On Monday 12 April 2010 02:07:07 Jens M Andreasen wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 00:52 +0100, James Morris wrote:
> > On Mon, April 12, 2010 00:38, James Morris wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm pretty sure I've seen this dealt with on the list before, but can't
> > > find it.
> > >
> > > With the program I'm fumbling around trying to create, it will be
> > > possible for successive note on events for the same pitch to occur
> > > without note off events intervening.
> > >
> > > Does the MIDI spec allow such things?
> >
> > Sorry to answer myself so soon...
> >
> > I guess it is allowed. The simplest case being a sequencer outputting to
> > the same channel and port as a keyboard player. Nothing can prevent this
> > - right?
> The question is what happens at the other end when a note gets struck a
> second time.
> a) Nothing, the note is already on.
> b) Re-trigger, the voice is reset and the note gets played from the top
> c) Trigger, a new voice is assigned and will play simultaneously to
> previous voices

So... which "real" instruments work like a, which like b, and which like c?
> > And there's no way in the world that missing note-offs could be added in,
> > in a fashion guaranteed to cover all possible permutations of
> > connections, or without delaying the note-on which implies a missing
> > note-off.
> An all-notes-off will take care of any missing note-offs
> > James.

all the best,

> >
> > > The bash-script prototype of the program did this, and, I believe, the
> > > soft-synths used, acted appropriately - that is, re-triggered the
> > > notes. So I guess the question is, does it make any difference if I
> > > add-in the note-off events - which, thinking about it, is going to be
> > > tricky because, basically, although the program is sequencing, it will
> > > be real time and is not psychic!
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > James.
> > >
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