>Well, that's really sad. Let's hope that some people may go on with the
>previous GPL code...

it also strikes me as mostly bullshit, though i'd want to speak to a
lawyer before concluding that completely. GPL'ed software is almost
universally made available with no warranty. as a post on slashdot
points out, Microsoft could be sued up the wazoo if it weren't for its
"no warranty" clause, and it never has been. why broadcast2000 would
be any different, given its similarly worded no-warranty clause, i
don't know. the key question for a lawyer would be how much it would
cost to establish the validity of the no-warranty clause.

as for fears about IP infringement, thats a different story
altogether, and a lot more justified in the current climate. i just
hope that i can take on any such challenge if it comes toward ardour
... i intend to try.


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