Linux-Advocacy Digest #24, Volume #32             Wed, 7 Feb 01 01:13:05 EST

  Re: linux is dieing ("Interconnect")
  Re: Wy Linux will/is failing on the desktop ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: Would linux hackers like an OpenS windows? ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: Bill Gates and Michael Dell (Cerberus AOD)
  Re: Suggestions (SERIOUS ones please) requested ("Bill Shine")
  Re: MS executives at LinuxWorld Expo ("Interconnect")
  XUL ("2 + 2")
  Re: Font deuglification ("Mart van de Wege")


From: "Interconnect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux is dieing
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 15:59:32 +1100

Feel free to modify and use this script to make backups.  You can run it as
a cron job or manually to make backups. NOTE: There are probably much better
ways to do backups but this WORKS for me and is relatively simple.

If you don't want to use this just use the tar command

e.g. tar -cf nameOfTarFile.tar directoryWeAreBacking up
gzip the newly created tar file and you have your backup!

to restore  simply move to the destination and type tar -zxf filename.tar.gz


DATE=`date +%d%m%y`


#$1 equals the directory we are moving to
#$2 is the directory we shall back up
#$3 is the prefix we give to our backup file
#$4 is the directory were we are moving our gzipped file to

echo backing up `date` $1/$2  >> $BACKUPLOG
cd $1
tar -cf $3$DATE.tar $2
gzip $3$DATE.tar
mv $3$DATE.tar.gz /home/backups/$4
echo FILE \| SIZE - `ls -l  /home/backups/$4 |grep $3$DATE.tar.gz|awk
'{print $9
, $5}'` >>$BACKUPLOG
echo >> $BACKUPLOG


#Insert two new blank lines into our log file plus a simple header
echo >> $BACKUPLOG
echo >> $BACKUPLOG

#FunctionCall DirToBackUp DirToBackup tar.gzFilePrefix

#backup the /home/httpd directory
backThisDir "/home" "httpd" "httpd" "website"

#backup the /usr/local/bin directory
backThisDir "/usr/local" "bin" "localbin" "localbin"
backThisDir "/u1/logi" "bin" "logibin" "localbin"

#backup the MySQL weblive directories
backThisDir "/usr/local/var" "dblive" "dblive" "mysql"

#backup the /home/mark home directory
backThisDir "/home/mark" "cprog" "cprog" "mark"
backThisDir "/home/mark" "java" "java" "mark"
backThisDir "/home/mark" "monitor" "monitor" "mark"
backThisDir "/home/mark" "servlet" "servlet" "mark"

#backup the /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat home directory
backThisDir "/usr/local" "jakarta-tomcat" "jakarta-tomcat" "tomcat"

Mike Martinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey!
> That brings up a question I've never faced before.  How do you go about
> backing up a working Linux implementation?  If you (or anyone) wouldn't
> mind offering details, I'd like to hear it.  I've spent a lot of time
> configuring this system and I'd hate to have to do it again from
> scratch.  I've got a CD-ROM burner.  What should I put on it to get
> myself back up to speed again in case I start hearing funny HD noises?
> All of /etc including subs would be my first thought...
> Thanks,
> MjM
> Hank Barta wrote:
> >
> >     Or perhaps more accurately, my hard drive is dieing. It began making
> >     loud whining sounds a couple of days ago. I tried to get one last
> >     backup, taring an image to the local disk to transfer to another
> >     system. But it was too late. There are too many disk errors to
> >     complete this.
> >
> >     Surprisingly, the system is still up and running, providing
> >     firewalling and IP Masquerading services for my home LAN connection
> >     to the Internet. I wonder how long it can continue to operate? It
> >     remounted the root file system read only (and the swap device is on
> >     the same drive.) I guess I'll have to wait and see. I'll get no more
> >     logging since the logs are on a RO file system. On the other hand,
> >     it should be a bit more secure since it will be *real* hard for an
> >     intruder to actually accomplish anything.
> >
> >     The drive began failing when uptime was 28 days and it is now at 30
> >     days (and the whining has somewhat subsided.)
> >
> > --
> > Hank Barta                              White Oak Software Inc.
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          Predictable Systems by
> >                 Beautiful Sunny Winfield, Illinois


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wy Linux will/is failing on the desktop
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 23:57:56 -0500

Pete Goodwin wrote:
> > 1. People are just not interested in Linux, and I'm not talking about
> > IBM I am talking about Joe user who makes up the lions share of the
> > market.
> People are interested in Linux...
> > 2. It's all about ease of use, compatibility with the neighbors and
> > applications and Linux fails on all counts.
> ...but because of lack of ease of use are put off by Linux.

If Joe Sixpack had to install Windows from scratch...which would be
more popular?

> > 3. Linux is FREE for God sakes and it STILL cannot get any sizeable
> > market share. Do you Penguinista's have any idea what would happen if
> > Gates took out a full page ad in the Sunday NY Times and gave Whistler
> > away for free? There would be riots in the streets. Why? Because Gates
> > makes something that people want, and Linux does not. Editors,
> > compilers and megabytes of half finished code fragments ala Freshmeat
> > don't generate interest in an operating system.
> Windows costs money. Now in Whistler they're talking about a product
> activation code.
> > 4. Windows makes things so damm easy that screwing with Linux is just
> > not worth the time even if one manages to get it working properly.
> > I can walk into ANY computer store and you can put a blindfold on me
> > and I can pick out hardware and software that will work with Windows
> > without even looking. As long as you don't put me in the Mac section
> > :) and even in that case if it is USB hardware chances are good it
> > will work with Windows as well.
> True enough, but only because of popularity. If Linux were as popular as
> Windows, who would the hardware manufactures write all the drivers for -
> Linux of course.
> > 5. Why in the world should I bet my job on some word processing
> > program that is trying to be MSWord? Why not use the real thing? It
> > came with my pre-load anyway? Install StarOffice? Why? It is free even
> > in the Windows world yet nobody is using it. Why is that? Exactly WHY
> > is nobody using StarOffice? Seems to me it would be a no-brainer to
> > save a fortune in licensing fees but yet there is very little interest
> > in even the Windows version of StarOffice. Why is that? Damm if
> > someone offered me a free Car I think I would take them up on it and I
> > wouldn't care if it was purple with green polka dots.
> > Answer is StarOffice is garbage.
> Perhaps someone should come up with something bigger and better than both
> StarOffice and Office.
> > 6.Hardware support under Linux is a highly mixed bag. You see LinoNuts
> > have to beg manufacturers to write drivers for Linux. Or they have to
> > reverse engineer the hardware in order to come up with their own
> > semi-functional drivers.
> > Why should I put up with using half the functions of a card or device
> > I paid good money for?
> > Windows drivers are on a CD included in the box. Where are Linux
> > drivers? Are there any Linux drivers at all?
> > I'm not even including Win_hardware here I am talking about everyday
> > hardware.
> Again due to popularity.
> > 7. How about fragmentation. Linux currently has God knows how many
> > distributions with their own package management solutions and source
> > tree and so forth. Some are semi-compatible with others but unless you
> > really know what you are doing you risk rendering your system useless
> > mixing and matching.
> > Do deb packages work with RPM? Well sort of. Do SuSE rpm packages work
> > with RedHat? Well sort of.
> > How about Mandrake? Some Redhat stuff works and others do not.
> > How about Slackware?
> > TurboLinux?
> > Corel?
> > True Debian?
> > A nightmare for the uninformed.
> > So let's talk about the uninformed a little bit.
> And we have, what, one Windows. "One ring to rule them and in the darkness
> bind them all".
> > Hope you have lot's of reading time on your hands because Linux
> > involves lot's of reading. Generally the process starts with How-To's
> > and then when you find that the How-To's are either outdated or too
> > generic you will start searching the internet where you will find many
> > people sitting in the same quagmire as you. Lost souls looking to run
> > Linux and the net is chock full of them.
> That will hopefully change.
> > So why run Linux?
> Why are you running Windows? I'm running it because I've yet to see
> Netscape or KNode take out my desktop. Sure I've found other problems, but
> in general usage, none so far.
> > I don't know. Really I don't. Maybe you hate Gates? Maybe you have
> > convinced yourself that Linux is better, I have no idea.
> Yep, I'm not exactly struck on Mr Gates.
> > As far as I can see only a real idiot would put up with 1980's style
> > applications on their desktop. That's in a nutshell what Linux is
> > about.
> It's catching up fast.
> > Don't believe me?
> >
> > I suggest you try Linux for yourself and make your own mind up.
> I am, I have and I am running it right now.
> --
> Pete, running KDE2 on Linux Mandrake 7.2

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would linux hackers like an OpenS windows?
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 00:06:25 -0500

Donn Miller wrote:
> Todd wrote:
> > If you've every programmed assembly language, you would know that goto is
> > the norm.
> True, very true.  Most instruction sets have a "branch" or "jump"
> variant, which is the equivalent of a goto.  But, assembler is a very
> low-level, machine-oriented language.  More highly structured and
> portable languages such as C and C++ are different, though.  It is
> horrible programming style, and a subversion of that particular language
> to be using "goto".  Mid to high-level languages' "goto" is a higher
> level implementation of goto than the assembly equivalent.  In fact,
> "branch" and/or "jump" is being called inside of C's while and for
> loops, so there's no need for you to explicitly code it in yourself.
> Also consider that while() and for() loops probably make better use of
> the assembly goto statements than your own "goto" that you've inserted
> into your C/C++ code by hand.
> Maybe someone can point out a web page we can all goto that explains
> this better.

The point is...C provides programming structures (such as break)
to handle nearly every contingency, such that the appearance of
goto should be a VERY rare occurance.

The only conclusion that can be drawn is that a LOT of MS kernal
code is written by recent BASIC-programming high-school graduates
who were given a crash-course in C.

It reeks of the stench of "amateurs wrote this"

> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cerberus AOD)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Bill Gates and Michael Dell
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 05:06:38 GMT

On Wed, 07 Feb 2001 04:19:14 GMT, in my coffee mug, which was
quite moldy, G3, a dying weevil, wrote the following with his antennae:
:)>in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Josh McKee at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:)>wrote on 2/6/01 7:58 PM:
:)>> If it's incorrectly configured, then how is this the fault of the OS?
:)>Um windows 95, 98 and 2k ALL support that config fine.  I'd say any would be
:)>competitors who think they can just haphazardly not support standard windows
:)>configs are very much at fault if they don't.
:)>>>> How exactly did you get the install-CD going if the CD-ROM wasn't
:)>>>> recognized?
:)>>> Uhm.  The BIOS finds the CD, boots from the El Torito floppy image, and then
:)>>> that image loads a kernel which doesn't probe the CD?  This can't happen
:)>>> to various users of various OS's more than a few thousand times a week.
:)>> I would find it highly unlikely that Linux wouldn't find his CD-ROM
:)>> drive if it was a standard IDE CD-ROM. Perhaps if he had a SCSI CD-ROM
:)>> or some unusual CD-ROM. The chances of it not recognizing a standard
:)>> CD-ROM drive are low, IMO.
:)>It was a standard 32X ide drive.  Mitsumi if I recall.  It was running in CS
:)>mode on the second IDE "bus" (ie the second port on the board for an ide
:)>>> Linux may not be as bad as that guy thought it was, but you sure aren't
:)>>> impressing anyone by "debunking" a story which is fairly common and
:)>>> well-understood.
:)>> It is difficult to believe his story when some of the very basic items
:)>> weren't recognized. A keyboard? A mouse? A CD-ROM drive? Perhaps one
:)>> maybe two, but all three? If so, then I would say that he has some
:)>> unusual hardware. For the majority of installations using common,
:)>> standard hardware, Linux easily recognizes those three items.
:)>3 button ps/2 mouse (I wasn't too surprised it didn't find that but the ps/2
:)>keyboard was a surprise)
:)>> But, he later went on to say:
:)>> "Actually if I recall specifics it wasn't detected under X-Windows, I
:)>> seem to recall being able to get at it from a text prompt."
:)>If you'd learn to read I've pointed out repeatedly this is the combined
:)>experience with TWO supposedly consumer friendly Linux releases.
:)>> In order to get X up and running (IMO the most difficult part of a
:)>> Linux install) he had to have it installed. Which means that he had to
:)>> have at least the CD-ROM.
:)>After hours of fiddling with it yes.  And I guarantee you the average
:)>consumer wouldn't even know what jumper settings ARE!
:)>> Regardless, I would have to question his post when he claims that the
:)>> CD-ROM works under the CLI and not under X. I guess it is possible,
:)>> but I really don't see why it would work in one and not the other.
:)>Apparently I was missing some file or something it wasn't too hard to fix
:)>under the CLI the Linux book I have knew it could be a problem and had it in
:)>the troubleshooting section so I dunno why you think its so strange.
:)>> In all, his knowledge seems suspect. I can understand people having
:)>> problems with their systems. He might be telling the truth about all
:)>> of them. But I find his story difficult to believe.
:)>My story is positively normal compared with the average stories Consumers
:)>have.  If an OS can't be installed on 99% of the computers it intends to
:)>support without the user needing to unplug any devices, or open the case
:)>then it is NOT a consumer OS.
:)>This is why OS X is going to put Linux and Windows out of business.

Not with M$'s momentum, and macs just sitting there hoping to get something
decent done while Intel and AMD are getting near the macs in even multimedia
stuff. It may be interesting, and by far a more consumer-friendly OS than any
linux, but far from putting M$ out of making OSes. But if someone can even come
close, competition might push them (they have been known to make good products
when they actually have competition to worry about).

:)>(Who had fewer problems, though I did have them, with the OS X Public beta
:)>than I had with any final release of Linux, those being, Red Hat 6, Caldera
:)>Open linux, and the HELLISH Yellow Dog Linux for PPC)

If you get a machine properly setup, Ghost it. :)
For now, linux remains for servers. One day they will start asking real people
what they want, not other geeks, and maybe get somewhere.
Cerberus AOD / A Paper Cut ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ICQ UIN: 8878412 (take out SCREWTHESPAM to mail me, okay?)
"Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today"
-Children of the Grave, Black Sabbath


From: "Bill Shine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Suggestions (SERIOUS ones please) requested
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 05:15:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 03:35:27 -0500, Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 03 Feb 2001 04:00:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> For a good book on the subject, I recommend Rich Sharp's "Special
>>>> Edition: Using Samba".  Published by MacMillan, available online thru
>>>> B&N or Amazon.  This one's quite current, and a good companion to the
>>>> other publications in MacMillan-Que's "Special Edition" series.
>>> Oh dear me, and I was told setting up Samba via SWAT was so easy.
>>> Can't be that an entire library of books has to be written to use it.
I got my network up and running in a day.  I have RH 7.0 installed on my
server, run ipchains as a firewall, and have a windows 2000 box, another
linux box, and a Solaris box hanging off of it.  No problems whatsoever.
Samba is a snap.
>>> Sya it's not so?
>>you must not have a bookstore in your part of the Solar System that 
>>carries a score of Windows books even though Windows is 'supposed' to be
>> the easiest OS this side of Andromeda.
> Difference is you don't need them under Windows, but you sure as hell do
> under Linsux.
Actually, they exist.  They are just a lot harder to find.  You've got to
dig around on Microsoft's various support sites to find what you need.  I
once had to find Ado error codes on Microsoft's support site, because I
was trying to figure out the errors I was getting from an OLE/DB driver.
Took a week.  When working for a windows software development company, my
windows nt pc had a strange problem -- It couldn't be seen by any of the
other NT boxes on the network.  Had five MSCE's working on it for a year,
and they never figured it out.  Had to do with a misconfigured NT domain
server.  I can tell you lot's of windows horror stories.  I've had some
problems with linux -- with getting errors logged to the error log from
my cd-rw drive, but since I have the source code, I located the source of
the error, and fixed it myself.  I can't do that with windows.  And, I
didn't have to read a how-to.  I just found the appropriate error message
in the source directory using grep, located the file, read through the
code, and fixed it.  O.K., so I've been programming for over 20 years.
All I can say is that if you really want to see a lot of manuals, look at
MVS/XA or some other mainframe O.S. .  Linux is simple enough for an
individual to understand.  Windows is quite a bit more challenging.  Part
of the fun is that most of the stuff is hidden, and you have to figure
out what's going on without having any source to look at.  At least with
linux we've got source.  
> Ever see an entire library of How-Tos included with or separate from
> Windows?  I didn't think so.
There's an entire SQL server loaded with howto's and support notes, and
patch notifications.
> People write Dating for Dummies books. That doesn't mean it is right.
No, but it means that there's a need.
> Flatfish Why do they call it a flatfish? Remove the ++++ to reply.


From: "Interconnect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MS executives at LinuxWorld Expo
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 16:19:51 +1100

Pete please don't begin to make the assertatin that Microsoft innovated with
the concept of the GUI.  This is NOT even close to being true!!!!

Well the innovation in Linux KDE and Gnome allows the user access to GUI and
CLI interface.

Pete Goodwin <imekon@$$$REMOVE$$$> wrote in message
> R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> <95i0sr$p64$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Microsoft's assertion that Linux is not a technical thread is
> >actually absurd.  Eventually, Linux will reach the mainstream
> >and executive desktops.  When it does, Microsoft will be unable
> >to pretend that it has originated technology that was forged in
> >the cauldron of Open Source.
> They've had a long time to get there... and they haven't quite made it
> Instead they (KDE) appear to be copying Windows. What innovation Linux?
> --
> Pete Goodwin
> ---
> On that unstable much loved system known as Windows 98 SE.


From: "2 + 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XUL
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 00:30:16 -0500

Redmond's worst nightmare? Mozilla takes on Microsoft.Net,4586,2682331,00.html

"But Mozilla and MozDev say XUL could possibly step up the potency and
popularity of applications on the Web. Part of XUL's appeal is that it lets
developers code their Web application interfaces using a comparatively
simple and cross-platform Web language, rather than computer languages
tailored to specific operating systems.

"With Mozilla technology, it's increasingly possible for people to create
applications without being C++ or C programmers," said Mitchell Baker, the representative whose title is chief lizard wrangler, after
Mozilla's reptilian mascot. "Now the barrier to designing a (user interface)
is much lower. It's the same set of knowledge required to lay out a Web
page. And so that brings the ability to design and modify user interfaces to
a much broader range of people."

Anyone have more on this?

2 + 2


From: "Mart van de Wege" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Font deuglification
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 06:23:55 +0100

In article <95qbib$fi1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> Edward Rosten ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Anyone who complains about X looking bad after uglification
> probably has
> : a bad moniter. It's really not that bad without antialiasing.
> Now all I
> : need is the cmr fonts under X.
> I agree.  Microsoft did a very good job of designing those
> fonts.  If you're running at a decent resolution (1024*768 or
> higher), and the font size is big enough to see, I find them
> easier to read without anti-aliasing.  They're crisper,
> cleaner.  
> I turn anti-aliasing off when I'm using Windows.
> --
> David Steinberg                             -o) Computer
> Engineering Undergrad, UBC         / \
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                _\_v

Agree here too. I run my system at 1280x1024, with Adobe New
Century Schoolbook as the default font. It looks clear and crisp
without anti-aliasing. AA is really only necessary if you can't
run higher resolutions, but if you do you really need it.
At work we run NT4.0 on our workstations at 1024x768 and the
default font is really ugly and blocky, so this is not
exclusively an X problem.




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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