On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:

>   the same concerns are for other types of config files, and at least if you
> use XML you have various standard tools that are better tested than
> special purpose parser

        IMHO XML parsers are no "better tested" than say, Apache's or
sendmail's config system. My experience has been that XML parsers are not
very robust nor ready for production use. You mileage may vary.

        If you don't believe me, mark up _War and Piece_ with XML. Mark up
_Principia Mathematica_ while you're at it. Make sure you have graphics,
math equations, and nested tables for good measure. Send it through any
Open Source XML, XSL, and FO tool-chain. Watch the results and contemplate
what would happen to your config file.

        Take a large, deeply nested config XML file and chop off the last
100 lines. Add some garbage in random places. (Files *do* get corrupted in
the real world.) Run it through an XML parser. Then try the same thing
using a non-XML config file system. Compare the results.

        I'm not trying to be uncivil... Just raising some concerns I have.

-- kevin at kevindumpscore dot com

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