On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Steve Harris wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:42:13AM -0500, Kevin Conder wrote:
> >     My experience has been that existing XML parsers blow up when they
> > have to deal with large files (like a 700 page users manual). I'm worried
> > about what would happen if they had to parse a large config file similar
> > in size to a sendmail.cf.
> I regularly throw around 5000-10000 node ontologies (a few meg) without
> any problems.

        Amazing! What's your secret? Which XML parser are you using? (Is
it a context-less, non-validating, SAX-type parser? Must be.) Are you
using an XSL and FO tool-chain also? Which ones are you using? Are they
Open Source?

> >     What happens if the bottom of a large config file gets chopped
> > off? Will existing XML parsers still parse an invalid XML file? What if
> > someone manually edits a file and makes it invalid?
> The XML parser will reject it. You shouldn't really manually edit XML
> files anyway, unless the editor understands XML and the DTD.

        IMHO, not being able to edit your config file with an ordinary 
text editor is a big step backwards. In the real world, files get
corrupted too. Maybe no one else shares my concerns...

-- kevin at kevindumpscore dot com

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