On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 11:00:58 +0200, Miha Tom¹ič wrote:
> This is what LAD HP has to say on the topic:
> "After a long thread on LAD about the need of a disk-based real-time
> sampler, Benno has hacked up a very alpha implementation of a Then
> Unnamed Sampler to summarize the state of discussion. Eventually,
> others joined the effort and thus the EVO Project was born. Current
> version 0.0.6 has experimental support for the .GIG file format."

I spoke with Benno recently and he said he inteded to restart work on Evo
soonish (ie. when he recovers from exams etc.).

Juan Linetski(sp?) was thinking of a jack based soft sampler too, but he
wanted to start with ram hosted samples.

- Steve

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