Paul Davis wrote:

>>if you change/add tempo map entries while only half your
>>network has completed a cycle, you're in deep sh*t. i
>>found the easiest solution to be preventing this from
>>happening in the first place. 
>two words i learnt from ardour-dev: accelerando, decelarando. think
>about it ;)

david has already said this: you need to know the events
to process prior to starting a cycle. this simply holds 
true for tempo changes, too. you can design the tempo
base to ramp over time if you think you need it as well.

>>that's what a system-wide uniform time base requires.
>there is no uniform time. there are several timebases, most of which
>need to be uniform across the system, and a few of which do not.

for a plugin within the system, there's no point in caring
about those that are not, except you want it to work as a 
sync source. is this what you want?


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