On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 09:39 +0000, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 04:19:05 -0500, David Robillard <d...@drobilla.net> 
>  wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 20:11 +0000, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> > [snip]
> >> are you saying that this suil api will get it implicit and 
> >> integrated
> >> into slv2? in a matter of days? i've looked into the "suil.h" and it
> >> makes perfect sense...
> >
> > I've done this now[1]. The half-baked collection API in Suil as of my
> > last post was clumsy and out of place. I've removed all that, so Suil 
> > is
> > exclusively for instantiating (and possibly wrapping) plugin UIs
> > (deciding which UI to instantiate is the user's problem).
> >
> > SLV2 now (optionally) depends on Suil. The API changes are minimal; 
> > host
> > authors just need to switch from the now-deprecated 
> > slv2_ui_instantiate
> > to its replacement, slv2_ui_instance_new. This new function takes the
> > same parameters plus an additional widget type parameter which 
> > specifies
> > the type of widget the host expects. Cross-toolkit embedding should 
> > then
> > magically work.
> >
>  great!
>  i'll test this stuff asap.
>  oh, another question on wishing to keep compile-time (#ifdef's:) 
>  retro-compatibility with previous libslv2 releases:
>  is it correct to assume that "slv2_ui_instance_new" symbol is 
>  determinant to whether we're in presence of this newer libslv2 version? 
>  if not, what would be the correct method, iyo?

Check for version >= 0.7.0. You could check that symbol too, I suppose.

Regarding compatibility, I just had a thought: if I made a
slv2_world_set_ui_widget_type or something, and stored that in the
world, then the old function interface could do wrapping without
breaking the instantiation function. Deprecating the old one (w/ GCC
warnings) makes it more obvious to host authors what they need to do,
though... I dunno...



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