Isn't Timidity able to load SF2 banks? Maybe that's a solution for you? If the 
soundfonts could be loaded/unloaded dynamically like in Windows API you could just 
load new soundfont bank when it's needed and unload when it's no more / not yet needed 
to save memory. If you don't like SF2 format also the DLS or DLS2 formats are 
available (you'll get specs from

IMHO it's better to build a pure MIDI tracker (for Windows I haven't yet found a 
pattern-based MIDI sequencer like the one on Ensoniq EPS/+/ASR/ESQ samplers/synths 
which I've also used live, it's simply great) and send the BANK LOAD and BANK UNLOAD 
commands from the sequencer as SYSEX data to the synth part of application.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext robbins jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 04. July 2002 4:46
> Subject: [linux-audio-dev] name a realtime wave mixing library/program
> with an API
> I am writing a sequencer application for performance use, 
> sort of like a 
> tracker but with a more flexible pattern structure. Such a 
> sequencer will 
> need to have random realtime access to banks of samples and effects.
> I've been having a devil of a time finding a library or sound 
> program to 
> provide the sample loading/playing/mixing features for this 
> project. As of 
> yet i have been smashing my head against a bunch of projects 
> that don't 
> quite allow enough pcm files to be simultaneously loaded into 
> memory and 
> mixed on demand. I really don't want to write this code 
> myself (the result 
> would not be pretty), So i am asking for suggestions of 
> programs and/or 
> libraries that i could hook up to my sequencer app to provide 
> the actual 
> sound generation.
> basically, i'm looking for a software sampler with an api, 
> but it looks like 
> i'm going to have to use a wav editor that can be abused into 
> holding lots 
> of samples (say a few hundred) "memory", you say? as much as 
> you can handle!
> here's a short history of my blundering entrance into linux sound [a 
> frustrating experience of stumbling through projects with almost no 
> documentation and then delving deep into the code only to 
> find out it's not 
> what you thought]:
> -ecasound: this was an early favorite for its full feature set, but i 
> discovered it can not load and unload wav files without a 
> discontinuity in 
> the output. so it's more for studio use.
> -RTcmix: my current fave, it has a great lineage and a 
> totally awesome 
> scheme of making instruments into libraries that can be 
> loaded and unloaded 
> on demand at runtime. unfortunately, it was created before it 
> was feasible 
> to put samples into memory. so soundfiles are treated as file 
> descriptors 
> which reside on the hard disk (i think). furthermore, the 
> treatment of 
> instruments-as-libraries does not allow instantiating and referencing 
> multiple instances of a type of instrument. RTCmix is rapidly 
> evolving and a 
> few more hacks could make it what i need.
> -EsounD: has the wav storage and accesibility but is a little 
> too rough to 
> use for performance
> -JACK: anything of this sort one ends up making will 
> eventually use JACK, 
> but JACK is for tying the sound producing modules together, 
> not for holding 
> and mixing a bunch of individual samples.
> -Open Source Audio Library (Bruce Forsberg's): seems to be 
> everything one 
> would need... but not an application. To use this one would 
> have to build a 
> separate application that uses OSAP to load/play/mix samples, 
> then interface 
> with that app. i'd like to avoid that; i figure other people 
> have done that 
> better, and i should be able to spend time making a sequencer 
> as opposed to 
> a sample-player but, hey maybe i'm all mixed up...
> -SDL: same comment as OSAP. provides api for loading and then 
> let's you 
> schedule mixing on your own.
> -PSL the Portable Sound Library project from Andrew Clausen: 
> can not locate 
> this, even on sourceforge.
> -snd: seems to me to be the best thing to look into next, unless your 
> comments steer me otherwise.
> p.s. i hope these comments don't seem negative towards the 
> projects, i am 
> really amazed by all of them. they are just not designed for 
> doing what i 
> want so i am asking for suggestions of projects that will need less 
> shoehorning to fit into the mold i described above.
> -jacob
> -
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