My whole problem is space, in that, there isn't any.  I wish I had
some pictures of my studio to show you, but I don't.  I have managed
to fit more equipment and a nice sized vocal booth into a room than I
really should be able to.  It's fun defying physics.  So much so that
I had to buy a portable 12000 BTU air conditioner when I want to use
the studio, the equipment heats it up fairly quickly.

I am in an apartment, so structural changes are limited, hence my
vocal booth can come apart (which I would rather not do) to be moved.
The closet is VERY POORLY designed and won't provide ANY sound

The reason I am asking about the flower fan is I don't want to go
through this again.  I am okay with the HD noise and the power supply
noise, I have had them before.  What changed was when I had to buy a
high powered fan for the CPU, and it is like 5 times as loud as the
other items. It's making me insane :)


FG> About the only sure-fire way I've found is to locate the CPU in a completely
FG> different room and remote connect the keyboard/monitor/mouse to the studio.  
FG> Commericial units are available that will do this nicely using Cat 5 cable.  
FG> I've built lots of radio facilities using this approach.  The primary 
FG> drawback is cost -- a single pair of units to allow such a hookup typically 
FG> runs around $500 US.  One manufacturer that I've had good success with is 
FG> Raritan [].  There are others as well.

FG> Cheers!

FG> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
FG> |Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266   |
FG> | Director of Engineering |1901 N. Moore Street|  FAX: 1-(703)-807-2245   |
FG> |                         |Arlington, VA 22209 |  Web: HTTP://|
FG> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
FG> |  The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to hang  |
FG> |  yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.            |
FG> |                                           -- Anonymous                  |
FG> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|

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