Has anyone ever thought of implementing a library for transfer of audio
across networks? The API could be similar to JACK but would allow
inter-host communication. This library would simplify the routing of
audio across networks by solving synchronization issues etc. Therefore
this RFC is closely related to the "Audio routing issues for Linux"

Background of this idea is a distributed audio system e.g. for a radio
studio where we have multiple audio interfaces and computers involved,
some doing audio processing, others generate the DAB stream. All these
devices are connected via a single network.

The problem is very similar to the inter-process audio routing, as a
network-routable audio channel is not so different from a locally
routable audio channel. There might be some additional properties:

1. The channels need a network wide unique flow number for
2. Output channels have an associated list of destination hosts.
3. Network channels can be dynamically allocated respectively requested
by the application.
4. Network channels can be dynamically removed. 

During the last year I have implemented a library that does such a thing
for a custom, synchronous network. I am thinking of porting the library
to for FireWire or maybe even Ethernet. (I am talking of low latency:
2.6ms packets, 10 ms end to end delay + I am aware that Ethernet does
not provide QoS nor synchronization)

Do you think this idea is completely out of scope here? Is there a
library that does something comparable? (CoreAudio/DirectSound)



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