On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Steve Harris wrote:

> Cool. If the "chain" section does what I think it does, then this is a
> truely wonderful program.

Well, if you think what I think you are thinking about, I don't think it
does. :) But for chaining operators, you should use ecasound's presets (=
plugin networks in lad terms). They are especially useful now that I
finally got around to implement support for preset parameter descriptors.

As a small example, I just added the following to ecasound's default
preset list ({prefix}/share/ecasound/effect_presets):

oscillator_stack = -el:analogueOsc,%1,%2 -ea:%4 | \
                   -el:analogueOsc,%1,%3 -ea:%5 \
                   -pd:Stack_of_analogue_oscillators \
                   -ppn:freq,osctype1,osctype2,gain1,gain2 \
                   -ppd:200,0,0,100,100 \
                   -ppl:1,0,0,0,0 -ppu:1300,3,3,1000,1000 \

This defines a new preset (=plugin/effect) 'oscillator_stack', which has
two parallel signal chains (the '|' sign separates signal chains). Each
signal chain has one LADSPA plugin (from your swh-plugin set) and an
amplifier. The new thing is that you can now specify parameter
descriptions (-ppn), lower and upper bounds (-ppl and -ppu), set defaults
(-ppd), and toggles (-ppt, only 'integer' supported so far).

And also, unlike with older ecasound versions, it's now possible to bound
variables to multiple effect objects (like %1 is used above to control
frequency of both oscillators).

When you select 'oscillator_stack' in ecamegapedal, you get:


At the moment you need CVS-versions of both ecasound and ecamegapedal for
this to work.

PS Reasons for using standard ecasound syntax instead of xml in 
   the preset files are a) consistency (-> man ecasound(1)), and 
   b) to avoid dependency to a xml-parser library (main ecasound 
   only requires libc and libstdc++).

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