Linux-Advocacy Digest #560, Volume #32           Wed, 28 Feb 01 15:13:03 EST

  Re: Microsoft's security secret (Black Dragon)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Black Dragon)
Subject: Re: Microsoft's security secret
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 19:57:03 GMT

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 14:22:10 -0500 in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> `Aaron Kulkis' said:


: -- 
: Aaron R. Kulkis
: Unix Systems Engineer
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:         <DIV class="artsectiontitle"></DIV><DIV class="mainarttitle"><DIV 
:class="mainarttitle">Microsoft's security secret</DIV></DIV><DIV 
:class="mainartauthor">Benjamin Polen, <A class="mainartsrc" 
:href="/news"></A>, <SPAN class="mainartdate">06.18.99, 12:45 PM 
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">Microsofts <B>msft
:                     </B>
:     (nasdaq: <A 
:class="maintkrlink">msft</A> - <A 
:href="">news</A> - <A 
:failure to immediately alert customers of a serious security flaw in its Internet 
:Information Server (IIS) could hurt the companys image and cost it customers as the 
:software giant tries to establish a position within the competitive marketplace of 
:mission-critical server applications.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">Microsoft knew about the vulnerability for a week but tried 
:to delay telling customers until it could prepare a software patch.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">But Microsofts efforts to suppress notification of the IIS 
:bug ultimately backfired and proved embarrassing when eEye, a privately held network 
:security company, took the information to the public on Tuesday.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">eEye detected the bug during a beta test of a security 
:program and alerted Microsoft of the problem on June 8. The vulnerability is so 
:severe that anyone with modest programming skills and an Internet connection can gain 
:complete control over a web server running IIS, which runs on 22.3% of the web 
:servers on the Internet, according to research firm Netcraft.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">Despite the severity of the problem, Microsoft stopped 
:responding to eEye's E-mails after June 11, according to Firas Bushnaq, CEO of eEye. 
:After several days, eEye decided to post an advisory on its web site on Tuesday. The 
:CERT Coordination Center, a federally funded computer security research institute at 
:Carnegie-Mellon University, posted an advisory on the following day, lending credence 
:to eEye's concerns.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">Firas Bushnaq said his company acted because Microsoft was 
:"not taking the vulnerability seriously."</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">When Microsoft still had not publicly acknowledged the 
:vulnerability six hours after eEye posted the advisory, the security company went a 
:step further and published source code that could be used against the IIS bug. "When 
:it was at that level, we decided we had to release the exploit, we would definitely 
:get more attention," said Bushnaq.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">For its part, Microsoft was not pleased with eEyes decision 
:to issue an advisory, much less any source code that could be used against their 
:product. Microsoft deems eEyes full disclosure decision as "irresponsible" and 
:"beyond comprehension," according to Jason Garms, Microsofts lead product manager for 
:Windows NT security.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">The disagreement between Microsoft and eEye highlights a 
:burgeoning culture clash in the computer world where traditional corporate secrecy 
:collides with the free-information ethos of the Net.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">On its web site, eEye explained why it felt justified in 
:posting the advisory and the source code. "Our responsibility to our clients and the 
:whole network community is to disclose as many details as possible. This is the way 
:we can contribute to the security community and keep software vendors working hard at 
:producing more robust products."</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">For its part, Microsoft hoped that by keeping knowledge of 
:the vulnerability secret, it could protect its customers until a patch had been 
:developed and tested. "Frankly, the feedback from customers is that they dont want us 
:to go and publicize our bugs before we have fixes for our problems," Garns 
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">But at least one industry analyst questions Microsofts 
:handling of the situation.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">"If you want your customers to depend on your products for 
:mission-critical applications, then you have to avoid at all costs any kind of 
:behavior that suggests youre not to be trusted and youre not dependable," said Eric 
:Hemmendinger, a senior analyst at the Aberdeen Group. "Having a problem occur is one 
:thing. But not acknowledging it is another issue altogether. For that people should 
:hold them accountable."</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">Hemmendinger compared Microsofts attitude toward corporate 
:information technology managers with that of a rude guest. "Its like an immature 
:person being invited to the party and not behaving responsibly. This is not the kind 
:of behavior that gets you invited back to the party," he said.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">The situation could come back to haunt Microsoft as it tries 
:to attract new corporate customers. "If you are considering using IIS and you become 
:aware of things like this in Microsoft's behavior you got to take this into 
:consideration," Hemmendinger said.</DIV><BR>
: <DIV class="mainarttxt">"If they really want to be accepted in the data center this 
:is not the right behavior."</DIV><BR>
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I liked Aaron's old .sig better!

Black Dragon



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