On Monday, December 28, 2009, torbenh wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 04:25:11PM +0100, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
> > aseqmm is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface using
> > Qt4 objects, idioms and style. ALSA sequencer provides software support
> > for MIDI technology on Linux. Several examples are included in the source
> > tree.
> hmm... maybe its just me. but to me the name aseqmm would imply it uses
> sigc and gobjects.
> wouldnt qaseq be amore appropriate name ?

Here is an example of another library (SDLmm) with a name ending in "mm" that 
doesn't use sigc or gobjects:  http://sdlmm.sourceforge.net

I really don't understand your orchestrated attack. What's really the problem, 
the library name, or the mere existence of my project? 

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