Its most likely his employer (pioneer) told him to
stop coding or they'd fire or sue him.
--- "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Davis wrote:
> > 
> > >Well, that's really sad. Let's hope that some
> people may go on with the
> > >previous GPL code...
> > 
> > it also strikes me as mostly bullshit, though i'd
> want to speak to a
> > lawyer before concluding that completely. GPL'ed
> software is almost
> > universally made available with no warranty. as a
> post on slashdot
> > points out, Microsoft could be sued up the wazoo
> if it weren't for its
> > "no warranty" clause, and it never has been. why
> broadcast2000 would
> > be any different, given its similarly worded
> no-warranty clause, i
> > don't know. the key question for a lawyer would be
> how much it would
> > cost to establish the validity of the no-warranty
> clause.
> > 
> They are saying that "no warranty" on the license is
> not enough to avoid
> responsibility in some cases. The company using the
> software has the
> knowledge, but the investors don't, and apparently
> the investors are
> succeeding in using the "deep pockets" idea of suing
> whoever is left
> standing once the original company goes under. In an
> analogy, if you
> were to give out free vodka, warning people not to
> drink and drive,
> you'd probably still go to jail or lose a lawsuit
> when the drunk
> actually runs over someone...whoever got run over is
> not bound by your
> agreements with the drunk. It seems wrong that it
> should be happening,
> but apparently financially concerned third parties
> are not bound by the
> license between source author and business users of
> the source. Very
> stupid indeed (or at least that's my interpretation
> in terms of computer
> source...drunk driving is another story).
> > as for fears about IP infringement, thats a
> different story
> > altogether, and a lot more justified in the
> current climate. i just
> > hope that i can take on any such challenge if it
> comes toward ardour
> > ... i intend to try.
> > 
> > --p

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sent by
Brian W. Redfern
Have a nice day :=)

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