Linux-Advocacy Digest #304, Volume #33            Tue, 3 Apr 01 04:13:05 EDT

  Re: Interesting Article (=?iso-8859-1?Q?S=E9bastien?= LACROIX)
  Re: ATA standards (Brent R)
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("gbp")
  Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language? (cjt & trefoil)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.  ("Beth")
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("gbp")
  Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows? ("gbp")


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?S=E9bastien?= LACROIX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Interesting Article
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 08:29:29 +0200

> I hope he's happy in current job drawing toolbar icons for Microsoft.

 ... a system Engineer drawing icons for Microsoft... :p

 Funny and well made 1st April of joke


Subject: Re: ATA standards
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 06:25:21 GMT

Donn Miller wrote:
> Brian Langenberger wrote:
> > Replacing HTML completely is likely impossible at this point;
> > there's just too much of it in existance (far more than Gopher's
> > pages could ever hope to have).
> I used to think Gopher was pretty cool.  I used Gopher a lot back in
> 1993-94, and I thought I was  "Mr. Information Super Highway".  In this
> day and age, I think graphics are way overused.  For example, it's kinda
> hard to navigate a lot of companies' sites, because they try so hard to
> plaster their site with all kinds of graphics and need javascript
> effects in the attempt to look good, that all the information gets
> lost.
> But, that's the way it is these days:  if you're a company, gotta have
> the fanciest-looking web site on the planet.  Meanwhile, lynx and w3m
> users are going out of their minds with all the javascript and the
> absence of meaningful text, which has been replaced by fancy gifs.  The
> great thing about Gopher is that the text was the most importan element,
> and you got the bottom line, nothing more, nothing less.  Plus, you
> could use both curses, windows, and X-based gopher clients, and get the
> same output on each.  Well, X and Windows-based gopher clients probably
> gave you better-looking fonts, and better navigability via the
> mouse/menus.
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

Well the problem was that these companies hire web "programmers" who
feel that they need to compensate for there inherent uselessness so they
put way too much effort into making the page, thusly making in
unreadable. I still find it amazing that companies pay people to do this
stuff full time.

- Brent


From: "gbp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 06:49:38 GMT

>Linux is a solution to a different problem that just
>happens to have been successful in some desktop areas.

Well actually SCO was on the x86 platform long before Linux was.

Assuming its legal to close Windows heres some real problems:

Existing software is tested on Windows not against the Windows API.
Some of it not doubt depends on bugs or "undocumented features" in
windows!  I believe that windows' guts are pretty obscure and
definatily undocumented meaning it would be impossible to rewrite
the kernal without microsofts' help.  So you kernal wouldn't be 100%
compatible, 99% sure 100% no.

Another problem is no one would really care!  A lot of the people
who think windows sucks hate the design as much as anything else.  A
lot of the people that like Microsoft like the company as much as
the product. Odd as that may seem to some of us, people like the
idea of being with the biggest brand name.  In addition they have
taken MSCE tests etc and have a steak in the idea of things being,
offically microsoft.  Lastly, $400 (or whatever) for a copy of NT
may seem like a rip off (and it is!) but compared to other expenses
that your typical company has like personnel ($400 per person, per
week), its not a big deal at all.


From: cjt & trefoil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Java, the "Dot-Com" Language?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 01:52:26 -0500

2 + 2 wrote:
> GreyCloud wrote in message ...
> >I highly doubt Sun will disappear from the market place, but
> >will instead keep growing.  It'll be awhile before MS comes out with
> >their 64-bit O/S, which isn't available now.  Also the itantium
> >processor from intel is still having problems.  It was supposed to be
> >out last August, but its still in very limited quantities.  Linux has
> >IA-64 version ready for it, and HP has reportedly developed a UNIX
> >version for it.  The bad part of the Pentium IV right now is its heat
> >dissipation... 54 watts.  Yet the sparc chip doesn't dissipate that much
> >power.  With the rolling black outs and the political push to conserve
> >power, intels going to have a temporary image problem.
> Intel has countless billions in profits to invest in making it work. No one
> in the computer industry has the profit margins and profits of Intel. In an
> historic downturn like this, the name of the game is available resources.
> Once it does work, then Intel has the resources to create fabrication plants
> to build in economical quatities.
> As far as the CA power situation, Intel was the only one to drop out of
> those who advocated the power deregulation fiasco.
> 2 + 2
> >
> >--
> >V

Itel's strength is simultaneously its weakness.  All that legacy code.
They have to keep it working.  But its existence drives their market.



Reply-To: "Beth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Beth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. 
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 10:11:50 +0100

> > So, protecting your constitutional rights is fascist now.

At the expense of other people's constitutional right to freedom of speech
and of religion? Certainly....without doubt, that is is also
majorly hypocritical...the constitution protects the rights of EVERY
American citizen, whether you agree with them or not...

Plus, what a totally Americanocentric argument...I'm not subject to your
blessed constitution so how does this apply to me and to the VAST MAJORITY
who are NOT subject to it?

Amusingly, I'm not subject to that constitution but I seem to have less
problem than you do at protecting OTHERs right to freedom of speech and
freedom of are being wholly contradictory and
hypocritical...the consitution applies to ALL of your fellow citizens and
you MUST respect their opinions (but, of course, feel free to disagree with
them) whatever...

Note: I'm not a US citizen so you have no patriotic obligation to apply
these constitutional rights to me (although, note, that US does abide by the
international conventions and subscribes to human rights and international
slander laws so you can't attack me totally :)...

I await your response...but, please, even if you consider me to be some
"fudging marxist" or whatever you believe...I urge you to respond to my
arguments rather than pass insult...surely, if I am wrong and you are right,
then you have an obligation to me and to yourself to rectify my
misunderstanding, yes? Insulting me will not point out where I've made a
mistake in my rationale, will it? Ok, so can we actually focus on relevent

Thanks for your valued co-operation in advance :)

Beth :)


From: "gbp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 06:59:49 GMT

>Except you fail to realize that the .NET framework and its JIT
compilers are
>a platform that constitutes a Hardware Abstraction Layer ABOVE the
OS which
>is relegated to supporting hardware devices.
>My view is that Microsoft would be making big mistake by not
porting .NET
>framework to Linux.

>From past experience I can tell you that Microsoft is not going to
port .NET to Linux.  They just don't port much stuff and they have
never ported a thing to Linux as far as I know.

In addition I would question weather .NET is platform independent.
It _should_ be but I doubt it is.  Since they don't plan on porting
it I bet they cut corners.

>Unlike the Java community, the Linux community has complex opinions
>the Java platform. In short, the source of their computer knowledge
is not
>focused through Sun, to put it kindly, although many obviously
share a Unix
>academic orientation.

I think Java is good for Linux.  Java runs on Linux and that makes
the problem of their being less software for linux than Windows less
of a problem.  The world isn't going to go open source overnight
there has to be some sort of transition!


From: "gbp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD is to Intel as "What OS" is to Windows?
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 07:11:22 GMT

>And what would that accomplish exactly?  Bottom line is, it would
>never be absolutely, exactly, like the Real Thing (ie. "Microsoft
>Windows") so most people wouldn't even bother.  The cost of the OS
>a tiny fraction of an overall system.

Your absolutely right.   When MS-DOS was king there were better
versions of DOS for other vendors.  They ran the same software and
cost less but not many people bought them.  Even IBM's version of
DOS was ignored.

When Windows 3.1 was king OS users claimed they could run win3.1
programs faster than Windows users could.  I assume they were
telling the truth, I've never meet one in person (because no one
uses OS/2)!

Hell business people won't even use a different WORD PROCESSOR than
MS Word, even though they prob. could save money.  There is no way
they are going to use a different desktop OS.  Get used to Windows,
its here to stay for a long time......

Linux is going to have to get to the point where is tens times
better the windows before your average secretary will use it.  I
know that thats what a lot of people are trying to make happen and
more power to them.  But since we are all programmers and sys admins
we tend to forget that people take classes and read books on how to
use MS-Word and Excel.  A lot of people have a lot or time and money
invested in microsoft and they don't like to hear bad things about
it :)



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