On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Steve Harris wrote:

> > I also think that there should be two or more directories in
> > $LADSPA_PRESET.  Maybe a /usr/share/ladspa/preset/,
> > /usr/local/share/ladspa/preset/, and one for the users home directory.
> > I'm not sure how that would be defined.
> I'm not sure what the semantics of /usr/share/ladspa... v's
> /usr/local/share/ladspa... are. Wouldn't it just be wether the the plugins
> where vendor supplied or 3rd party?

Yes.  I was just thinking of where DEBs and RPMs would put stuff.
Thinking some more, it would be better to just have a search path and use
that.  $LADSPA_PRESET would be good.  The actual path would change for
different distributions.


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