On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 01:43:54PM -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:

> Closed source was a disaster for TAON but
> seems to have worked well for RTSynth. At least BC2K saw its sources
> released under the GPL, so further development is not ruled out.

What happened to TAON?  It seems to have died and/or been eclipsed by Free projects -- 
is that accurate?  Didn't they want to release it commercially? 

>   My latest experiments are bringing me into the thought-domain of "If
> it ain't doing ALSA/Jack then it's unnecessarily limiting its utility".
> I'm very impressed with Jack's possibilities, would like to see it in
> more softsynths...

Yes, if the components were jackified, we would have a proto-Reason clone... :-)

Will Benton      | "Die richtige Methode der Philosophie wäre eigentlich 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  die: Nichts zu sagen, als was sich sagen läßt...."

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