Linux-Advocacy Digest #894, Volume #33           Wed, 25 Apr 01 00:13:03 EDT

  Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop (ralph)
  Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Buy Microsoft stock!!! ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (Gunner ©)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (Gunner ©)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (Gunner ©)
  Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Communism (Gunner ©)
  Re: Communism (Gunner ©)
  Re: Communism (Gunner ©)
  Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product ("Erik Funkenbusch")


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:08:43 -0500

"A transfinite number of monkeys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:18:17 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> : This is patently wrong.  You can assign rights to do this in the local
> : policy editor.  Just go to Administrative Tools in control panel, open
> : Security Settings, then Local Policies, User Rights.  Double click on
> : and Unload device drivers" and click "Add" and choose the users or
> : you want to be able to burn CD's.
> So, in order to let ordinary users burn CD's, I have to give them
> rights to completely kill the operating system by adding and removing
> device drivers?!?!?  Hmm, I'll take "chmod 666 /dev/scd0" or whatever
> device the CD-R is setup as any time.

No, as I've already said, "Loading" is not "installing".  It's starting and

> : > See how easy Windows 2K is to use for users?
> :
> : That's why it it's called "professional".  That's also why Whistler
> : will be simplified for these tasks.
> Any "Professional" that thinks giving permission to load and unload device
> drivers to ordinary users is a Good Thing deserves a spot in the
> line, or maybe should pump gas instead.

Perhaps you should know what you're talking about before making such


Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 23:09:25 -0700
From: ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop

So homosexuality is not genetic, but feelings about it are shaped by
evolution. Almost as brilliant as the suggestion that evolution would
cause me to feel upset over other males' deciding not to be my genetic

nunnayabidniz wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 23:44:52 +0100, "Edward Rosten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >> I don't know about other people, but the repulsive feelings I have about
> >> it are pratty damned instinctual...
> >>
> >> The first time I ever heard of it, (mentioned in a medical textbook) my
> >> thought was, OH, GROSS!...
> >
> >And your point is?
> >
> >-Ed
> homosexuality is not genetic, it is a choice.
> The feelings we have about it are for self-preservation of our
> species, and they are right.

The first rule of fart club is:
you don't talk about fart club.


From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product
Date: 24 Apr 2001 21:14:07 -0600

Chronos Tachyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For the record, I managed to get things working as non-Administrator.  I 
> already had C:\WINNT readable/executable by Everyone, and I enabled 
> loadable drivers per your suggestion.  Thanks.

You can do the same thing under Linux:

chmod a+rxs /sbin/insmod /sbin/rmmod

Of course, that's not always thought of as a smart thing to do...

> Making a program setuid-root under *nix makes it switch to root
> completely automatically, and programs cannot be made setuid-root by
> mere mortals.  Better yet, you can make a program setgid to a
> special group, then alter the permissions on whatever file you want
> to protect to permit access only by that group.  The beauty is that,
> once set up, it's all automatic and transparent to the users.

The NT advocates used to brag that NT lacked "insecure" set-uid flags
for executables.  I remember in the days of NT 3.5x and early 4.0
reading gloat after gloat about how insecure UNIX was compared to NT.

Now, in order to use a scanner or cdrw program, you need to give all
users the authority to insert kernel-code whenever they want to.

Hmmm, I wonder if the DRIVERS folder is rxwrxwrxw  (too lazy to go and

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:21:48 -0500

"Chronos Tachyon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:nJoF6.27388$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> On Tue 24 Apr 2001 05:23, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>   [Snip]
> >>
> >> Hint: "Run As Different User" is not the same as setuid.  Under Linux,
> >> you don't need to know the root password to burn a CD using this
> >> I currently use the "Run As" kludge on the Win2K box I maintain for a
> >> friend when he wants to burn CDs.
> >
> > You can certainly create an adminstrator account that doesn't allow
> > logging in to use for this purpose.
> So, let me get this straight:  I create a new account, give it membership
> in the Administrators group, make sure that I've disabled *every* possible
> way of abusing it (including logins, SMB, and remote access), then give it
> a zero-length password.  Then, when the user double-clicks on a shortcut
> with the "Run as different user" option, have them manually type in the
> name of this special account, leave the password blank, and click on OK.
> Yeah, real intuitive.

Who said anything about intuitive?  Like changing permissions of on the
device files are intuitive, or making something setuid is intuitive.

> If I've erred in any way, please tell me exactly what I'm overlooking.  I
> really wouldn't mind Win2K so much (other than the ridiculous price) if it
> didn't seem so thick-headed compared to Linux.

You're bitching about intuitiveness, then claiming that Linux is somehow
more intuitive?

I've got one for you.  How do you DENY access to a file or device to someone
that is in a group that has access to that device?  You can't in any
unix-like permission structure.

>   [Snip]
> >>
> >> Um, huh?  I've never seen ACLs on individual device drivers anywhere in
> >> all the time I've tinkered with Win2K.
> >
> > Haven't tinkered much then, have you.  *EVERY* file in the filesystem
> > individual ACL's.  What do you think the security tab is for?
> Oh, so by "change the ACL on the driver", you mean "go hunt for
> named *.SYS files under C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS".  Do you change
> permissions on aspi32.sys, or atapi.sys, or cdrom.sys, or ..., or all of
> the above?

And how is that any different from hunging down a cryptically named /dev

aspi32.sys is the file.  atapi or cdrom.sys or scsi.sys should already be

> For the record, I managed to get things working as non-Administrator.  I
> already had C:\WINNT readable/executable by Everyone, and I enabled
> loadable drivers per your suggestion.  Thanks.

You're welcome.

> >> Besides, this Linux option grants
> >> exactly one program (the CD writing software) the right to directly
> >> access the drive, whereas what you suggest gives that right to ALL
> >> programs run by the permitted user(s).  Given the fact that CD-R drives
> >> are somewhat notorious for causing flakiness (under any OS), I would
> >> think that the ability to restrict access to a trusted program or two
> >> would be a wise thing, especially if you didn't fully trust the
> >
> > And the Run As option does just this.
> Not to my knowledge.  Any user can create a shortcut to any program with
> the "Run As" box checked and try to run it as "Administrator"

Not if you deny them access to the "Run As" service.

> Better yet, you can make a program setgid to a special group, then alter
> the permissions on whatever file you want to protect to permit access only
> by that group.  The beauty is that, once set up, it's all automatic and
> transparent to the users.

You can do the same with setting the permissions of the driver to a specific

> >> I'm not familiar with any way in Win2K that you can use a script to
> >> or revoke membership in an arbitrary group based on whether or not a
> >> is logging in locally.  Perhaps you could elaborate?
> >
> > You can use a script to check for interactive access, then add or remove
> > their account from a group that is given access.
> What language is this script written in?

Any Windows Scripting Host script, such as VBScript, JScript, Rexx, Perl,

> Does it have to reside in a  certain directory?

Why would it?

> Do you need to alter the registry to tell it where it  is?

Why would you?

> How does it determine if the user is interactive or not?

By calling a function to determine so.

> Does it run  with Administrator permissions

During login, yes, it can.  If it didn't, login scripts couldn't be used to
modify the computers environment that the user would not normally be able to

> Does the altering of group permissions by an Administrator
> take affect immediately, and if not, does the login process halt while the
> script runs?

This makes no sense.

> Does the script continue to function if the user's account is
> stored remotely in a domain?  Can you post some example source code, or a
> link to some?

If you don't know anything about NT login scripts, why don't you say so.


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Buy Microsoft stock!!!
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:23:12 -0500

"Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> > You're using a beta, this is not what an OEM is going to be using.
> Well, duh.  I used the RH 7.1 beta.  Red Hat 7.1 is out now.  The same
> products are still on the shelves.

And dell is still shipping their Linux machines with RH 7, not 7.1

> > Why do you keep changing the argument?  The point was in regards to
> > and OEM's (specifically Dell) ONLY.
> Don't start more of that "I say this thread is restricted to <mytopic>"
> You plainly said:
> > It usually takes Linux 3-6 months from the release of a product before
> drivers are available for it.
> And I disabused the lurkers of any nascent notion that you had a clue what
> were talking about.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, but I was talking about released


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:37:36 -0700

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:17:24 -0400, "Scott D. Erb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Gunner ©" wrote:
>> >"History has already proven its (communism's) failure".  University,
>> >another so-called "communist recruiting agency" (In the words of Aaron),
>> >none of my lectures are communist, one of them is a tree hugger, but
>> >besides that, most of them agree with the underlying phylosophy of the
>> >free market. So I don't understand where this commist threat is comming
>> >from.
>> >
>> >Matthew Gardiner
>> You are one of the lucky ones... I take it you didnt go to Berkley or
>> most of the  other colleges which have 60's rejects on tenure.
>Actually, Marxism is almost non-existant on most American campuses, and has been for
>sometime.  It wasn't until graduate school that I had professors who were Marxist, and
>they were a minority.   In grad school also had conservative profs, including a friend
>of Henry Kissinger's.  In general, I think academics tend to be more liberal than many
>other segments of society, but usually self-critical, and certainly the kind of
>categorizing people are doing in this thread is based on myth, not knowledge of the
>real world.

Classic Marxism is now quite its sorta politically correct.
HOWEVER.. socialism is alive and well on campus's.  While they are not
necessarily different.. neither are they mutually exclusive.


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:40:14 -0700

On 24 Apr 2001 17:21:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roberto Alsina) wrote:

>>Sure is, to the nation. However..courts have held consistently, that the
>>State has no obligation to protect the Individual.
>Protecting the nation is protecting the individuals.
>Roberto Alsina
So... there is a GDL Mk2 satellite watching my home for me, and there
are a squad of Rangers (HU HA!) making sure no one steals my lawnmower.
THANKS Roberto. Im ever so greatful for that.


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:43:35 -0700

On 24 Apr 2001 22:42:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roberto Alsina) wrote:

>>If you ask one of the crime victims, would he/she say that the
>>police protected him/her?
>Apparently we have this difference of interpretation. By "protecting
>the people" I simply mean "reducing the danger for the people" while
>you seem to mean "eliminating the danger for the people".

Weasel wording... sigh...

 I reduce the danger for my self far better than the Government does. I
purchase my own seatbelts, my own fire extingushers, my one security
systems and my own bullets (and the bastards have the nads to charge me
sales tax too...)


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:43:57 -0500

"Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chronos Tachyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > For the record, I managed to get things working as non-Administrator.  I
> > already had C:\WINNT readable/executable by Everyone, and I enabled
> > loadable drivers per your suggestion.  Thanks.
> You can do the same thing under Linux:
> chmod a+rxs /sbin/insmod /sbin/rmmod
> Of course, that's not always thought of as a smart thing to do...

But you claimed this couldn't be done.  You called me a liar, saying that
Nero and EZCD would refuse to run if you weren't an administrator.

But now you are accepting that it can be done, without retracting your

> The NT advocates used to brag that NT lacked "insecure" set-uid flags
> for executables.  I remember in the days of NT 3.5x and early 4.0
> reading gloat after gloat about how insecure UNIX was compared to NT.

Well, many Unixes at the time were much more insecure.  Things have changed
quite a bit, and setuid is now fairly safe if you are careful and run only
well audited programs as setuid (of course, as we've seen with BIND, that
can still leave you quite open).

> Now, in order to use a scanner or cdrw program, you need to give all
> users the authority to insert kernel-code whenever they want to.

As I've said a dozen times so far.  No.  This only allows you to load an
already installed driver.  It does not allow you to install your own

> Hmmm, I wonder if the DRIVERS folder is rxwrxwrxw  (too lazy to go and
> check).

Simply putting a driver in the directory doesn't make it installed.  You
have to modify the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry, which is only modifiable by
an adminstrator.


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:49:18 -0700

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 12:19:07 -0500, WesTralia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Hell.. with the sheer number of trolls out there.. we could completly
>> replace roller derby and the XFL... hummm this would be a great follow
>> up for Nascar!
>> Anyone know where we can find Dolt the Jolt?   I might even sign up for
>> that one myself......
>> Gunner
>Errrr...first you are going to need to get Aaron's mom to sign a 
>waiver.  Then you have to negotiate through Aarons agent - me.
Im sure Aaron can do his own work..but what kind of a deal can you get
me on doing Volt the Dolt, up right and proper? I can keep him alive for
at least 24 hrs, with a guaranteed scream or gurgle every 5 minutes for
those 24 hours..well after the first 5 or six.. he may simply try to
scream... but I can make it interesting for the viewers. Depending on
the research..we can finish it off with a combination Vlad the Impaler
and Auto De Fe.. or whatever the market research says will be the best
draw. I want my piece right off the top.


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:50:37 -0700

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 18:41:47 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>"Gunner ©" wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 07:41:11 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >theRadical wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:12:14 -0700, Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 15:31:15 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
>> >> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >>> >
>> >> >>> >ANYBODY who seeks to enslave others sacrifices any claim to his own life.
>> >> >>> >
>> >> >>> >Hope that helps.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> which means soooo [sic] much coming from a fucking idiot twat such as
>> >> >>> yourself.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>Gonna come say that to my face?
>> >> >
>> >> >WEEEEE! I get dibs on the video rights!  And we can split the fee when
>> >> >we send numbnuts body to a medical school.
>> >> >
>> >> >Aaron... try to draw it out as long as possible, so we can see lots of
>> >> >his blood and hear the sounds of breaking bones.. Ive already got a
>> >> >buyer for the master tape.
>> >> >
>> >> >Gunner
>> >>
>> >> why doesn't it surprise me that a sick gun nut fuck like gunner would
>> >> think such trash?
>> >
>> >Because he's got a good sense of humor. :-)
>> >
>> >Sue
>> Thanks Sue!
>>  And of course..I have a good business sense as well. I could indeed
>> sell a video of Aaron giving the Radical a serious attitude adjustment.
>> ..Afterall.. wouldnt Libertarian/Conservitive,   with more than 6 weeks
>> on the net.. love to see a troll who's  limited vocabulary includes
>> "sick gun nut fuck" ,  get his shit scattered? Then there are the
>> T-shirt rights...and the bumper sticker, beer and popcorn
>> residuals..hence the request to draw it out as long as possible.
>> T-shirt example:
>>  Front Side..
>> "This is a troll." (picture of a gnormlish nerd like Radical in front of
>> a computer)
>> Backside..
>> " This is a troll after Aaron" (picture of a roadkill with a sandaled
>> foot and clawed,  broken fingered hand,  sticking out of the puddle)
>> Picture the Budwieser frogs... "grease"  "a" "troll"
>Could you post a price list please. <G>  Any discounts available?

Ma'am..for you , Ill make sure you get a good selection of every thing
for free.


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: Gunner © <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:52:31 -0700

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 18:54:40 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>>>>> Gunner  writes:
>   Gunner> On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:19:40 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   wrote> 
>   >> That is hyperbole.  But even if true, would not justify his call to
>   >> kill democrats in general.
>   >> He is a proven liar, a cowardly forger, and if you value your personal
>   >> credibility you would stop defending him.
>   Gunner> Aaron can defend himself, I do however often agree with his concepts and
>   Gunner> ideas, and I defend those on occasion.
>When I agree with him I say so.
>   Gunner> You really need to work on something else besides the :lier/forger:
>   Gunner> thingy... you have beat that horse to death, and you now sound simply
>   Gunner> shrill and simple minded. I dont know if he did or didnt, and would be
>He most certainly did.
>   Gunner> surprised if he had, but I really dont care about the personal pissing
>The above is the forgery, the lies are in most of his posts.
>   Gunner> contest the two of you have going on between you.   I find you more and
>   Gunner> more using it as a pretext to avoid refuting his ideas..which leads me
>   Gunner> to believe that he is winning the logic/info debate and you are slipping
>   Gunner> into  LaVoys Corralary.
>You clearly are not paying attention.  He is lying in most threads
>he participates in.  For example the global warming thread has lies
>in virtually every post he makes.
>   Gunner> Spend more time on the subject, and less on whimpering.
>His dishonesty and lies are on topic.

Pump sand up your ass, and act as a breakwater. Your dishonesty and lies
are also on topic as well as you lie in virtually every post you make as
well. So..your point is?

Get real, you sound like a box of puppies.


""The greatest evil is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted)
 in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted the 
bureaucracy of a police state or a thoroughly nasty business concern."   
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 - It is an excellent product
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:59:12 -0500

"Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Craig Kelley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > "Loading" drivers means starting and stopping them, not installing
> > > > The users can only start and stop the drivers that the administrator
> > > > installed, and the admin can deny them access to specific drivers by
> > > > disallowing them access in the ACL.
> > >
> > > Hmmm, I don't see a setting for ACLs on individual drivers here.
> > > Please elaborate, because this is the crux of the many complaints.
> > > We've known about this problem for at least a few years now, you'd
> > > expect a solution to be in place.
> >
> > right click on the driver file, choose properties, choose security.
> > "Deny" on the "Read and Execute" checkbox, or click advanced and edit
> > user group and click "Deny" on "Traverse Directory / Execute File"
> Hmmm, some questions (I honestly want this to work, okay?):
>   o How does this allow an individual to load the driver on
>     demand (something that I could setup so that when Omnipage
>     starts up it does it automatically using cmd.exe or whatever)?

If the user has permissions to load and unload drivers, then they can load
the driver on demand.  That is, if they have execute permission to the
driver file.

>   o Where is the device "file"?  All I see in the device manager
>     is a list of names.

In the Winnt\system32\drivers directory.  Knowing which driver files
permissions to modify is a bit trickier, but some research can usually help
you figure it out.

>   o Does execute permission on a file imply that the user
>     has the right to load a driver?  (I hope not)

Only if they have the right to load an unload drivers.



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