For example "Linux needs
> applications that average Joe uses, and at a quality a feature set at
> least as good as Windows, in order for Linux to cut into MS desktop
> business. (This was my post)

No, Linux does NOT need applications as good as MS. It only need
applications that meet peoples needs at a significant reduction in cost.
I have the new KDE desktop running and I must say, the KDE office meets
my needs for FREE! why would I want to pay for MS Office to get
functionality that I do not need or would not use.

> He responds with highly twisted plays on words and insults.
> >>SuSE is in business to make money.
> >
> >True. They aren't all _that_ insane (yet).
> <BG>!
> >>People work towards wealth.
> >
> >Also true, given the means of doing so. We all know that working
> >_with_ MS representatives doesn't account for that. Working _for_
> >them, OTOH deprives one of significant ammount of freedom to
> >MS isn't the Alpha and Omega of computing business either, you know
> >gained impression from your past articles that you had somehow became
> >blundered about that fact, assuming that anything concerning
> >had to deal with MS almost inherently).
> The only MS software I use is Windows and Flight Simulator. I hate
> Office and Encarta and so forth. There are much better alternatives.
> >>All the Open Sores philosophy in the world won't change the fact
> >>SuSE and RH and Corel etc want to make money off Linux.
> >
> >Also, true. They have legal means of doing that as well.
> People should be paid for their hard work. If they choose to give away
> their efforts that is their choice. It shouldn't have to be mandatory.
> As an end user I wish everything was free though :)
> >>In COrel's case they were looking toward Linux to save them from
> >>death. Ironic that Microsoft stepped in and did that.
> >
> >I wouldn't comment on that one, because I don't have the information
> >you seem to have. Nevertheless, the entire point doesn't depend on
> >this statement of yours. We could without harm mark it as irrelevant
> >to this debate, since the specific problem introduced was dealing
> >SuSE and their marketing strategy. Corel is an entirely different
> >of beast, having been dependant on MS for a vast ammount of their
> >lifespan. Quite logically, sitting on two chairs at a time _does_
> >to be difficult.
> Press says they are looking at support for that net thing they (MS)
> are pushing. From what I have seen I don't like it at all.
> >>If you feel otherwise, write SuSE a letter and tell them to send
> >>net profit  to charity and give away their complete products for
> >
> >Why should they? As mentioned above, there are ways of making money
> >not targetting MS market share. If a logical consequence of a quality
> >product that had been designed to be adaptable to diverse
> >seems to actually be _adapting_ it to the aforementioned, you can't
> >blame people for infact attempting to achieve that, can you?
> His comments indicate that they are in business for the joy of
> overthrowing evil Microsoft.
> >They should be working towards wealth, after all.
> >
> >>And BTW you haven't proven me wrong on one single point.
> >
> >Oh, yes, he seems to have. At least to somebody who gave up the agony
> >and false hope of trying to make things work on certain platforms
> >a decade ago and hadn't looked back since.
> But what is he blindly giving up in order to prove his point and
> militaristic stand against Microsoft?
> If the applications that I have tried to use under Linux are the same
> ones he is using, he has no idea how much he is missing. If he only
> needs certain functions of these applications, than maybe he can make
> due with what he has. He will save some money for sure.
> I offer Pyro ( and MusicMatchJukebox as well as
> BlackIce and Norton Internet Security Family edition as examples of
> super easy to use, easy to set up (don't even have to look at the
> book) and powerful software
> .
> BlackIce is state of the art intrusion detection software (not a rules
> based system), that works very well.
> What does Linux offer?
> Firewalls that involve editing text files to make work?
> If jedi wants to spend time configuring firewall rules that's fine.
>  How about all of the Active-X plug ins (compressors, reverbs, special
> effects etc) for the Windows audio programs on the net for free?
> I can do mp3's, burn CD's, add special effects (remove scratches from
> records or tape hiss), update my CD Library and the program actually
> remebers my song directory. Linux Xmms? Buggy and clunky.
> Children's educational software?
> Where is it under Linux?
> Easy ICS setup?
> Again where?
> Judging by the Linux network group the How-To is in need of updating.
> He doesn't answer any of these direct queries but responds with
> twisted semantic plays on words and half truths which are easily
> exposed when one looks at the capabilities of the applications he "on
> occasion" will offer.
> That's not advocacy, it is ignorance based upon a mission and the
> mission is "Windows is bad" and Linux is great.
> Linux certainly has it's uses and I have said this over and over
> again. At home on the desktop is not one of them. People put in front
> of a Linux computer and given StarOffice and a dial up have no idea
> how much else is out there to explore in the WIndows world. Unless
> that is all they need and then touche' to them.
> Unless you are a techno nut or programmer or want to save a buck,
> running Linux on a home desktop is a huge step backwards and jedi has
> yet to prove me wrong.
> claire
> >Cheers,

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Loren Petrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:12:03 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Static66

>  I think that by your logic (misguided belief that anything in LIFE is
> "fair") you should be surrendering your possessions to the state. You
> would hate to "rich" while there are so many "suffering".

   Cry me a river.

> You think the government should be penalizing those who succeed. What
> have you done for the "poor". I'm just dying to know.

   Made software available for free, including its source code.

Loren Petrich
Happiness is a fast Macintosh
And a fast train


Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Date: 16 Oct 2000 05:12:12 GMT

> If you knew anything about Linsux, you would know that offline news
> reading is about as scarce as a do-do bird.

Actually theres tons, and if you indeed did have a brain, youd be 
able to find them as easily as the rest of us.

> Of course you can use nightmares like Leafnode and Slrnpull to do the
> job, but PAN traps on me daily.

Then youre doing it wrong.  Pan hasnt done anything weird on me since
the version before the current one.

> Agent is probobly the number one newsreader on the net.

And windows is the number one operating system.  You've agreed in 
other threads that this does not make it the BEST operating system.

> Linux has nothing like it, although maybe in 2 years or so Pan may
> come close.

You dont know what youre talking about, as usual.



From: Loren Petrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Bush v. Gore on taxes (was: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split ...)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:16:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Richardson

> I am a little confused as to what your response has to do wrt Mr "Earth in 
> the Balance, but zinc mining profits in my checkbook balance" Gore.

   Typical yellow-dog Republicanism. Compared to Gore's zinc mine,
Bush's Texas air is far worse.

Loren Petrich
Happiness is a fast Macintosh
And a fast train


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Moore)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Is there a MS Word (or substitute) for Linux?
Date: 16 Oct 2000 01:18:41 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
jazz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well, the problem is that everyone I work with uses word, so I have to
>give them documents in word. Even professional journals in my field prefer
>to receive articles in word attachments, though some still accept Latex. 
>Thanks for your help. 

I have written articles with other people--them using Word and me using
StarOffice.  It worked pretty well.  Certainly having StarOffice
was a tremendous help for me, even with the few glitches.

The equations did not survive the transfer back and forth very well.
Thankfully, we only had a handful, so I waited till I prepared the
final version using Word and put them in then.


Brian G. Moore, School of Science, Penn State Erie--The Behrend College
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , (814)-898-6334


From: Mike Byrns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:19:23 GMT

Weevil wrote:

> Mike Byrns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Darin Johnson wrote:
> >
> > > "James A. Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >
> > > > Consumers have made a
> > > > <choice> to favor Windows.  One can argue that it was a poor choice (I
> > > > would), but it was a freely made choice - mostly because other vendors
> > > > cheerfully allowed MS to take the high volume/low price end of the
> > > > market as they chose to take the high margin/low volume end.
> > >
> > > Maybe it's the boss that made the choice?  Ie, the home user may have
> > > decided what to buy, but the office user is told what to use.
> >
> > The office user is told what to use.  He's told to use a system with an
> > interface that he's probably already familiar with.  One that works well
> for
> > almost everyone that uses a personal computer.  It's probably the only GUI
> > OS he will ever use and that does not seem to bother most bosses or most
> > people.  In fact, Gallup has shown that most Americans are against the DoJ
> > position by an overwhelming majority.  Reference:
> >
> >
> In April, more people sided with the judge than MS (41% - 39%).  The
> pollsters changed the wording of the question subtly and in June, many more
> people sided with MS (55% - 34%).  A clear majority, but not really
> overwhelming.
> However, an overwhelming majority of people do have a favorable impression
> of Bill Gates (69% favorable, 16% unfavorable) and Microsoft (65% - 18%).
> Also, a clear majority oppose the breakup of Microsoft into two companies
> (54% - 34%).
> So people side with Microsoft in the DOJ case, have an extremely favorable
> impression of Bill Gates and Microsoft, and are strongly against the breakup
> of Microsoft.  And yet...when asked if the breakup of Microsoft would help
> or hurt <fill in the blank>, a clear majority believe it would help the
> economy (48% - 32%) , consumers (46% - 37%), and the computer industry
> (45% - 37%).  All this is from your link.
> Interesting stuff, huh?  According to the poll you cite, people believe that
> breaking up Microsoft would help the economy, consumers, and the computer
> industry.  But they're against it.  Why is that, Mike?  What does this tell
> us about this poll?  Does it tell us anything about Microsoft's PR machine?
> jwb

It tells us what people think.  Not what you think about it.  Joe on the street
thinks Linux is for nerds and will never use it.


From: T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 01:35:56 -0400

Said Simon Cooke in comp.os.linux.advocacy; 
>Max - just grow up. It's not just Microsoft that abides by the rules I laid
>out -- it's all software development that isn't 'free' in the Stallman sense
>of the word.
>Though I'm sure you can offset development costs. Let's see... if it costs
>Corel $15,000 to implement a converter for Word Perfect that takes
>AppleWorks files and converts them into WP native format, and only 3 people
>will buy it, they won't do it.
>Or they'll charge all 3 of the people who want it $5,000 a piece.
>Grow up, Max. This IS how the world works.

Funny, I could have sworn its only how your imagination works.  I'm
presuming that you made up these numbers, and the example.  Your grasp
of the simplistic principle of supply and demand is to be commended, but
such grade-school ideology does not prevent Microsoft from being
anti-competitive and guilty of federal crimes.

T. Max Devlin
  *** The best way to convince another is
          to state your case moderately and
             accurately.   - Benjamin Franklin ***


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Perry Pip)
Subject: Re: Astroturfing
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:25:19 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 03:03:55 GMT, 
Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Perry Pip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:8sd786$1ur$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> In article <39e7dc20$0$42761$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>   "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > > What's wrong with Windows 2000?
>> > >
>> > > Stabilty.
>> >
>> > There are no issues of stability with W2K. None. W2k is every bit as
>> stable
>> > as any other OS.
>> ROFLOL!! In your wet dreams.
>Typical Linvocate reply. No substantiation, no reply, no claims, no
>nothing, just pure, unadulterated BS.

There's nothing for me to substantiate. Dristan made the claim that
W2k is as stable as "any other OS". I've had a machine running W2K for
seven months now. I've had two BSOD's running the Office2k
installer. I've had numerous hangs burning CD's. I have all the W2K
updates and adaptec patches installed. The machine is just fine under
Linux. Even MS's own controlled tests show Win2K is unstable, crashing
about once every 2893 hours.

>This guy wouldn't know stability if it bit him in the ass.

I've been using Solaris and IRIX for years. Haven't seen either one of
them crash. I also code for fault tolerant spacecraft avionics...and
no, we don't use windows.

>"No really, X crashing 6 times a day for no reason is still better
>than M$!" or something similar.

Haven't had X crash on me in at least of couple of years.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terry Porter)
Subject: Re: Linux Sucks
Reply-To: No-Spam
Date: 16 Oct 2000 05:31:16 GMT

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 00:52:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>If you knew anything about Linsux, you would know that offline news
>reading is about as scarce as a do-do bird.
Then do-do birds must inhabit Australia "Steve", cause off-line news reading
has always been a piece of cake for me under Linux, plus I have other people
able to read the same news off this server, and we all have decent score files
under our newsreader, which is why ive been able to kill you so ealily
all these years :)

>Of course you can use nightmares like Leafnode and Slrnpull to do the
>job, but PAN traps on me daily.
"Claire" the Wintroll of COLA speaks .... PAN is ALPHA... you purposely
neglected to mentiontion newsreaders that are well proven, like the one
I'm using under X windows right now ... SLRN, and yes im using a mouse to 
navigate the headers etc.
A wheel barrow is a nitemare to a man with no arms.

>Agent is probobly the number one newsreader on the net.
Doubtfull, its payware, FreeAgent probably is tho ?

>Linux has nothing like it, although maybe in 2 years or so Pan may
>come close.
Your FULL of it as usual "Claire" Linux has numerous newsreaders,
that offer features you have no clue about.

>On 16 Oct 2000 00:02:02 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (.) wrote:
>>> I have never said anything against the stability of Linux. Only times
>>> it crashed on me was running Agent under Wine, 
>>And right here is where we see the exact amount of value of "claire"'s 
>>opinions about linux.

Kind Regards
****                                                ****
   My Desktop is powered by GNU/Linux, and has been   
 up 1 day 1 hour 22 minutes
** Registration Number: 103931, **



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