Well, you never know... but it is a bit Broadcast2000 deja vu on the 
licence front, isn't it?

I'm a bit concerned that the author, who may still have genuine OS 
leanings, has still failed to understand the "release early/release 
often" ethic. He seems to be doing himself out of a lot of help.


Billy Biggs wrote:

>Robert Jonsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>  Oh, and then the whole licensing thing.  Clearly the author has no
>intention of releasing this under a free license, as commercial
>reselling is denied explicitly even for this binary release.
Dr Nick Bailey                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Centre for Music Technology                 http://cmt.gla.ac.uk/
Dept of Electronics and Electrical Eng      http://www.elec.gla.ac.uk/
The University of Glasgow                   http://www.gla.ac.uk

Offical: UK Government eschews closed software and file formats:

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>From the OpenDrama team.

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