On Mon, 16 May 2016, Andrea Del Signore wrote:

> I've been knocking my head against a wall for more than a year trying to
> figure out how to correctly mix two streams of audio while using
> libsndfile for input and libao for output.  My main requirement is that
> I cannot assume anything about the output drivers -- that is, I cannot
> depend on the output driver (ALSA, OSS, Sun, etc) being able to do the
> mixing for me.  Many of my target platforms lack any sort of mixing
> services.  I need to do this myself.  I tried starting a mixer/player
> thread that would work in a producer/consumer relationship with one or
> two audio file decoder threads.  I can play one sound at a time just
> fine. When I try to do both, I get distortion followed by a segfault.


not sure if I understood correctly: do you just want to mix N files?

Like you I'm learning libsndfile and libao so this is my attempt to mix some 
audio files:



Can someone explain line 88 (I already read the sndfile FAQ)?

I'm not simply trying to mix two files. My main project is a game engine in which two sounds are allowed at any one time. For instance, there can be constant background music punctuated by sound effects. I can't get these to mix correctly.

Regarding your line 88, I had trouble with this too:

sf_count_t item_read = sf_read_float (sndfile[i], filebuffer, BUFFSIZE); // WHY BUFFSIZE? Shouldn't be BUFFSIZE * channels?

The third parameter is for the number of items or frames. A frame is made up of one sample per channel. Earlier you set up filebuffer like this:

buflen = BUFFSIZE * sf_info[0].channels;
filebuffer = malloc(buflen * sizeof(float));

The size of filebuffer is BUFFSIZE float-sized frames. Therefore when you specify BUFFSIZE as the number of floats to read, they all fit in filebuffer.

David Griffith
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

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