>This raises a question.  Now that desktop computers can contain 2 GB of
>ram, has the window of opportunity closed for this technology?  It might
>be easiest to flow around this rock.

this is a very important point.

however, people with only 128 or 256 or 512MB of RAM won't find much
comfort from it when they are unable to use the GigaPiano samples, for
example. i think that telling people they need 2GB (or even 1GB) or
RAM to get decent sampler performance isn't really very friendly, or

as i said, unix-like operating systems have done disk readahead for almost
as long as unix-like operating systems have existed (and multics
before them, i believe). we cannot allow nemesys/conexant to steal
this technology by pretending it was invented explicitly for audio. if
the USPTO doesn't understand this (and they probably {d,w}on't), then
we need to harness the power of the OS to circumvent the patent.


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