Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
> rosea grammostola <> writes:
>> Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
>>>> I'm just saying that it might not be such a good idea for a session
>>>> manager to kill applications instead of saving them, when asked to
>>>> save.  Especially if that decision is based on user input that
>>>> happened a long time ago (so that the user may have done a lot of work
>>>> since making their mistake, but before discovering it was a mistake).
>>> What better alternative you propose? ladish will implement levels 2 and
>>> 3 in future.
>> I understand the concern of Chris. All though I didn't make the mistake 
>> yet when working with Ladish.
>> Isn't it possible to popup some kind of warning message "you've chosen 
>> level 1, but this is not supported by this app"
>> Or another solution which helps the user not making this fault?
> If ladish knows whether level 1 is really supporeted it wouldnt be
> needed for user to specify it. Such warning message will be possible
> when app (.desktop files) list is implemented. But i'd rather disallow
> user to override the level from the UI, instead user can change the
> .desktop file or override it with another one in the user specific
> filesystem location.
It looked to me as an advantage of Ladish that I, as a user, was able to 
choose on which level I want to use the application. As I see it now, I 
would like to keep that possibility.


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