Sebastien Metrot writes:

 > Halion does use the smae technology BUT steinberg have shown that they have
 > been using an equivalent algorithm before the patent have actually been
 > granted to Nemesys. "Where?" will you ask? Well, in cubase of course! Every
 > audio sequencer I know of have to do read ahead of audio data if they want
 > to be useable! So for exemple if Paul have been using an equivalent scheme
 > in Ardour I believe he has the right to create a sampler using this
 > algorithm without any problem.

IANAL (as always) but my understanding is that any use -- even use
before the *filing* of the patent -- becomes subject to royalties when
the patent is granted.  Of course, if you used the idea before the
patent-holder came up with the idea, that would invalidate the patent.

It's my understanding that under US patent law, the ``race to the
patent office'' to determine precedence doesn't really happen -- who
wins is based on who can document having had the idea first,
regardless of who files first.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University
Southwestern NM Regional Science and Engr Fair:

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