Linux-Advocacy Digest #383, Volume #32           Wed, 21 Feb 01 18:13:05 EST

  Re: Ooooopsss there goes another one. (Tim Hanson)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (John Jensen)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Into the abyss... (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited (Aaron Kulkis)
  Re: What do I do with a Windows partition? ("Edward Rosten")
  Re: Another Linux "Oopsie"! (Aaron Kulkis)


From: Tim Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ooooopsss there goes another one.
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:31:18 GMT

> On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 14:00:54 -0500, "dev null"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Those are the facts, yes, I agree.
> >
> ><SNIP>
> >
> >Borland, marketing wizards that they are, went on a media blitz for the soon
> >to be released RAD port of Delphi to Linux (Kylix). Months I have waited in
> >anticipation of this release. Now, I have been told that a 'professional'
> >version of this product will cost $999. Almost twice what the Windows
> >version costs.
> >Am I going to purchase it as I had planned? Of course not. Not only because
> >of cost, but because I can hear the LinZealots now "I don't want no stinkin
> >Borland binary on my box!"
> >
> Borland is trying to address the legions of corporate developers who
> use RAD tools like Delphi.  They believe there is a large, untapped
> market for this kind of thing.  For the record, I think they're wrong:
> there is a Unix Way, and a Windows Way.  Programmers of the Unix Way
> *choose* not to program the Windows Way.

Bringing the Borland horde up to speed will be a challenge.  A quick
look at their Kylix newsgroups shows plenty of movement to make Linux
more Windows-like by, for example, creating a "registry" binary database
to replace /etc and config files in home directories, mapping various
directories to drive letters in their applications, harangues against
the GPL, dialogues about "public domain," "shareware," etc., that one
doesn't find in the *nix world.  There is also no awareness that a
x86-only compiler might conceivably be a problem for writing, say,
Apache extensions.  Clueless.
> Case in point: Unix has had good IDEs for a number of years (C-Forge
> and KDevelop), but relatively few developers want or use them.  Why?
> The Unix Way does not really *require* IDEs as Windows tools do.  The
> same with GUI builders: toolkits like QT and GTK+ do not *require* GUI
> builders (although they do provide them as a convenience).

Having used them a little, I can say that RAD tools are one sure way to
get GUI applications going in a big hurry.  I know the code is bloated
and there are a ton of other disadvantages.  I wish someone could move
on a free RAD for GNOME development in C.  That would be cool.  I'd also
like to see the Lazurus project get moving.
> I think Kylix will find a market, but a smaller one than Borland
> imagines.  Cost is only part of it (to most companies, $999 doesn't
> even qualify as petty cash).

They just might get some traction on the KDE desktop for applications
development on the x86, which would be a benefit.  They think they're
going to revolutionize the server side, which is a stretch on x86-only
tools.  They will get nowhere in the palmtop or embedded markets.  I'm
sure the GNOME project will march along happily without them.  Then
there's that exorbitant price, much of which no doubt gets sent directly
to TrollTech.
> >
> >How long do you think Borland will be able to support Linux RAD development
> >via sales of this product?
> >After seeing Borland's investment fade into lost $$, how many more companies
> >will incur the $$ to migrate to Linux??
> >
> You can't blame Linux for the crappy business plans of megalomaniac
> CEOs.  Corel is a good case in point: they jumped on whatever
> bandwagon was popular -- first Java, then Linux, then .NET.  What
> next?  IBM seems to have no problem investing $1 billion in Linux;
> they know that it's money well spent.
> >
> >Companies, in the traditional sense, will not sustain an unprofitable model
> >for very long. They aren't quite as lemming-like as Amazon stock holders,
> >and Linux newbies.
> >
> >Assimilate that.
> >
> >
> ><SNIP of huge, pointless, and self-serving sig>

                Double Bucky
        (Sung to the tune of "Rubber Duckie")   

Double bucky, you're the one!
You make my keyboard lots of fun
        Double bucky, an additional bit or two:
Control and Meta side by side,
Augmented ASCII, nine bits wide!
        Double bucky, a half a thousand glyphs, plus a few!

Double bucky, left and right
OR'd together, outta sight!
        Double bucky, I'd like a whole word of
        Double bucky, I'm happy I heard of
        Double bucky, I'd like a whole word of you!

                -- (C) 1978 by Guy L. Steele, Jr.


From: John Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: 21 Feb 2001 22:04:28 GMT

Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

: it's the HABITUAL CRIMINALS who are using them against law-abiding
: citizens, you ignorant ninny.

I think YOU must be the Microsoft mole.  You dress yourself up like a
popinjay, complete with an oversized .sig, and you expect us to believe
your "pro-linux" rants.  Yeah, right.

I'd advise anyone who wishes to avoid Microsoft dis-information and
propaganda to skip posts by Aaron Kulkis.  It is obviously some fiction
generated deep within the MS marketing machine.

33° 39' 44N   117° 45' 08W


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:32:34 -0500

Gerry wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes. without my .sig, bandwidth on this newsgroup would explode
> > to 5x the present volume with flamewars
> How's that?
> Just look at this discussions about your .sig.

You are free to discontinue this pointless thread at any time.

> How much bandwidth is it taking up?

You tell me.

> > > What purpose does it serve?
> >
> > keeps flamers from following me around and starting shit.
> I seriously doubt your signature would keep people from doing anything.
> > > Do you think people want to read it?
> >
> > I don't care.
> I think that is the point.
> You should care. There is a thing called netiquette
> > > Do you think people should have to work around your obnoxiousness?
> >
> > Ever see a newsgroup wrecked by flamewars?
> If you think your signature eliminates flamewars, then by deduction, you
> are the cause of the flamewars.
> Try to be a bit more civil, and remove your signature.
> > Is it too difficult for you to realize that a great many
> > people despise what I write.
> Oh, that's not very difficult at all...
> > I really have no interest in giving you a demonstration of
> > the utter chaos which would ensue if I were to remove it.
> > Nor does anybody else who remembers the days before I wrote
> > the .sig...when the below-mentioned in-duh-viduals would
> > follow me around all over USENET starting flamewars.
> >
> > All of the people below STILL post, and in other groups where
> > I post.  If I were to remove the .sig, I am quite sure that
> > the attacks would resume.
> Me thinks you are bit too paranoid.
> Either that or immature.
> --

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:32:57 -0500

Gerry wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actuall, the "silent statistic" is that about one MILLION crimes/year
> > are prevented in the US by the mere DISPLAY of a gun by a law-abiding
> > citizen.
> Where are you citing this number from?

John Lott.

> --

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:34:15 -0500

Gerry wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actuall, the "silent statistic" is that about one MILLION crimes/year
> > are prevented in the US by the mere DISPLAY of a gun by a law-abiding
> > citizen.
> Where are you citing this number from?

Professor John Lott
Law and Economics Fellow,
University of Chicago

> --

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:35:26 -0500

John Rudd wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> >
> > John Rudd wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't buy it.  There's another way to avoid those flamewars: ignore or
> > > killfile those people and their attacks.  That accomplishes the same
> > > goal AND does it without negatively impacting bystanders.  But that
> > > wouldn't satisfy your need to stroke the ego that came up with your
> > > savior complex.
> >
> >
> > Ignoring savage insults and accusations implies to the observer that
> > that insults and accusations are true.
> >
> > I *REFUSE* to allow my name to be besmirched without response.
> >
> Which confirms my statement.  You don't have a strong enough a) ego, b)
> sense of self worth, c) sense of maturity to base your self worth on

If YOU want to be a spineless wimp, who doesn't care if your name
is dragged through the mud, then that's your problem.

Don't hold me to YOUR low standards.

> your own internal barometer.  Instead, you have to respond to all
> outside tests instead of knowing within yourself whether or not the
> items are true, and trusting that those people whose opinions are
> important will be able to sift the wheat from the chaff.
> I hate to give trite examples, but you are essentially suffering from
> the same immaturity that Marty McFly has in the 2nd and 3rd "Back to the
> Future" movies.  He can't resist a challenge if told he's chicken, and
> you can't resist the implied challege of an insult.  Clearly there's no
> more point in continuing the discussion: you have no mental framework
> for dealing with life in the adult world.
> Grow up.

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Into the abyss...
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:36:41 -0500

Mig wrote:
> Edward Rosten wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ian Pulsford"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Then what struck me about FreeBSD was that I get a beautiful, clean,
> > > stable installation of a core unix(-like) system, without strange
> >                                      ^^^^^^
> >
> > BSD is UNIX.
> Kind of pre-historic though... they never managed to upgrade from System
> III to System V

BSD's are derived from Version 7, which precedes both System III and
System V.

> --
> Cheers

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:37:28 -0500

Gerry wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Simple.  I document their onerous behavior BEFORE they even commit it.
> >
> > Takes the wind out of their sails right quick, it does.
> Sorry. That doesn't make ANY sense.
> How can you document something before it happens.

Simple.  When you see someone exhibit repetitive behavior,
it's pretty easy to predict what they'll do in the future.

> --

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Information wants to be free, Revisited
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:41:11 -0500

Gerry wrote:
> Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So if we flame you long enough and hard enough about it, you'll drop the
> > > long sig?
> >
> > No.  I'll add you as Item K.
> How about, instead of participating in a "flame war", be a bit more
> civil have a rational debate.

With those who are interested in RATIONAL debate....I am.

With those who insist upon posting blatant lies (Chad, Erik, Pete
I dump an appropriately-sized pile of shit on them for having the
nerve to spout what they KNOW to be lies.

> No one will flame you if you disagree with them, but are very civil
> about it.

Care to discuss the quantum-dynamic behavior of charge carriers
in semi-conductor materials?

> I have a very good example on a mailing list I'm on.
> There is a big debate going on

I'm on several also....and my behavior is very different on those
lists, because everybody else plays by 'the rules' and don't
persist in promulgating lies.

> It's quite obvious from the length of your signature that you aren't
> trying to be civil.

Only when the situation calls for being civil.

Much of USENET is not civil, and never will be.  I take a 2x4 to
the face of those who are the most egregious offenders.

> Here's step #1 to becoming a better person:
> Remove your signature.

Make me.

> --

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: "Edward Rosten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What do I do with a Windows partition?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:42:33 +0000

In article <3a942fe1$0$4872@reader4>, "Mart van de Wege"

> Folks,
> After a few weeks of checking whether or not my internet connection
> would die on me under Linux (God knows I've made some stupid mistakes to
> get it running), after downloading several megs of useful software
> (don't we just loooove 'apt'), I find myself in the happy situation that
> for my personal use I just dont *need* nor want to boot into Windows
> anymore.
> My needs are simple: I read email and USENET, surf the web, type up the
> occasional document for my boss, rip my CD collection to MP3  and I am
> getting back into programming after taking a 10 year timeout. Linux just
> fills *my* needs perfectly. However this does leave me with a totally
> useless partition on my harddisk, and I keep wondering what am I going
> to do with it.
> For the record, I have two harddrives: hda is partitioned as 1.5G Win98,
> 4.5G root partition, and a 4G /opt for applications. My second HD
> contains the home directories for 5 user accounts (my flatmate and
> friends), and my source code files.
> So you see I have plenty of drive space. The question is is there
> anything I can do with that 1.5G (5% of my total drivespace), does
> anyone know what would be useful, or should I just keep Win98 around
> (it's just wasting space now anyway)?

Hmm. Interesting.

Here's some choices:

you could get aquainted with LVM and try to combine it with another drive

use it to store ISOs before burning CDs

write your own file system and test it there.

if your OPT patririon runs out of space you could use your new partition
and put the link to to /opt via symlinks (my opt tree actually resides on
/home/opt now after I ran out of space).


                                                     | u98ejr
                                                     | @ 
             Share, and enjoy.                       | eng.ox


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another Linux "Oopsie"!
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:43:01 -0500

Peter Hayes wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:23:33 GMT, T. Max Devlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Said Peter Hayes in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:31:19
> > +0000;
> >
> > >Printing is a fundamental requirement. Configuring a printer has to be
> > >addressed with more maturity than expecting the user to fiddle around with
> > >drivers on a per application basis.
> >
> > Those aren't "drivers", they're mere lp commands.
> Nope.
> Let's see. You want to print from The Gimp? You can select file or lp, or
> whatever you've called your printer. Select lp. So far so good. Now,
>   ****despite the fact that my printer queue is called "Epson" to match my
> Epson Stylus Color****,

Translation: Pete SABOTAGED his system again by not making ALL of the
        appropriate changes.

Hey, Pete...does LoseDOS even give the option of naming your printers
        how YOU want them named?

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.



The service address, to which questions about the list itself and requests
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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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