You can use the info in the softsynth tutorial on Patrick Shirey's
quicktoots site, what you want to do is connect the vmidi driver to
iiwusynth and then use your preffered sequencer to sequence the

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Vincent Touquet wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 10:39:07AM -0700, Brian Redfern wrote:
> >Soundfonts are based on normal samples, they just give you control over
> >envelope paramters so you can use midi to control extra parameters, like
> >use velocity to alter cut off. I'm working on my own personal library
> >right now with various drum machnines and acousti instrument samples.
> :)
> Strange how names can give totally different impressions.
> It looks very useful.
> I must give it a try [use my controller box to
> alter parameters of the soundfonts, sounds like fun]
> I'll google for some & install iiwusynth.
> Thanks for the info
> regards
> vincent

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