Dave Phillips wrote:

>That's starting to look like my best option. However, I did decide to
>build libc myself: I acquired sources from GNU and had no troubles
>building a new libc.so.6 under GC 2.95.3. However, the existing
>documentation on installation over existing systems is a bit confusing
>and/or out of date (the FAQ at GNU advises building with the latest
>2.2.x headers), so I'm now at a decisive point: Can I simply replace the
>old libs (libm, libc, libpthreads) with the new ones and expect things
>to work on reboot ? I know I'll have to replace the older include files
>for development and compiling work, but that doesn't bother as much as
>the concern for breakage on reboot. For example, I'm wondering whether
>the kernel will work okay or will it panic and die on boot ? I'm okay
>for backups and boot disks, but it would be nice to avoid a tragic

my guess is that all binaries that redhat (and possibly you) compiled
to link dynamically against libc will refuse to work after that swap
since they'll expect the object format to be 2.96's.

if /sbin/init is among those programs (and on this debian system it
is) the kernel will boot ok, but that's about it.

you'll have a lot of stuff to compile, and a boot disk to keep ready, 
if these assumptions prove true. ;)


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