In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>you write:
>> If the representation is OK it would be good to have a settings saving 
>> system that worked with all the apps,
>I've been thinking that it would be good to have a global settings saving
>system that allows the state of all active apps in a LAAGA environment to
>be saved as a unique session.  That way a user could save the entire
>current setup, and restore it later, with a single command.  Ardour
>supports sessions (I think) so that the state of the mixer and arranger,
>which are intimately related, can be stored and retrieved together.  If
>MIDI sequencing is to be handled by a different app then it would be nice
>to have the MIDI app's state included in the session.  Also if LAAGA
>supported sessions then ardour could possibly be split into separate
>recorder, mixer, and arranger apps.
>Without a global session LAAGA would still be useful, but it would be a bit
>of a burden if the state of each app in a complex environment had to be
>saved and restored individually.

theoretically, this is not hard to do. there is already a duplex
connection between the LAAGA server and each client, and the server
can just ask for XML to be delivered representing the state.

of course, the devil is in the details. how to identify each client
when restoring state, etc. that starts to requires the server to know
much more about clients that i tend to feel is a good idea.


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