Haha, well that can be dangerous ;)  Seriously though it might be
better to do some reading on the crystals.  It could be potentially
harmful depending on the chip.  Let's say for instance the the voltage
is diffent on both cards, now you have an extra load on that pin.
This could cause timing problems in the card.  I mean if they are
cheap cards and you don't care, go for it :)  But being an engineer I
try and understand things a little better.  If I were doing it, I
would probably build a seperate circuit that could feed both clocks
with say a set of buffers.  This way, that extra wire load wouldn't
cause too much trouble.

And yes, PLL jitter can be bad, although with the current PLLs I am
seeing in the latest chips I am working on, they are pretty damn good
now.  What I wonder though is the jitter of the PCI bus.


Tuesday, November 13, 2001, you wrote:

i> hmm.... good point....
i> i guess the trouble with connecting soundcards is that we wont really 
i> know what happens until we've tried....
i> it might be worth the experiment though ;)

i> cheers,

i> m

i> Rick wrote:

>> Hmmm, my thoughts on this would be that isn't the crystal biased?  If
>> you connect them together you are going to affect the biasing.  What you
>> want to do is sync them, but if you think about it, I don't see that
>> happening.  If the crystals oscilate, you are going to get current
>> flowing across the wire in both directions based on the phase
>> difference, jitter and drift, and its going to cause distortion in the
>> signal, but not change the phase to be in sync.  I could be wrong though
>> :) If so, let me know :)
>> Rick

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