> Yes, but that page is about communication upstream to the host ... I
> think the idea here is that most Androids are phones and by nature not
> intended to work as your main device. But there are no midi devices in
> existence that works like a host, unless you consider your main computer
> a midi device (well, it could be - kind of - but impractical in this
> context)
> There are some other development going on though with "normal" USB
> classes, notably USB_CLASS_SOUND, so in a not so distant future this may
> be extended to javax.sound.midi also

It seems inevitable to me. Just a matter of time before usb peripheral
devices are supported on android ootb.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

> /j
> On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 19:49 +0200, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:
>> I thought the Android ADK and the USB accessory mode [1] could be
>> somehow
>> relevant, because before that, all you could do with USB is charging
>> the device
>> and transferring files.
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