Linux-Advocacy Digest #456, Volume #33            Sun, 8 Apr 01 23:13:06 EDT

  Re: CLI vs. GUI (Chris Ahlstrom)
  Re: What is 99 percent of copyright law? was Re: Richard Stallman (Isaac)
  Re: XP = eXPerimental (Chris Ahlstrom)
  Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (Bob Hauck)
  Re: XP = eXPerimental ("Ayende Rahien")
  Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software ("Les Mikesell")
  Re: Xerox bans XP = eXPerimental beta ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: t. max devlin: kook (mlw)
  Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a (Chris Ahlstrom)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (JulianD.)
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (Jim Richardson)
  Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised (Jim Richardson)
  Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a (Jim Richardson)
  Re: OT: Treason (was Re: Communism) ("RTO Trainer")
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (silverback)
  Re: DVD on Linux? ("mmnnoo")
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (".")
  Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000? ("Jimi  Thompson")
  Re: Linux is just another Unix (yawn) (Peter R. Wood)


From: Chris Ahlstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CLI vs. GUI
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:23:20 GMT

667 Neighbor of the Beast wrote:
> > "Aaron R. Kookoonut" wrote:
> > >
>   Ever see a true newbie in front of a Windows machine?
> > >
> > > They are just as stymied by a GUI as they are by a command line.
> Yes it has been proven that DOS accounting apps are 3X more productive
> for a business to use than GUI accounting apps cuz the office workers
> find them so much easier to use.

A newbie always moves tentatively in a new neighborhood, whether
on foot, on a bike, or in a car.

[ Do Not Make Illegal Copies of This Message ]


Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Subject: Re: What is 99 percent of copyright law? was Re: Richard Stallman
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:11:45 GMT

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:39:02 -0700, Jeffrey Siegal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Isaac wrote:
>> First they claim that if you distribute
>> a program that can link only to a GPL'd library, that when you distribute
>> the program even without the library, you are really still distributing
>> the program+library.
>I don't know whether they actually claim that or not, but frankly, it's

I agree with your assessment.  Unfortunately, there aren't any usenet
archives available that are older than about 6 months, so I couldn't
pull up some of RMS's posts on the subject.

Without re-reading I can't state for sure whether that claim was
explicitly stated or whether it was just a corrollary of some other
facet of RMS's position.  



From: Chris Ahlstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:32:20 GMT

Goldhammer wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Apr 2001 17:21:34 GMT,
> >:> Naw...It means eXtra Profit...
> >eXtra Pathetic
> eXceedingly Perverse
> eXorbitant Price
> eXtraordinarily Purulent
> eXtraneous Procedures
> eXpect Pus

Yum yum!

> eXtreme Pain

Xanthoma Producing
Xmas Present (for the kiddies)

Actually, this here dictionary has an entry
for XP:

"A monogram used to represent Christ or
Christianity, composed of chi and rho, the first
two letters of the Greek word for Christ."

I guess that means Microsoft won't be donating
this OS to any public schools <grin>.



From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:36:12 GMT

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >Nonsense. I've written source code that's not plagiarism,
> >and happens, for the sake of the argument, to contain the
> >single word "readline(..)". Does this make the _source_
> >code a derivative work of
> No, nor does it prove it is not.  Don't you understand even the
> slightest bit about the real world outside of "I am a programmer and
> therefore am god"?  Programming details don't matter for *shit*; this is
> a legal issue, not a technical issue, that we are supposedly discussing.

Great, present some legal evidence then or admit that your guess
is no better than  anyone else's.

> >| A ''derivative work'' is a work based upon one or more
> >| preexisting works,[...]
> Yup; that's enough for me.  All software which requires GPL libraries
> are derivative, until you prove different in court, because they are
> "based upon" those libraries.  Case closed.

Or, just the opposite.

         Les Mikesell
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:40:37 GMT

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> The one that makes it part of the laws of the United States of America,
> >> where epistemological arguments are not allowed to make an individuals
> >> rights disappear in a puff of smoke.
> >
> >Then I guess you won't have any trouble quoting that section before
> >going on with any more nonsense.
> Who said it was a section?

I didn't think you could.

> >> >Aside from this fantasy having nothing to do with the law, if the
> >> >operator must 'have' this component, then it becomes a use issue.
> >> >That is, you have a copy of the library under its own terms and
> >> >anything dynamically linking to it does not make a copy but uses
> >> >the existing copy which you have the right to use.
> >>
> >> Fuck that.  Metaphysical hogwash.
> >
> >Is that the technical term?
> Fine.  Good bye.  You should have just responded, rather than sniping.

Responded to that?  I'm waiting for the legal argument.

        Les Mikesell
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:43:25 GMT

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> >>So there were no libraries which existed at the time that did what Qt
> >>and KDElibs now do, but this program somehow was written to be able to
> >>use such a library, though it didn't exist?
> >
> >Precisely.
> You obviously misunderstood the question.  No, you cannot write a
> program which requires a library which does not yet exist.

Of course you can.  Large projects always start with API specs so the
components can be developed in parallel.   There is no reason to wait
for a library to exist before writing code that will use it.

      Les Mikesell


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Reply-To: bobh = haucks dot org
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:43:30 GMT

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 19:09:44 -0500, Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sun's CDE (Common Desktop Environment) is an absolute joke.  You would
> think that this would be a no-brainer for McNealy and he'd get the
> lead out and put out a respectable window manager with drag-n-drop, 
> file managers, multimedia, etc..

Maybe that's why Sun is adopting Gnome.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| To Whom You Are Speaking


From: "Ayende Rahien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 03:42:15 +0200

"Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> XenoPhobic

That is actually funny.


From: "Les Mikesell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,,
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman what a tosser, and lies about free software
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 01:55:17 GMT

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Said Les Mikesell in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Fri, 06 Apr 2001 04:44:52
>    [...]
> >It doesn't matter how useful they are, the only point of the GPL is
> >to keep most people from obtaining them.
> Because most people don't understand the danger of proprietary software;
> they think there's actually a *reason* to spend hundreds and thousands
> and millions of dollars a year on something they already have!

You never have to spend more than something is worth unless there
is a monopoly controlling the supply.   All it takes is some competition.
The GPL encourages the continued monopoly by making it impossible
to use GPL'd code in combination with other components by a
competitive startup.

> >A few people can build
> >their own versions or hire consultants to do it - most can't.
> And you're relying on that fact, rather than the possibility you can do
> it _well_, to pay for your retirement.

That makes even less sense than anything else you've said.  I've never
been interested in selling GPL code.  I've been prevented from giving
it away, and I've been prevented from buying it as cheap competition
to a monopolistic company's offerings.   And so have you.   If you can
understand why PC hardware is cheap you should be able to understand
that anything that promotes interoperability and competition is good for
 everyone, and things like the GPL that prevent them are not.

       Les Mikesell


Subject: Re: Xerox bans XP = eXPerimental beta
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 02:13:22 GMT

Xerox field techs are still running Windows 95 on their lap tops. When
they get new lap tops that come pre-loaded with Win98SE they have to
scratch it and install Win95 which is the corporate platform.

IBM Field techs are running Windows 95 as well on their Thinkpads
(Model 760EL in case you are wondering) although they will be
migrating to Windows 2000 soon. In addition they just received new
Research in Motion BlackBerry wireless PDA's.

Lee Oswald

(Not that one)

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 16:47:30 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Goldhammer)

>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 00:14:06 -0700, GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Now that I look at it long enough, XP,... it looks like a dead emoticon
>>with its tongue hanging out.
>Those are prophetic words.


Subject: Re: t. max devlin: kook
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 22:20:36 -0400

Ayende Rahien wrote:
> "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > After that, I like CLI based commands because I know what I want to do and
> I
> > can type it. A GUI based system requires an added step of navigating the
> > various menus and dialog boxes that seem to get in the way of what I want
> to
> > do.
> Read the help files.
> You have to do it anyway for CLI applications.

Yes, but it is an extra sequence of steps above and beyond knowing what one
wants to do.

cp -Rpd thisdir thatdir

Once mastered, is very much easier than open source window, open dest window,
navigate to source and destinations, select, drag, and drop.

Inherently graphical operations are perfect for a GUI. Inherently logical
operations work best on a CLI. Similarly, graphical operations are easier to
learn in a GUI, logical operations are easier to learn with a good CLI.

There CLI vs GUI debate is pointless because different types of applications
will work better in the different environments.

Any person who would profess one is better than the other all the time, every
time, is wrong. Depending on how one uses their computer, good and sound
arguments can be made for both.

Personally, I mostly use a CLI, but run KDE as my desktop and use the GUI when
it make sense.

I'm not offering myself as an example; every life evolves by its own laws.


From: Chris Ahlstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 02:21:10 GMT

Jan Johanson wrote:
> "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > ALL newsreader software that has an ID string has it embedded
> > within the source code.  It's a simple matter or editing it with
> > vi and running make to disguise both the newsreader and the OS.
> >
> > And since on have the source code....
> >
> > Well, I'll leave the rest as an exercise for the reader.
> >
> Hey fuck head - yea you, dildo breath.
> Reply to this message, but change the header to indicate you are posting on
> a Mac instead.
> Should be effortless for a l33t programmer like yourself.
> If you can do that I'll believe a tiny fraction of what you say.
> If you cannot or will not that you are a fucking liar and we've all known it
> forever.

JJ, go to
and download one of the tar.gz files yourself.
Oh, you might not know how to unpack it, so go ahead
and download the ZIP version instead.

It unpacks to only about 22 Mb of code and text, so you should
find it effortless to track down what you're looking for, JJ.


[ Do Not Make Illegal Copies of This Message ]


From: JulianD. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 22:24:16 -0400

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:25:00 -0700, Robert Sturgeon

>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 21:38:28 GMT,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 15:18:59 -0700, Robert Sturgeon
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:29:39 GMT,
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>>>>Yeah, it's right-wing socialism, characterized by vertical integration
>>>>>of the industrial sector.
>>>>there is no such thing as right wing socialism dumb fuck
>>>What then do you suppose Nazi means?
>>I don't give a fuck what the name means dummy. Unless yer one of the
>>idiots that still thinks East germany was a democracy and China a
>Thank you for being totally open about your willful

If was totally open all the time about his ignorance, this group would
be nothing but silvernut's posts.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 18:17:41 -0700

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 04:01:02 GMT, 
 WGAF, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>"Bob Hauck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Oh, maybe you've only got a text-mode system.  Then you'd have to use
>> the "get tarred directory" feature that most Unix ftp servers have:
>> ncftp
>> cd ...some long path...
>> get RPMS rpms.tar
>> Like RPM?  I installed KDE 2.1.1 (upgrade from 2.1) by doing this:
>> $ for i in qt kdebase kdelibs kdegames ...; do rpm -U $i/*; done
>As oppose to downloading a single executable, running it once the dowload
>finished and it's done? Linux really shines in that respect, doesn't it?

Doesn't your ftp client let you recursively download the whole directory?
 Of course, if you used debian, it'd be even simpler...

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 19:26:46 -0700

On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 21:17:48 GMT, 
 fmc, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>> I don't know what you read, but it wasn't this:
>> ---
>No, that's not what I read.  It was the Hotmail Terms of Use that I
>recalled, and they don't require anyone to cede full control over their
>intellectual property to Microsoft:
>With respect to the Passport license, I found no section entitled "License
>to Microsoft" in the Terms of Service that the Chuck Mead/Moondog article
>linked to.  (That's the article you cited in your original post.)
>To clear up any confusion, you should take Chuck Mead's advice and  "Go read
>it and see for yourself."  There's a section that deals with "MICROSOFT'S
>giving them carte blanche as the Mead article suggests.

Microsoft changed the terms of use on Apr 4. What you see now, is the new
pravda, what was, was the old pravda, tomorrow? new pravda again.

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: Undeniable proof that Aaron R. Kulkis is a hypocrite, and a
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 20:00:48 -0700

On 8 Apr 2001 16:18:05 -0500, 
 Jan Johanson, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>Reply to this message, but change the header to indicate you are posting on
>a Mac instead.
>Should be effortless for a l33t programmer like yourself.
>If you can do that I'll believe a tiny fraction of what you say.
>If you cannot or will not that you are a fucking liar and we've all known it

hey foul mouth, check *my* headers, piece of cake...

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: "RTO Trainer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Treason (was Re: Communism)
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 02:32:38 GMT

"Roger Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:0oNz6.1141$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> As I understand it the Bible was written from Greek or Aramaic documents
> translated into Latin.

<g>  You Catholic Roger?  The Pope'll love you.  :)

(The preceeding is not an anti-catholic flame, its humor.  I am Catholic.)

This is true of the Vulgate.  That's the "official" Roman Catholic
translation done by St. Jerome.

Many other translations have been done from the surviving Greek texts
(Aramaic texts are generally considered (don't ask me why)
non-authoritative) directly without regard to Jerome.

Of course, this is WRT the New Testament.  The Old Testament was originally
in Hebrew (go figure), BUT the oldest known copy is actually in Greek (the
Septuagint) and is usually used as a source document rather than more recent
Hebrew texts.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 00:34:45 GMT

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:25:00 -0700, Robert Sturgeon

>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 21:38:28 GMT,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 15:18:59 -0700, Robert Sturgeon
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:29:39 GMT,
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>>>>Yeah, it's right-wing socialism, characterized by vertical integration
>>>>>of the industrial sector.
>>>>there is no such thing as right wing socialism dumb fuck
>>>What then do you suppose Nazi means?
>>I don't give a fuck what the name means dummy. Unless yer one of the
>>idiots that still thinks East germany was a democracy and China a
>Thank you for being totally open about your willful

still think a name means more than their actions? Come on answer up
little ignorant asshole.

>Robert Sturgeon-
>Proud member of The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy.


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback)
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 00:35:22 GMT

On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 22:24:16 -0400, JulianD. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:25:00 -0700, Robert Sturgeon
>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 21:38:28 GMT,
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 15:18:59 -0700, Robert Sturgeon
>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 08 Apr 2001 17:29:39 GMT,
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (silverback) wrote:
>>>>>>Yeah, it's right-wing socialism, characterized by vertical integration
>>>>>>of the industrial sector.
>>>>>there is no such thing as right wing socialism dumb fuck
>>>>What then do you suppose Nazi means?
>>>I don't give a fuck what the name means dummy. Unless yer one of the
>>>idiots that still thinks East germany was a democracy and China a
>>Thank you for being totally open about your willful
>If was totally open all the time about his ignorance, this group would
>be nothing but silvernut's posts.

still think  a name means more than their actions asshole? Yer a
really dumb one ifyou do.


GDY Weasel
emailers remove the spam buster

For those seeking enlightenment visit the White Rose at



From: "mmnnoo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DVD on Linux?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 02:39:46 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Andy Walker"

> I was trying to find out how to get my DVD to play on Linux the other
> day and found out that there is a reverse engineered decryption package
> needed to do so. I then found out that it is illegal in the USA to even
> provide an address to where this code is and that a magazine has been
> prosecuted for providing this information!
> As this law doesn't exist in the UK, does anyone know where I can get
> the necessary files?


Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:47:46 +1200

> > But Max, I have spent my entire two years with a computer using windows,
> > I have also spent five seconds watching linux boot.  I know windows is
> > because I can use it, and I am a fucking peasant.  Linux is hard,
because it
> > sometimes comes up in text mode, and I have to think about what I'm
> thus:
> desktop market share
> windows 92%
> linux 1%
> mac 4%
> ha haaaw!

So, what you're saying is that a large portion of the population is dumb as
a post, if not dumber.  You then go on to prove your own membership in this
elite crew by listing some numbers and making the assumption that some of
these numbers being higher than others determine which system is better, and
that this entire post is somehow related to the ease of use.

Woops!  Better get that thinking cap back on and try again.

> windows rules on servers too?!?
> who woulda thunk it...

You have no understanding of numbers.  More gumbos install Windows on
servers than any other operating system, because gumbos are prevalent, and
can install little else.  Let's also not forget that these numbers could
easily be inflated because Windows isn't particularly suited to running more
than one demanding service.

And of course, there's the possibility that you just pulled these numbers
out of your arse.


From: "Jimi  Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000?
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 21:50:41 -0500

There are a vast number of people who get grumpy when you send them HTML.
As a web master, it is second nature for me to create documents in HTML
since I know that anyone can view them.    However, I find that head
hunters, etc DEMAND that the document be sent to them in Word format and
that they whine incessantly about being told to cut and paste it into the
editor of their choice.  They fuss until I do it for them.

Sadly they have no better sense than to demand that others use an inferior


From: Peter R. Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is just another Unix (yawn)
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 02:56:27 GMT

>>Please read this page:
> Dream...dream, dream, dream.
Sorry, I should have been more specific in my original statement.

The Linux kernel is not the ideal center of a GNU Operating system.  The 
ideal center of the GNU OS is the Hurd.  However, the de facto center of 
the GNU OS is, at this time, and probably for most of the forseeable 
future, the Linux kernel. Hence GNU/Linux. In any case, I use the Linux 
kernel, not Hurd.




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