Marek Peteraj writes:
 > > as i said, unix-like operating systems have done disk readahead for almost
 > > as long as unix-like operating systems have existed (and multics
 > > before them, i believe). we cannot allow nemesys/conexant to steal
 > > this technology by pretending it was invented explicitly for audio. if
 > > the USPTO doesn't understand this (and they probably {d,w}on't), 
 > Why not?
 > They should..(?) Or there's lots of $$$$$$$ floating around...

IANAL, but as near as I can tell the USPTO has almost completely given
up on their responsibility to actually evaluate patents before
granting them.  The philosophy seems to be that they'll let anything
go through, and if somebody doesn't like it let the courts sort it out.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University
Southwestern NM Regional Science and Engr Fair:

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