On Tuesday 04 June 2002 00:25, Rick Burnett wrote:

> The reason I am asking about the flower fan is I don't want to go
> through this again.  I am okay with the HD noise and the power supply
> noise, I have had them before.  What changed was when I had to buy a
> high powered fan for the CPU, and it is like 5 times as loud as the
> other items. It's making me insane :)

Depending upon how intense you want to get with this, you can mount a big heat 
sink to the CPU and then use a larger fan to blow the same volume of air over 
the larger surface.  Noise induced by airflow follows an inverse-cube rule, 
so reducing the air velocity by half will give you an *eightfold* decrease in 
noise.  It's an old trick used in studio design -- that why you typically see 
oversized air ducts in such facilities.


|Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266   |
| Director of Engineering |1901 N. Moore Street|  FAX: 1-(703)-807-2245   |
|                         |Arlington, VA 22209 |  Web: HTTP://www.wava.com|
|                      When your client's hopping mad,                    |
|                      Put his picture in the ad.                         |
|                      If he still should prove refractory,               |
|                      Add a picture of his factory.                      |
|                                     -- The Advertising Agency Song      |

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