On 4/4/21 11:06 PM, Nils Hilbricht wrote:
please read the subject line!
it's about the new-session-management move to jackaudio.org and only.
it is NOT about the merits, technical or otherwise, of session managers in 
general nor NSM in particular.

Then let me rephrase:
Why should NSM not be hosted under jackaudio, since it is the session manager 
for JACK programs?
The response to that was "because NSM is technically independent of JACK" and 
my answer was in the previous mail.

allow me to kindly rephrase you:
... NSM ... is the *recommended* _session management_ for JACK programs!
(note the distinction between "management" and "manager")

and yes, I totally concur to that "NSM is technically independent of JACK".

the thing that makes NSM so "JACK-friendly" is only about one separate utility/client program called "jackpatch"... nothing else technically relates NSM to JACK and vice-versa.

rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
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