On 12/30/2009 12:39 AM, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 29, 2009, Paul Davis wrote:
>> i notice that SDLmm has not had a commit in nearly a year, and appears
>> to have been named under a similar belief as your own.
> Is it about belief? There is something about that in the Universal Declaration
> of Human Rights. Article 18: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
> conscience and religion". I would also add the GUI toolkit and frameworks.
> Maybe you know the text of a Law, or a sacred text source of the absolute
> truth, where it is stated that a library name ending in "mm" must not be used
> by those not belonging to the congregation of true believers, under pain of
> heresy ?

I think it is more about the numbers game. Basically there is a pattern 
that has been established by developers who have chosen to end their 
apps names with mm. Your app falls outside of the pattern so it may be 
confusing for people who come across it to learn that it is not adhering 
to the pattern.

An analogy could be a sushi restaurant called "Bobs meat extravaganza". 
Technically they do serve some meat in the restaurant but it's probably 
going to be confusing for those who like to consume copious amounts of beef.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

> Regards,
> Pedro
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