Men Muheim wrote:
> Has anyone ever thought of implementing a library for transfer of audio
> across networks? The API could be similar to JACK but would allow
> inter-host communication. This library would simplify the routing of
> audio across networks by solving synchronization issues etc. Therefore
> this RFC is closely related to the "Audio routing issues for Linux"
> discussion.
> Background of this idea is a distributed audio system e.g. for a radio
> studio where we have multiple audio interfaces and computers involved,
> some doing audio processing, others generate the DAB stream. All these
> devices are connected via a single network.
> The problem is very similar to the inter-process audio routing, as a
> network-routable audio channel is not so different from a locally
> routable audio channel. There might be some additional properties:
> 1. The channels need a network wide unique flow number for
> identification.
> 2. Output channels have an associated list of destination hosts.
> 3. Network channels can be dynamically allocated respectively requested
> by the application.
> 4. Network channels can be dynamically removed. 
> During the last year I have implemented a library that does such a thing
> for a custom, synchronous network. I am thinking of porting the library
> to for FireWire or maybe even Ethernet. (I am talking of low latency:
> 2.6ms packets, 10 ms end to end delay + I am aware that Ethernet does
> not provide QoS nor synchronization)

I wondered if it would be possible to write a JACK driver (i.e.
replacement for current ALSA driver) that would stream the audio over
a network. The driver is a shared object, so it's technically possible.
I was thinking of the timing issues.

> Do you think this idea is completely out of scope here? Is there a
> library that does something comparable? (CoreAudio/DirectSound)

DirectSound does not offer that possibility.


> Regards,
> Men

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